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Montignac - urgent change needed!
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded: No

Conflict Everon.
Remove Montignac from the map, make it smaller or make a key base there (purple name one).
People ruin the game by going to Montignac. They stay and fight there instead of capturing bases, building and making supply runs.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.22631, 23H2, compilation 22631.3593

Event Timeline

I agree the Monti - Entre battle is half the game for many players. I like the idea of making it a mil base or giving it some importance. I toyed with the idea of slapping the power plant where the barns are, as the power plant building would at least have more interesting cqb than the 3 story, plus it would hold value when (if?) power grid becomes a thing.
I do think it's part of a bigger issue of the south getting no action past Tower Ragina and mostly being a pve area and the same with the North to a lesser degree and both north and south have cool unique places that just don't see players ever. But i won't digress any further.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jun 24 2024, 1:37 PM
Snoke added a subscriber: Snoke.Jun 24 2024, 5:48 PM

Monti and Entre Duex are important bases to hold, so naturally fighting will be prevalent there. Whomever has control over these bases has the best chance to also take and hold Coastal base Chotain.
I watch how this plays out all the time on W.C.S Everon Server with 128 players. Creates a hot zone near the center of the map that allows for constant action.
The real issue in my opinion is the location of certain dynamically spawning main bases. I see issues with having MOB less than 500 meters from a main victory point.
Just something to keep an eye on.