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(FEATURE) Moving through bushes should be nerfed
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No

Issue Description: Running full speed through bushes is unrealistic.

I feel like bushes should give some sort of nerf when walking in them because of its concealment and cover, ambush points and camouflage capabilities.

They should be seen as an obstacle - bushes should obstruct movement, slowing down adversaries or forcing them to take alternative routes.

Also, you could make the sound of walking in them less audible and brusk and going incrementally higher as their speed increases (with scrolling up middle mouse button)

Vehicles moving through bushes sound exactly as moving through an open field, theres no sound. This should be looked at too.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

For Infantry:
1- Spawn character;
2- Run full speed & lowest speed through bushes (no movement penalty, the max distance to hear is the same and almost identical sound)

For Vehicles:
1- Spawn vehicle;
2-Drive through bushes (No sounds at all)

Additional Information

For vehicles, maybe by doing the same way as infantry by slowing it down a bit, incrementally, and also having a very audible sound (also depending on the speed) and by giving an abrupt loud noise when going at a high speed and bashing into a bush first thing, almost the same as it is now with infantry.

Event Timeline

purechaos edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 17 2024, 8:51 AM
purechaos renamed this task from Moving through bushes should be nerfed to (FEATURE) Moving through bushes should be nerfed.
purechaos updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 17 2024, 8:53 AM
purechaos edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jul 17 2024, 9:19 AM

I have posted this similar suggestion on steam. I put it here as it contains some extra suggestions (higjlighted with bold typeface):

Characters can effortlessly glide through (brushes or trees) and water.

Characters moving through thick vegetation and water should struggle and slow down.
This would be not just more immersive and authentic, but would add more tactical depth moving through terrian.

I think everything is allready in the game to implement the feature.

  • The enginge can clearly detect characters moving through brushies or trees and water as it plays the approriate sound effects.
  • The animation used for moving up steep slopes would be perfect.

Extra suggestion:
Adding movement to bushes a character is moving throug would be a welcome addition as it would give away the movement, and would make steathy appraches more difficult.
As the wind can already move the vegetation, maybe it would be not too hard to implement.

@tuskohopkinsz Good suggestions, yours should be looked at aswell, thank you for your insight.

I like the ideas of having bushes shuffle around as players move around inside. I feel like bush movement (ideally), progressive sounds, and posture are enough to balance them. Slower movement speed is reasonable but at a standing posture. Crouched movement should impact the bush less and prone has the least impact on both movement and sound.

Bushes do make enough sound to identify where a player is if you are close currently (depending on audio devices) and speed does effect that too so i don't think things need to change drastically, but bush movement would be a great idea and having posture impact your speed is great as well.

purechaos updated the task description. (Show Details)Sep 16 2024, 5:45 PM
purechaos updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 25 2024, 10:02 PM