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Multiplayer Spawning Group Hop bug
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Game Version number:
Modded?: No
Issue Description: Being randomly assigned to other squads when spawning. Happens frequently (~50% chance) and to everybody.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Updated: 03/07/2024

1- Join multiplayer server;
2- Join, or create squad;
3- Respawn;
4- Spawn on a base/radio backpack/Mobile truck HQ

You'll be on some other squad, after spawning (~50% chance).
Happens to all players therefore they will leave and join multiple squads frequently.

Screenshots of people, after spawning, leaving and entering my squad, not willingly:

Looks like the group hop only happens when you spawn (after you die). If you don't die, therefore not needing to spawn, you don't hop groups.
It happens on the precise moment you spawn in with your character and it seems like there is a 50% chance of it happening as you can see on the video below of me testing:

Youtube link of the same video
The above video was tested on an official server: "[OFFICIAL] Conflict Full - 15404242 (EU-FFM)" ~40 players

Additional Information

This causes:

  1. Inconsistent Squads: It’s currently impossible to create consistent squads.
  2. Useless Radio Backpacks: Players can’t spawn on their deployed radio backpacks due to random squad changes. While you can switch back to your original squad, this process is cumbersome and often results in lost radios due to your squad, after you are hopped to another one, having no players thus being removed.
  3. Lack of Squad Communication: Without effective team communication, the game becomes a solitary experience, devoid of teamwork.
  4. Persistent Private Squad Joining Bug: The bug that allowed people to join private squads before still seems to be present.

I suppose that there is some code that manifests itself on the process of spawning, and it causes this bug. This is a major bug and it should be a quick hotfix. It has to be patched as soon as possible.

Event Timeline

can confirmed, people are just tossed around squads

Makes the game unplayable to be honest. Needs patch ASAP

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Jun 27 2024, 9:55 AM

on what server this bug occurred ? official ? private ? if private how many players ?

By playing on any OFFICIAL conflict FULL Everon (was already happening on last stable version + last 2 experimental version at least) :

  • Create a squad (you become team leader), then die. On respawn your squad group will disappear and will be automatically assigned to another team "randomly" (doesn't work 100%)
  • Create a private squad (you become team leader). Whenever a player from another squad die (he might bypass the private status of your squad and become member of it).

Just joined an OFFICIAL full conflict Everon server and created a private squad and started respawning. On second respawn, my squad disappeared and I've been assigned to another squad.

on what server this bug occurred ? official ? private ? if private how many players ?

Private, around 90-128 players

Such thing did not happen before. What did happen was people joining your private squad.

This was on an official server, multiple atlas red 1's.. due to random group hop

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Confirmed Internally.Jun 28 2024, 3:29 PM

Game is unplayable with this bug.

Mischkov added a comment.EditedJun 30 2024, 5:24 AM

Weird things happening with that :

  • ppl join your private team without invite..., and you can't even get rid of them without creating a new squad from scratch...
  • you die, you automatically leave your squad and joins another one automatically = if you're alone your squad disappears + deployed radio access....
  • you die, you automatically leave your squad and joins another one automatically = you talking for minutes before realizing you've been switched to another squad...
  • you're the squad leader, you die, even if you join again your squad, you're not the squad leader anymore... (by the way only the squad leader can recruits so far AIs and gives orders to AIs..., and I don't even know what happen to AIs in that case)


Cultti added a subscriber: Cultti.EditedJun 30 2024, 9:44 AM

Yesterday we did witness people was placed in different factions squad. This might be related to that we had 3 factions: US, USSR an FIA. FIA was friendly with US and USSR factions but US and USSR wasn't friendly with each others.

People were placed randomly in all 3 factions. Mostly they swapped between US and USSR but maybe 2 or 3 cases out of 30 they were placed in FIA. FIA had only one squad with one player in it.

Snoke added a subscriber: Snoke.Jun 30 2024, 11:52 AM
Atomos added a subscriber: Atomos.Jul 1 2024, 10:36 PM
purechaos added a comment.EditedJul 2 2024, 11:35 PM

This issue has persisted since the 26th of last month, and addressing it should be your top priority. In fact, it warrants a dedicated hotfix just to fix this critical problem.

The issue significantly impacts one of the cores of gameplay, particularly teamwork:

Inconsistent Squads: It’s currently impossible to create consistent squads.
Useless Radio Backpacks: Players can’t spawn on their deployed radio backpacks due to random squad changes. While you can switch back to your original squad, this process is cumbersome and often results in lost radios due to your squad, after you are hopped to another one, having no players thus being removed.
Lack of Squad Communication: Without effective team communication, the game becomes a solitary experience, devoid of teamwork.
Persistent Squad Joining Bug: The bug that allowed people to join private squads before still seems to be present.

This update’s major flaw—the buggy squad system—has led to reduced communication, less teamwork, and rendered radio backpacks ineffective. As a result, players often resort to spawning multiple vehicles after death, leading to supply losses.

If I had purchased this game during this Steam sale, I would definitely seek a refund. It’s likely that many other recent players are doing it and future ones will do it aswell.

Please, fix it.

Last update dont fix this issue.
It's the same as previous.

purechaos renamed this task from Multiplayer Groups bug | New 1.2 Update to Multiplayer Groups Random Hop bug.Jul 3 2024, 6:48 PM
purechaos edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)

We might have found where this issue manifests itself, I updated the bug report.

purechaos edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 3 2024, 7:07 PM
purechaos updated the task description. (Show Details)Jul 3 2024, 8:00 PM
purechaos changed Reproducibility from Random to Always.
purechaos edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
purechaos edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
purechaos changed Category from General to Multiplayer.
purechaos edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 3 2024, 8:04 PM
purechaos edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Jul 3 2024, 8:11 PM
purechaos renamed this task from Multiplayer Groups Random Hop bug to Multiplayer Spawning Group Hop bug.Jul 3 2024, 8:13 PM

I believe this might be fixed finally. I had no issues staying in a squad at all today. I actually saw radios up and people using them.
Anybody else still getting it?

I believe this might be fixed finally. I had no issues staying in a squad at all today. I actually saw radios up and people using them.
Anybody else still getting it?

I still have the problem with my solitary groups, when I die I appear in another group among those that are already created, it's shit a truth.

HER0 added a comment.Dec 30 2024, 1:16 AM

Yeah, pretty sure this has been fixed for a while.

PR9INICHEK added a subscriber: Geez.Jan 8 2025, 2:53 PM

@Geez Everything has already been fixed here.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 8 2025, 2:59 PM
Geez claimed this task.