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(Feature) Spawning with a custom gear timer
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No

Issue Description:
A player spawns with his 250 supplies gear to defend a base, in seconds dies, spawns again with the custom loadout and dies, repeat - this is already a truck's worth of supplies.
Give it 5 people and a base with a few thousand supplies is emptied in moments. They could clear the area and loot their previous body instead.

A timer to prevent back-to-back spawning with a custom loadout anytime on the same base could solve this.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

When defending, watch how an important base supplies is emptied in moments when there is an organized enemy attack.

Additional Information

This would give more importance to loot on the ground.
When spawning, the custom loadout is pre-selected, a player could be forced choose the loadout he wishes to spawn with to prevent an accidental costly spawn.

Event Timeline

purechaos updated the task description. (Show Details)Aug 28 2024, 10:30 PM
purechaos edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
purechaos edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
purechaos renamed this task from Spawning with a custom gear timer to (Feature) Spawning with a custom gear timer.Aug 28 2024, 10:38 PM
purechaos changed Severity from Trivial to Feature.

Yeah this is one might work itself out in the future, but i feel we still need QoL changes. Older players like to make fun of these guys. Often referred to (affectionately) as; Rambo's, Couches, Loot bugs, Free gear delivery, and other more colorful names from the old internet. You do see some of those veteran players running cost efficient kits and often if i loot someone who looks like he knows what he's doing i often take more caution compared to to the Loot kits. I also love to see a good loot bug if I'm honest. No better feeling then looting an expensive kit as a default Mobik. Getting a M60 as SU, or a RPG as US holds significant value.

I do think some things could really help from the devs that would add a little QoL.

A timer would be one solution. It's simple enough and shows players exactly what you want. But it is limiting. it does encourage players to recognize the value of their saved kit, but it sends the opposite message if you already have a very efficient kit, or even a extreme budget kit.

Having more "save slots" would be another option. This is something that is already prolific in community servers. it gives you choice and options. Pick a kit based on cost or utility. Save it to different slots and choose the most appropriate option for where you are spawning. I like this option personally, but it does encourage people to spend even more time than they already do at the armory, and that can be a frustrating experience for everyone.

Another option is having "Default Classes" as a selection. Similar to Battlefield or Squad. The difference being you always have the custom kit as well. This has the advantage of giving you a little bit of what you want to specialize in but more feature heavy than a default kit at a cost set by the devs/server owners. Advantages being it cuts down on overall supply use (in theory), gives more options to a player, doesn't require extra steps from the player, looting your custom kit requires less transfer as you will have some of the things you want already. But there is no hard limit on using Customs exclusively.

The last one i can think of is attaching rank to gear selection. This one is the most limiting. You can't overspend because you can't get everything you want from the start. Unlocking gear with rank encourages players to seek out rank, even those who would not normally care. This makes your custom kit more of a progression and prestige as players would recognize your rank by gear. Applies two forms of value/resource to gear. Devs/servers would gain control over how much "good gear" is flowing around in a match. Would not work well with the current rank progression favoring the starting phase of a game heavily. Goes against the absolute freedom players have now.

I would encourage a open discussion about the issue, i think it's something that affects the whole game and that the current system is inadequate at the very least.

All true, but rank-dependent loadouts will require a complete revamp of ranking system. ATM you rank up faster when capturing empty bases (on servers with no AIs) or killing AIs than when building and resupplying.
Building stuff and doing supply runs should make ranking up 3x faster than capturing or killing.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Sep 10 2024, 1:53 PM

@Yamachinu Interesting. I did not think about players running efficient kits and I do agree on your last one - attaching rank to gear selection (yes, with revamp of ranking system @kawalec ). Seeing a geared player that emanates prestige would be cool!