Game Version number:
Modded: No
Voting is still anonymous and it is still used by trolls.
Game Version number:
Modded: No
Voting is still anonymous and it is still used by trolls.
Be a troll and vote-kick someone without a reason.
Yes, there is no single game that I don't see pending vote kicks. It is always there, being used by trollers for, many times, personal reasons.
This is still one of the biggest detrimental aspects of the game in Conflict. There is not a night where vote kicking is not blatantly weaponized. As of this writing i am on LA conflict Everon 22:00 PST and the entire night last been nothing but vote kicks and constant accusations and arguments. Recently I have seen some action at times where i will see longer bans and clearly something is happening but it isn't enough. The players that do this are relentless. They will continue until the server is completely disorganized or the game dies. Often changing gamer tags and gas lighting other players.
Having some extra support on this issue would be greatly appreciated, as it's something we the players are experiencing continuously.
Looking at the search for threads with "Vote kick" it's pretty clear this is deserving of some attention.