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Manpack radio bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please provide the following when creating the Ticket:

Game Version number: *Exterimental build*
Modded?:*Experimental* (Yes/No)
If modded, please list the mods: N/A

Issue Description:
Manpack radios are able to be placed in areas where they cannot be dismantled, creating a unfair advantage for the opposing team.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

In specific parts of buildings a manpack radio can be dropped and deployed, unsure weather or not enemy team can pick it back up. allowing the enemy team to constantly travel to the site without being able to counter it at all as it cannot be touched by the enemy

Additional Information

Bug was spotted at two buildings, one in Montignac and the other in Entre-deux

Event Timeline

I tried to replicate the bug with a friend on the enemy team, and was unsuccessful

Can confirm i was on this server as well, it was the Everon NY server late last night PST. Unsure how or what they were doing to make it happen but if it goes into the wild like that it's fairly game breaking. Including a pic of the first radio set up on Entre. We attempted to destroy it and shoot it. Wish i had more to post about how to replicate it or details. Supply did not seem to matter, no matter how many times we killed off the squad and took over the house the second we left they would come back.

another instance was found just today june/9/24

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jun 10 2024, 11:39 AM
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 19 2024, 10:44 AM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello everyone.
We have tested this based on the provided information but we were unable to reproduce the issue.

radio bug where u cant dismantle it still happens in

steps to reproduce. (just a note: it looks like radio backpack has a feature where it will change what the first option the 'F' key does, and the radio tries to show you the option it can do, but when the bug happens a deployed radio will give you the option to "equip" instead of "dismantle" and all of a sudden there are now two radios. one on your back and the other still on the ground. oh and the one on the ground makes no noise!)

  1. put radio and a small backpack in a vehicle
  2. drive vehicle to entre deux
  3. drop radio and deploy it at entre deux
  4. forget that you brought a backpack and leave it in the car
  5. go and clear entre deux base capture it, so minutes of game go by
  6. go back to radio and, in a hurry, press 'F' as soon as you can, it will briefly flash "equip" instead of "dismantle" then you know you are in the bug! there will be two radios. one on the ground deployed and the other on your back!
  7. it doesn't hapen 100% of the time, maybe 2 in 10.