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Reconnecting loses access to deployed radio backpack
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No

Issue Description: When the game crashes and you reconnect, the group you were on can dissappear resulting in the radio backpack you had deployed gone forever as it now belongs to a ghost group.

This issue is most frequent when you are in a group alone and you crash, but it can also happen when everyone in a group crashes.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

1- Be in a group alone;
2- Deploy a radio backpack
3- Let the game crash and then reconnect. (deployed radio will be gone for you to use but still physically present)

The game crash can be that one where you automatically reconnect after 10 seconds or a full game crash.

Additional Information
My current understanding is that when your game crashes, the game comprehends that there's nobody in the group and therefore disbands it, leaving the deployed radio backpack deployed but unusable after you reconnect because the group the radio was assigned to is now gone. 
It leaves unusable entities on the map taking up server resources, it contributes to server lag.

It's so frustating when you walk for kilometers to deploy the radio backpack just for the game to crash, then you reconnect and lose access to the radio backpack, and now you have to go back to a base, use another 200 supplies, and walk back once again to deploy it. It has happened to me multiple times.

Event Timeline

purechaos created this task.Jan 1 2025, 3:36 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 3 2025, 3:18 PM
StevieB added a subscriber: StevieB.Jan 4 2025, 2:07 PM

Players automatically reconnecting back to the servers are not regaining their roles in the group

I got some footage of this bug as a 3rd party. Not only does the group lose their backpack, the pack remains in the world for the whole match. It can't be disassembled or destroyed. I spent some time hunting through Morton looking for deployed radios as US was continuing to assault. I ended up finding 4 of these packs that could not be disassembled or destroyed in different locations.

This shows just one spot. There is a second one down the treeline, a 3rd that was deployed in the Supply stash garage, and the 4th in the Barn stash. All acted the same. You could not use the prompt, shooting them did nothing, but throwing a object seemed to dislodge the pack. Checking back later showed that dislodged or not, the packs still were not getting cleaned up.