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- User Since
- Dec 14 2013, 12:22 AM (585 w, 4 d)
Dec 16 2024
Ah OK. Remarks remain the same, just in case a dev can do something useful here.
sideEnemy is not a "basic" side (we can't create center or join a group with that) but it's weird a player as renegade stays in his original group.
Hey headydone
Not sure Razazel will answer. All you mentioned above came from my own remarks. Sorry if you feel disappointed, but no dev did anything for that since... 2016.
Nov 15 2024
Jul 11 2024
Still assigned to None....
Dec 28 2023
This feature request is not for chat but radio. Actually, the voice radio is just filtered by channel, without consideration about range, jamming, ground masks... You can't scan, point at direction, reveal radio emitters.
The reason why EH or MEH could enable some scripts when AIs/players use their radio.
- if leader player is separate from his group/ other players by a hill, radio can be blocked or dimmed, (except if backpack is a radio but this can be scripted in EH code);
- if an AI/player emits within a short distance from enemy, reveal it to enemy;
- find azimuth of emitting unit;
- script radio volume for what you want...
Dec 26 2023
Aug 17 2023
No this occurred (twice at least) on native mission (Canisy or Quibou Dangy one), just playing without any mod other than the DLC, on hosted LAN sever, one player only.
I guess you have something for performance optimization with your own simulation switch tool. This (these) unit(s) should be animated or hidden, or not spawned. Something like that.
Aug 5 2023
Jan 5 2023
Jan 4 2023
Any news about that?
Dec 27 2022
In Diag_captureSlowFrame:
**biki warns: "Only available in Diagnostic/Profiling branch(es)."
Dec 26 2022
Dec 23 2022
Dec 21 2022
I think this issue is due to lag in 3den due to too many running scripts. So the config viewer can't open and a zero divisor occurs by some lost variables.
Nov 23 2022
No interest?
Nov 14 2022
Nov 9 2022
Seems to be the case also for :
13:46:49 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.US85_38x_M151'.
Oct 23 2022
Aug 25 2022
Tested with "any member of the group" :
All mission.sqm (pboed or not) have an emptyDetector (trigger) set with :
and a link (of course) type = "TriggerOwner"; between items referring of the group and the trigger. Fine!
Aug 10 2022
Jul 21 2022
Jul 20 2022
Jul 15 2022
This bug is not corrected.
This command is still broken. See KK's comment (2013!)
Apr 8 2022
Ok, seems to impact also mods and DLCs.
Apr 7 2022
This bug seems to be specific to Vanilla 8 unit weapons squads (BLU,RED,GREEN). I tested with 8 unit recon squads or Western Sahara 8 unit squad and I didn't see that.
Oct 7 2021
Yes. That's what reproducibility: "always" means. It takes 1 min (but 2 PC or sessions) for testing with 2 players.
Oct 4 2021
Jun 15 2021
Yes, it's the contrary!
It's easy to notice that keyboard action (up/down nose, any binding) has not the same efficiency than joystick.
Perhaps the rolling actions garble the demonstration, on the video, for a same displacement climb/dive of the simulated stick (display: I know it's just a proof that player is actuating the command), the joystick is far more efficient (climb dive rate)
And I can add that's also true for the poor efficiency of the mouse (again for pitch/roll).... At the point I bound a key for immediate "pitch up full simulated stick", avoiding crash in recovery maneuver.
Jun 2 2021
Just for info, this issue concerns also triggers. (preset BLUFOR present and HQ entity in area >> HQ is in thisList).
May 18 2021
Well... I know setUnitLoadout is AG EG but you should avoid running (allPlayers #0) setUnitLoadout (getUnitLoadout allPlayers #0). I'm not sure it's fine from server due to sync.
Could you test something more "classic" like:
private _loadout = getUnitLoadout bob;
bob setUnitLoadOut _loadout;
(bob is the variable name of the player in editor you want to play).
Sorry not very helpful.
May 17 2021
At least, surrender the booty (the FAK) when failed.
Did you test SimulationEnabled (_unit) ? Dynamic or not, the result is OK.
Assigned to None (as many things). So, super Dev None is on it. Without None, I can't imagine what feedback could be!
That's because the save system (general Arma) doesn't save all display/ ui event handlers (and perhaps some other ones but for sure the display/ui ones). If the author didn't take that into account, you can't do anything. Personally, if my scenarios/addons work with key bindings, I add an EH "loaded" (post-init) for re-running these forgottent EHs.
@HashCode How? What is your problem and reproducible test? I'm on it for a script right now, and I don't notice problem.
Apr 28 2021
Unsolved issue... and probably will never be. And undocumented on BIKI.
Apr 17 2021
Mar 29 2021
Mar 14 2021
Feb 27 2021
Stil in 2.02
Nov 16 2020
Confirmed in arma vanilla.
