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[] Respawning on deployable radio into rocks, character stuck
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No

Issue Description:
By deploying a radio near/on rocks, the characters might get stuck into rocks.

Severity Major arguments
Even if it can be frustrating to spawn into rocks for the majority of scenarios/mods, usually it doesn't affect the win/lose of a game session most of the time (you can respawn elsewhere or replace the radio somewhere else to avoid this bug). But in some mods, this simply ruins the game experience, for example :

  • on some unofficial servers, the respawn feature though the game menu is disabled, and you can't simply suicide with a grenade. Result: you will be stuck forever into your rocks until a server "reset", a server admin's or gamemaster's rescue, or some other server events.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Start a gamemaster Everon local scenario
  2. Enable a playable faction (soviet in my example)
  3. Edit scenario properties : "Respawn time" = 0, "Respawn budget time" = Unlimited
  4. Place your player character (not an AI) as scout radio operator near the transmitter tower near Entre-Deux, near the big rocks
  5. Right click on your player character and press on "Play"
  6. Deploy your radio on the big rocks
  7. Respawn through game menu
  8. You will be back on gamemaster view. Press on "Respawn menu" at the top left of your screen and respawn on your radio
  9. Respawn on your deployable radio
  10. Your character will be stuck

Additional Information
  • The big rocks near Entre-Deux transmitter tower is just an example ! I got stuck into way smaller rocks in many locations on the map than in my example !
  • Sometimes even by placing the deployable radio next to a rock but still on the "ground", I had the same issue

  • I set the reproducibility to "Always" because I had 7/7 success rate to reproduce this bug for this report during my attempts. But of course if the stone/rock is small enough, you won't get stuck, and if you deploy the radio near a rock, the success rate to reproduce this issue is pseudo-random.

Event Timeline

Mischkov created this task.Aug 3 2024, 6:50 AM
Mischkov edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

As Speedwaystar shows it's a pretty well known issue. No idea when/if devs are planning on fixing it. It's not just rocks either, you can find all sorts of broken spots that will show odd behavior. Getting stuck in containers, inaccessible attics, inside of walls, even just teleported outside of buildings entirely. Most of the time it's just comedic, but there are a few spots where you can get that most players won't be able to find you and in which you can still cap a point.