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Bis_fnc_reviveOnState doesn't work as intended (status 2 & 3)
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The bis_fnc_reviveOnState is weird for status #2 (incapacitated state) and broken for status #3 (death state).

States are defined like this (inside function):

		#define STATE_RESPAWNED		   0
		#define STATE_REVIVED              1
		#define STATE_DEAD		   3

First of all, playing in SP or MP without respawn settings, gives multiple errors with status #2 . No interest for status 0,1 & 3 but some weir behaviors with player

Errors are:

12:44:04 Error in expression <
bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectAdjust [0];
{_x ppEffectCommit 0; _x ppEffectEnable t>
12:44:04   Error position: <_x ppEffectCommit 0; _x ppEffectEnable t>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 51
12:44:04 Error in expression <
bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectAdjust [0];
{_x ppEffectCommit 0; _x ppEffectEnable t>
12:44:04   Error position: <_x ppEffectCommit 0; _x ppEffectEnable t>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 51
12:44:04 Error in expression <
bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectAdjust [0];
{_x ppEffectCommit 0; _x ppEffectEnable t>
12:44:04   Error position: <_x ppEffectCommit 0; _x ppEffectEnable t>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 51
12:44:04 Error in expression <_timeStart = time;
private _timeTotal = bis_revive_bleedOutDuration;
private _bl>
12:44:04   Error position: <bis_revive_bleedOutDuration;
private _bl>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_bleedoutduration
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 40
12:44:04 Error in expression <
_unit setVariable [				"#rev_bleed", _bleed];

_unit != player || {_blood>
12:44:04   Error position: <_bleed];

_unit != player || {_blood>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _bleed
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 80
12:44:04 Error in expression <age",0];
_bleed = (time - _timeStart) / _timeTotal;

if (eyePos _unit select 2 >
12:44:04   Error position: <_timeTotal;

if (eyePos _unit select 2 >
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _timetotal
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 61
12:44:04 Error in expression <bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectAdjust [0];

{_x ppEffectCommit 1} forEach [bis_revive>
12:44:04   Error position: <_x ppEffectCommit 1} forEach [bis_revive>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 107
12:44:04 Error in expression <bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectAdjust [0];

{_x ppEffectCommit 1} forEach [bis_revive>
12:44:04   Error position: <_x ppEffectCommit 1} forEach [bis_revive>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 107
12:44:04 Error in expression <bis_revive_ppBlur ppEffectAdjust [0];

{_x ppEffectCommit 1} forEach [bis_revive>
12:44:04   Error position: <_x ppEffectCommit 1} forEach [bis_revive>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 107
12:44:04 Error in expression <n = 				11;

_unit setDamage 1;

bis_revive_ppColor ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0>
12:44:04   Error position: <bis_revive_ppColor ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0>
12:44:04   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_ppcolor
12:44:04 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 103
12:44:05 Error in expression <ve_ppVig, bis_revive_ppBlur];
sleep 1;
{_x ppEffectEnable false} forEach [bis_re>
12:44:05   Error position: <_x ppEffectEnable false} forEach [bis_re>
12:44:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:05 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 109
12:44:05 Error in expression <ve_ppVig, bis_revive_ppBlur];
sleep 1;
{_x ppEffectEnable false} forEach [bis_re>
12:44:05   Error position: <_x ppEffectEnable false} forEach [bis_re>
12:44:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:05 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 109
12:44:05 Error in expression <ve_ppVig, bis_revive_ppBlur];
sleep 1;
{_x ppEffectEnable false} forEach [bis_re>
12:44:05   Error position: <_x ppEffectEnable false} forEach [bis_re>
12:44:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: _x
12:44:05 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 109
12:44:05 Error in expression <p 1;
{_x ppEffectEnable false} forEach [bis_revive_ppColor, bis_revive_ppVig, bi>
12:44:05   Error position: <bis_revive_ppColor, bis_revive_ppVig, bi>
12:44:05   Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_revive_ppcolor
12:44:05 File a3\functions_f_mp_mark\revive\fn_reviveBleedOut.sqf..., line 109

probably due to undefined variables in BIS_fnc_reviveBleedout.

Now, in MP session, with MP respawn / revive settings:

  • If you apply ["#rev",2,aUnit] call BIS_fnc_reviveOnState ; on aUnit (or cursorObject or any unit you call), there is no error, but all ppEffects apply shortly on player . That's weird because you're not supposed to be incapacitated! The unit falls unconscious. That's a good point.
  • if you apply ["#rev",3,aUnit] call BIS_fnc_reviveOnState ; Nothing happens at all.

PLEASE, add conditions for exiting before errors (on multiplayer and respawn enabled), skip the ppEffects when the unit is not the player, make status #3 operational (should kill the unit).


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Place a group (vanilla arma)
run preview
run something like:
["#rev",2,cursorObject] call BIS_fnc_reviveOnState
in SP preview
in MP peview
play also the 3 other status available in these sessions.

Event Timeline

PiepMGI created this task.Dec 23 2022, 1:51 PM
PiepMGI updated the task description. (Show Details)