I placed a Mora at Stratis: [2594.48,5482.89,-0.0391083] (copied from 3den)
Then shot with B_soldier_AT_F player (missile on visual target). The destroyed mora flies high into the air.
Sep 10 2020
So, could you just focus on the request for new command? There no mean to return a rope segments. Nothing to repro. It's just non-existing.
Sep 8 2020
It's first of all, a feature request for a new command. There is no command or function returning the segments (objects) of a rope.
Sep 6 2020
Jul 21 2020
This issue was assigned to Japapatramtara ... whom last post dates on May 10th 2016.
Jun 30 2020
Confirmed. The door animations of this plane are not available for script. If you get in while an AI is driver, the doors are not closed and you fly with open doors.
If you want to make the door closed, you need to moveInAny , so the "get in" code is not run.
Jun 5 2020
Apr 30 2020
Dec 21 2019
Nov 11 2019
Assigned to none. This "guy" is the greatest worker at BI. Not very efficient, but so busy. Permanent employee of the month.
Apr 27 2019
The solution is known. Instead of a "server only" module trying to execute some weird EG (effect global) commands, it could be far more efficient to run a script locally, at least for destruction which is not supposed to evolve during game. the module must be global.
See the workaround here for destroyed building.
Assigned to "none" during 2 years, when you provided the solution is just .... ridiculous!
Apr 26 2019
Apr 11 2019
Apart: You should definitely say what is your mission game, give a link or upload a scenario.... This way, people will not treat you as kid and perhaps will focus on the best parts of description:
Apr 7 2019
Confirmed. Needs some "refresh" to make it work.
Apr 5 2019
No news about that?
Mar 15 2019
Sure! boring in excess!
Feb 22 2019
Not assigned means no hope.
Feb 19 2019
It's a deeper bug. see my last post in this topic:
Nov 26 2018
It's a pity, this issue remains not assigned after all this time!
Not fixed, this can occur sometimes.
Nov 25 2018
Nov 14 2018
This bug disappeared months ago, then reappear... I didn't change anything on my PC. Launching Arma and 3den for existing scenario (any working scenario), Arma crashes when alt tabbing to other windows apps.
This seems to occur (especially?) using sublime text 2 (Poseidon sqf editor). But I can't affirm if this is related to binarization of mission.sqm, or any sqf modification, or if it's unrelated at all to script editing. Seems to me, just ALT TABbing crashes from time to time and more surely when modifying something in 3den without any delay.
Nov 5 2018
The number you've dialed is out of service.
(assigned: none)
Perhaps some basic problem to be solved before... units falling into unconsciousness while playing an animation such healing (self or other unit), seems to be forced to continue/redo this animation after the unconscious state...
Wanted oblivion.
Oct 15 2018
Some news. The consequences of the unconscious state of the marksman, described above, could be a facet of a deeper issue:
Sep 7 2018
Sep 3 2018
Probably an initialization sequence where 0 == 0
Jun 26 2018
Added comment:
To reproduce that (2 minutes in vanilla Arma, launching included!), you just need to set unconsious **the marksman** (unit 4) in the squad of 8 (vanilla infantry blue weapon squad).
Don't ask me why this specific unit... probably a sub-leader (team leader) but this impacts the whole group!
Jun 18 2018
+1 upvoted
May 13 2018
May 11 2018
BI, could you:
- add a check for the kind of unit (so its behavior). Something avoiding the undefined variable as intended in the script (engine).
- or, make "civilianPresence..." type of unit non-spawnable or non-simulated. This unit is too "similar" to normal unit (scope 2) for its behavior.
Found the error. It occurs when spawning:
Apr 7 2018
Mar 30 2018
I don't have so much space to play dev branch and current released version (1.80). But perhaps some player/dev can do that. Anyway, the problem is easy to reproduce in 1.80. For more info, I just used a weapon squad (BI standard group) and placed a radio trigger to kill or Set unconscious the 3 following AIs: grenadier, marksman, AT specialist.
If you test with set unconscious these 3 AIs, the problem is obvious, giving orders to remaining units.
If you test with setDamage then don't forget to add a respawn time (that works for playable AIs also), the problem occurring while the 3 AIs are in respawn-dead status and disappear as soon as they respawn.
Mar 20 2018
I seems to me there is no more problem since windows or nvidia last update (I can't say).
Mar 17 2018
Mar 9 2018
Nothing new under the sun...
Feb 12 2018
In my case, I disabled the in-game overlay of NVIDIA GEFORCE experience. No more crash since then. 100% crash before, just striking a CTRL or ALT key just after the pop-up overlay. (For Arma or Squad as well).
Feb 9 2018
That could be done with an extra button, save as... opening a list of units like in 3den, so you could choose blufor "engineer". and recover this loadout in your saved configs.
Thanks, btw you are also creating game logics each time you open Arsenal (didn't test recently). This could be fine to clean up that on arsenal closing (if not yet done).