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It seems that Item stack position jumps randomly in inventory during transfer action
Awaiting internal Testing, NormalPublic


Game Version number:

Modded?: (Yes/No)

Issue Description:
Item stack position jumps in inventory during transfer action. This makes looting difficult and confusing. It seems that the item (stack) position jumps randomly.
I choose Major because it is a HMI bug AND it is very frustrating thing!


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  • Go into Game Master, create AI, create a weapons arsenal.
  • take over the AI, go as AI into the arsenal, put all your mags and HE grenades down (rest keep it)
  • take from arsenal 2x mags, then 2x HE grenades. Repeat this till all inventory of the ai is full
  • go out of the arsenal, go out of AI
  • create player and kill the former overtaken AI
  • loot AI by take mags by right click
  • observe that the position in the inventory of the item stacks will jump after two taken items (mags or HE grenades)
Additional Information

A3 had this bug, too and were fixed for some time ago.

Event Timeline

Wetzer created this task.Dec 20 2024, 3:55 PM
Wetzer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Dec 20 2024, 4:03 PM
Wetzer edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

This has been posted on before, but it's one of those small QoL issues that would be nice to not have to think about. if I'm quickly trying to take mags or rearm off a body/vehicle i suddenly pick up extra things i don't want because the item position in the inventory moves on it's own while i am looting. Why?

This has been posted on before, but it's one of those small QoL issues that would be nice to not have to think about. if I'm quickly trying to take mags or rearm off a body/vehicle i suddenly pick up extra things i don't want because the item position in the inventory moves on it's own while i am looting. Why?

In my eyes this is not only a "small QoL issue". This is a missing essential functionality of the engine itself. The presentation of items in the inventory has to be some kind of sorted to prevent it from "jumping".
And it is an inventory thing: The player interacts every session with it and in looting situations it has to be happen quickly and the player shouldn't have to fight against the interface then.

This has been posted on before, but it's one of those small QoL issues that would be nice to not have to think about. if I'm quickly trying to take mags or rearm off a body/vehicle i suddenly pick up extra things i don't want because the item position in the inventory moves on it's own while i am looting. Why?

In my eyes this is not only a "small QoL issue". This is a missing essential functionality of the engine itself. The presentation of items in the inventory has to be some kind of sorted to prevent it from "jumping".
And it is an inventory thing: The player interacts every session with it and in looting situations it has to be happen quickly and the player shouldn't have to fight against the interface then.

I agree, as a feature that interacts closely with the player it's important to fix these issues and polish the feature well

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jan 6 2025, 2:55 PM

Yes, we need this fixed.
Example of taking magazines from an Arsenal (.gif):
Taking multiple magazines fills load-bearing system to 8 magazines, fills the pants, then the t-shirt, then proceeds to fill the rest of the load-bearing system.

Also it needs to be clearer when one bagpack / clothing can or can't fit certain items or their amounts in. The volume of all items is a hidden number, what we can do to know is to drag the item to check if it fits - a "Volume exceeded" or "Size exceeded" warning appears.


  • ALICE Automatic Rifleman - can fit x3 200rnd M249 belts | ALICE Machine Gunner - can fit 2x 200rnd M249 belts -> what's the purpose of the machine gunner load-bearing system then?

  • ALICE Grenadier can only fit x1 200rnd M249 belts but it still has a lot of space left that's because it has only one bag on the back that can fit such a large magazine, but that is hidden from the player one has to physically look at the gear and guess - maybe that's intended?

Why does an entrenching tool occupy this much of my Blouse but a saline bag almost fills it?

I can fit 5 entrenching tools inside my blouse before a "weight exceeded" warning appears, but only 1 saline bag before a "volume exceeded" warning appears, isn't the entrenching tool much bigger than a saline bag? Are the entrenching tools outside of pockets, like hanging or something?

An inventory system inspired by DayZ could fix this.