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[Suggestion] Persist load out between games in Conflict
Feedback, NormalPublic


Experimental version
No mods

It would be great if you could save your load out between games. In a session you can save your loadout to the armoury by selecting the option and holding the F key. If you die and respawn you can respawn with your saved loadout at a base with an armoury.

But if the game crashes (which it does a lot atm) you lose your loadout and have to manually setup your kit all over again.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Steps To Reproduce

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Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Thu, Jun 13, 1:56 PM
Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Feedback.
FanHe added a subscriber: FanHe.EditedThu, Jun 13, 9:10 PM

Just let us save loadouts on our client, don't list a loadout if it's not possible to build it or have it greyed out, pretty much like Virtual Arsenal loadouts worked in Arma 3, why not use the same system here? even the arsenal itself, I'm not sure why we went back to Virtual Ammobox days, takes so much longer to find whatever you need

"But if the game crashes (which it does a lot atm) you lose your loadout and have to manually setup your kit all over again."

This is really annoying. I love the auto reconnect on a crash, but the fact you lose your saved kit is just sucks.
More depth in the saved kit system would be a great QOL improvement. Having some presets or additional saved kit slots would be a huge. With supply and cost being much bigger factors to spawning, having the option to have different budget options would also be a nice change.