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Deployed radio/“Rally point” needs to be tweaked
Feedback, NormalPublic


  1. Deployed radio/“Rally point” should be unusable, when are out of range of the connection.
  2. Deployed radio/“Rally point” should be auto destroyed, when out of respawns or the new one is placed.
  3. Deployed radio/“Rally point” should be much louder and/or have much bigger sound radius.
  4. Be able to deploy a radio/“Rally point”, only if have more than 2 members in squad, also two squad members needed within 5 meter radius to deploy a radio/rally point
  5. Give an option to deploy a radio/rally point “by hand”, precisely choosing where to drop/deploy it.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Kislyi created this task.Nov 28 2023, 4:28 AM
Kislyi updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 28 2023, 5:43 AM
Kislyi updated the task description. (Show Details)
Kislyi updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 28 2023, 5:47 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Nov 28 2023, 10:56 AM

Deployed radio/“Rally point” should be unusable, when are out of range of the connection.

private ticket

Be able to deploy a radio/“Rally point”, only if have more than 2 members in squad, also two squad members needed within 5 meter radius to deploy a radio/rally point

Good point

All around good points.
Number 2 especially would be a great QOL change. it's incredibly annoying having to micromanage the last spawn to make sure it gets picked up, often we will just change squad and get a new radio rather then waste time trying to recover something that holds no value.
Number 3 i feel is subjective. I don't have an issue finding radios and i notice the static sounds from a good distance, moving your head around makes it easy to pinpoint with some light tracking.
Point 4 I'm fine with as it promotes teamwork, but it does make it challenging to use if you don't have the numbers which can lead to frustration for smaller groups trying to do smaller actions while staying together.

ospx01 added a subscriber: ospx01.May 2 2024, 6:58 AM

i'm strictly against your 4. point/ proposal, because:

some / maybee many people prefer to play solo or alone. it is much harder to attac an enemy base alone (also against AI), so you need more often respawns than in team. Why do you want to force others to play the game like you wanted it to be played? do I force you to play the game like i want you to play?

I even search some times for empty servers to play the game alone. Same problem arise in a kinde of singleplayer - mode or if you setup a private server for you alone.

What do you do, if your teammates are dumb assholes, just teamkilling and offending you, when they see you, but in your proposal, you need them even for just setting up a simple spawn point? you will never get them kicked via vote, if they are in a team and you are a solo player.

Same problem arise, if your mates are only beginners in the game, which don't know, that you have to play together, how things work .

I see your intention and i appreciate your intension but as a lonely-wolf-player, i regret your point 4. I don't force you, to play the game in lonely wolf style so please don't force me to socialize with people, i may even don't like just o setup a stupid spawnpoint ;)

Enforcing people to do things only in the way, you wanted them to do, is never a good idea, i think.

ospx01 added a comment.May 2 2024, 8:29 AM

your 4. proposal leads to more frustration, exclude/ sideline/ discriminate people, which (have to) play alone and takes freedom of choice

I think that the current radio operating system is ok and should not be changed. The only issue is the numbers of radios you can load into vehicles. I've made a separate ticket for that.

Another thing that might help is adjusting spawning to not use your Rambo (saved) kit. It's kinda ridiculous that you can just keep sending in wave after wave of geared guys (with tons of rifle grenades and RPG's), while if the defenders are being smart they will save supply by using default kits and recovering gear from the battle.
I am also uploading a pic of a "radio group" somebody made to increase their spawns. While the positioning is terrible if I'm honest, the idea is solid.