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setUnitLoadout command entities creation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


A lot of entities are created when using the setUnitLoadout command.
Reproducibility in MP/SP.

Game version: 1.76.143187
Branch: main


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Conditions :
-Have a Vest , Uniform or Backpack equipped.

Step 1 :
Run this command (i ran it 1000 times).

player setUnitLoadout (getUnitLoadout player);

Step 2 :
Log entities on the map with this command


Step 3 :
Go to the report folder (Appdata/local/arma 3)

Inside the file you see that like 10000 entities have been created locally at point [0,0,0]
On dedicated server , it decreases a lot the server/client performances : our server crashed a lot of times since we use this command and the players are experiencing heavy framerates drop.

Additional Information

Here's the copy of my logEntities after i followed the same steps :

Event Timeline

AmauryD created this task.Nov 29 2017, 3:43 PM
AmauryD edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 29 2017, 3:49 PM
AmauryD updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 29 2017, 10:01 PM
Wulf changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Nov 30 2017, 5:50 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.


Thank you for the report we will have a look at it.

This cause massive performance issue in multiplayer.
Fix plz

It appears to happen more often when the frame rate is lower.

Wulf added a comment.Feb 5 2018, 2:58 PM

This should be fixed with the next proper update.

reekoj added a subscriber: reekoj.Feb 8 2018, 9:15 AM
PiepMGI added a subscriber: PiepMGI.Feb 9 2018, 6:02 PM

Thanks, btw you are also creating game logics each time you open Arsenal (didn't test recently). This could be fine to clean up that on arsenal closing (if not yet done).

Sparker added a subscriber: Sparker.May 7 2019, 6:34 PM

Is it fixed?I tried to reproduce it and it doesn't seem to spam the log files with thousands of entities so it seems to be repaired, but the issue if open.

Wulf closed this task as Resolved.May 13 2019, 12:17 PM
Wulf claimed this task.
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