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Gas cans cannot be filled
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Gas cans in Conflict cannot be filled. Tbh i had never even used them before beyond the rare fill, but i always wondered why i never say one with more then 5 liters. upon trying to fill one at a built gas station i found out why.
Tested in conflict on exp version.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Take gas canister from either vehicle or yard, attempt to fill at station, % meter does not go up nor does the tank.

Event Timeline

Yamachinu created this task.Jun 2 2024, 6:00 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jun 3 2024, 11:57 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Yamachinu.
Please provide the following info:

Game Version number:
Modded?: (Yes/No)

Not modded, current exp version
Well i attempted to test this further but i can't reliably replicate it. Testing in GM and i had no issues filling. Testing in Conflict at first i did have the issue and the can would not fill from a built fuel supply point. But after using a world gas station to fill i had no issues. Going back to the built fuel supply to see if it only applied to built compositions seemed to make the issue disappear entirely. If i find anything consistent I'll update.

Still not working on however it used to work on a prior update