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"Enemies in the area" and base campers
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No
Server?: Literally any multiplayer server.

Issue Description: Enemies can camp around a base for a huge amount of time just to make it impossible for us to build so they can prepare for a counter offensive or just block building because of personal reasons. They do this for 30 minutes if needed - hidden in the most impossible to find location.
Incredibly annoying and frustating.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

1- Play on any multiplayer server.

Additional Information

Possible fix: Make it so that if no fight (enemies shooting inside/at the base while an enemy is in the base) for x minutes then we can build normally and the camper has to either show himself or shoot and compromise his location. Not being able to build because a dude is inside a house, inside a box 100m from the main tent does not make sense and the only option for the owners of the base is to forget about building or go for a manhunt for 30 minutes.

Event Timeline

purechaos updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 8 2024, 11:58 PM
Still nothing has been done since Apr 30 2024.
Still nothing has been done since Apr 30 2024.

This is sad. If they can't do that they will definitely not do what I'm about to share in a few moments. I guess I don't know Bohemia enough.

It's very annoying i agree, i posted in the above thread and have posted my own issues with the system. i would not go so far as to say they are not going to do something about it as i think they have some bigger and more pressing issues to work on.
Some things to help in these situations.
Work as a team to route out the enemy it's much harder to try and kill 2 or three guys than just one. Try and keep a general reference of the build circle in your head and start checking the perimeter. What are common spots you know? where would you hide if roles were reversed? Did you check the water? Did you look in the bush or just walk through it? Did you look up high? Often players will only look within their horizontal range and forget to look in towers and roofs. Do something unexpected, Drive a car around the point, try to bait him out by leaving the inner perimeter, grenade a random building or shed.
I don't think the current system is final and certainly hope destruction adds more depth to the current attack/defend meta. The cat and mouse spawn camping has been stale for awhile and i feel the devs can do much better.