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General feedback - Supply/Fuel
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I would like to talk about supply, fuel, and resources in general in relation to Conflict.
As we know Supply is the main resource in Conflict. With fuel being the second.
First on supply:
I like how supply is being integrated into more and more elements and systems of Conflict but i do feel that it's a little static right now. What i would like to see is less world supply overall, but more possible locations of supply. Currently stashes are the same every round and they are always full.
For example i know where in Monti to go to get consistent supply; (Industrial compound, south barn, SE Barn, The central hostel? building, and the car garage on the north side). Now if i go to another point in the map, lets use Simon's Wood. SW has no supply anywhere close by but it does have a few locations that look like they would hold supply but never do. Obviously different points are going to get more or less action but it's not exactly balanced out. Monti doesn't need 5 full locations of supply, and Simon's wood could probably use a couple closer locations (like in the barns on the way to Provins). Other points have this issue as well. i just chose two well known examples.
If we had more overall points but those points had more randomized or weighted values attached, we would not always be sure how much we could get, and we might have to look in other locations to make up the loss. Or choose to use the consistent sources like known supply lines at cost of time and risk of ambush. A second benefit is that when looking for a spawn location to hide a backpack we would have more spots to quickly deploy but might need to drop supply off in those locations if they have little to no supply themselves or search for better options.

Second point being on Fuel.
My main issue with fuel is that it's a half resource when it should be a full resource. Fuel sources while spread out all over, offer unlimited amounts. This creates zero scarcity. Now maybe iv'e been watching too many Mad Max movies recently, but i can't help but feel that fuel stations both world and built should have a value and that as players we should have to not only resupply bases with supply, but with fuel as well. Vehicles are only useful if they can turn over and get you to where you are going.
A fuel station you just built might be great for holding fuel but that doesn't mean much if it's empty or low. Maybe the fuel station down the road towards Provins has something left over, or not, or the Soviets set up a ambush because it's a well known spot. An FIA checkpoint you passed had a fuel truck and maybe that truck has enough gas to get a Huey going, or maybe a cheeky American set up C4 and is just waiting for an opportunistic player. Maybe you notice the opposing team attacked with a Humvee which you promptly shot out the engine, but notice it has a full tank to steal from and refill your BTR. Choppers would have to be grounded if you don't have the fuel to keep them in the air. Stealing Guzzolene from civie cars to keep your gas guzzling armed Humvee going etc etc etc

Proper supply lines make or break momentum. We see this in game all the time, and we see it in real life conflicts as well. I like where the devs are going with supply lines and attrition and look forward to seeing these systems expanded on.
I encourage feedback and discussion from others as well. this is mostly just thoughts i had while driving around in Experimental.

Thanks for your time.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Yamachinu created this task.Jun 5 2024, 9:39 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jun 5 2024, 11:46 AM

Dynamic supply locations that change from match to match would be awesome, especially if they were not labeled on the map but intel could be gained that would reveal there location.
Not sure if that's realistic in this game mode or not though.

I see what you are saying about fuel, but I wonder how that will perform with those additional components. Everon already has so much going on that as a game progresses server performance gets rough.