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[] State inconsistency with vehicles / synchronization issues
Confirmed Internally, NormalPublic


Game Version number: experimental STABLE STABLE
Modded?: No
**Servers : Official Experimental Conflict - Full Everon servers (the EU and the US-NY ones)

Issue Description: in bold issues experienced again in []
Tons of "synchronization" issues with vehicles that happen "randomly" but usually when ppl in the same area start to interact with vehicles :

  • Boarding/disembarking/switching seat with a vehicle, stuck players (not able to get out/switch seat)
  • Boarding/disembarking/switching seat with a vehicle = state inconsistency of door (opened for some players, closed for another) (+ experienced the same as this report :
  • Boarding/disembarking/switching seat with a vehicle creates a blocked sit (occupied) despite being empty.
  • State of vehicle inventory not being the same (put an item in a vehicle, ppl don't see it, having to take it back and put it again into the vehicle inventory so ppl can see it.)
  • Dead bodies can't be removed (sometimes the action don't work/sometimes it's not even available in the list)


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  • Play on official experimental conflict server
  • Interact with ppl at the same time boarding/disembarking from vehicle, switching seat, interacting with the doors of the vehicle, interacting with the vehicle inventory
  • People will experience what is in this report description

Same happening on the server being full, or with a low population just being two ppl interacting with vehicle.

Additional Information

The only things "working" to fix the issues so far are :

  • disconnect/reconnect
  • wait a certain amount of time (dozens of seconds at least) and sometimes "everything works" again properly

Stay strong and keep pushing forward. Just mentioning this (concurrent programming?) bugs in the general chat on experimental official servers caused quite a stir, showing how challenging and significant this issue is. Your persistence and determination in tackling this major issues are truly appreciated. Remember, every bug you fix brings the game closer to perfection. You've got this !

After client crashes, for me, it's the major issue. (just my opinion)
And I'd like to point out that, like most players I encounter, I experience far more client crashes compared to the previous experimental version.

List of similar reports :

Event Timeline

Mischkov created this task.Jun 22 2024, 5:20 AM

Pic related, getting into the gunner seat at roughly the same time.

Desync is one of the biggest issues in the game for me. It's just frustrating as a player to have to constantly second guess if what I'm seeing is the same as what the server sees, or what my homie sees.
I know it's not a easy thing to track down, but it is something that players experience all the time.

Yamachinu added a comment.EditedJun 23 2024, 4:15 AM

Performance today on NY conflict exp was especially bad. Gear state was inconsistent between my whole squad. To the point where i had lost first and could only use reverse. The second my bud jumped in he could drive and shifting was fine, but when he then grabbed a command truck he would lose first and would be stuck until someone else jumped in the drivers seat. Getting back in i still did not have the ability to go forward. The laggy supply that had been fixed also appears to be back and often you will have to sit a good 10 seconds waiting for the supply in the vic, supply point, or the Command post to update to what it actually is. Getting in and out and opening doors is wildly inconsistent. lag spikes and low server frames were also creeping in and requires drivers to be extra careful. Trying to pull bodies out of vehicles is often impossible.

A few pics from tonight on NY conflict Exp. Was lucky enough to find the matching gun from the BTR that was missing, as well as it's entire contents.

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jun 24 2024, 1:42 PM
Mischkov renamed this task from [Experimental] State inconsistency with vehicles / synchronization issues to [] State inconsistency with vehicles / synchronization issues.Jun 28 2024, 11:26 PM
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)

Issues continue on
I experienced all previously reported issues except (but pretty sure it can still occur):

  • State of vehicle inventory not being the same (put an item in a vehicle, ppl don't see it, having to take it back and put it again into the vehicle inventory so ppl can see it.)//

Consistent issues ever since the patch dropped to stable. Maybe it's just me but the desync and lag is unplayable at times. This seems to have followed from the last exp patch that was released. Everything from driving, to supply, to hit reg, just feels off.
Official LA conflict Everon, 8pm PST. Just a mess to play on. Server frames and packet loss were all over the place but what i see and what my squad mates see is not the same. including some pics from tonight and last night.

BTR missing both guns

Random sighting of a heli pilot flying without a chopper.

Mischkov edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jun 30 2024, 1:12 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Jul 3 2024, 1:30 PM
Mischkov renamed this task from [] State inconsistency with vehicles / synchronization issues to [] State inconsistency with vehicles / synchronization issues.Jul 4 2024, 4:36 PM
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)
Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 12 2024, 12:11 PM
Mischkov edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Issues continue on
I experienced all previously reported issues.

Mischkov updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 22 2024, 9:21 AM

Experienced in :

  • Impossible to remove a body (actually it's my body, got sniped at the same I exited the vehicle, maybe something weird happened with the state of my character exiting the vehicle and dying at the same time). It tried every position to remove the body (all other sits from inside the vehicle, changing door state : nothing worked, I had to wait multiple minutes for the server to delete the body)

  • Totally stuck inside the BTR, unable to exit or switching sit (by the way the gunner is invisible to me despite "being" on the gunner sit and shooting when I took the screenshot). I can't even interact with the doors (i have the action available but it's not working or doing anything).

  • Door state inconsistency (having the option to open the door while it's already open in the example, but experienced the opposite too). This results often with other problems described in this report)

Mischkov renamed this task from [] State inconsistency with vehicles / synchronization issues to [] State inconsistency with vehicles / synchronization issues.Jul 22 2024, 9:36 AM
Mischkov changed Operating System from Windows 10 x64 to Windows 11 x64.