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Some classes issue in version 1.1
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As part of .rpt:

9:43:36 Item STR_DN_AFMC_M923a1cg listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_afmc_cfg\stringtable.csv
9:43:36 Item STR_DN_CSLA_CIV_V3S listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_civ_cfg\stringtable.csv
9:43:36 Item STR_DNS_CSLA_CIV_V3S listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_civ_cfg\stringtable.csv
9:43:36 Unexpected stringtable format inside <Text ID="STR_CSLA_fm_drag_dn"><English>
9:43:36 Unsupported language English in stringtable
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_fm\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_CSLA_WLMEDI_AUTOR listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_warlords_ext.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_CSLA_WLMEDI_VERZIA listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_warlords_ext.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_CSLA_WLMEDI_KONTAKT listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_warlords_ext.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_CSLA_WLMEDI_WEB listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_warlords_ext.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_LUKI_CLEAN_COMM_DESCRIPTION listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_cleaning_co20.stozec\stringtable.csv
9:43:36 Item STR_LUKI_CLEAN_MRKNAME_TRUCKS listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_cleaning_co20.stozec\stringtable.csv
9:43:36 Item STR_LUKI_CPW_AUTOR listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_combatpatrol_co10.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_LUKI_CPW_VERZIA listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_combatpatrol_co10.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_LUKI_CPW_KONTAKT listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_combatpatrol_co10.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_LUKI_CPW_WEB listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_mp_missions\csla_combatpatrol_co10.stozec\stringtable.xml
9:43:36 Item STR_DN_US85_M923a1cg listed twice
9:43:36 ➥ Context: csla_us85_cfg\stringtable.csv

9:44:00 Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'US85_MH60M134'
9:44:00 Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitTurret' in 'US85_M113'
9:44:00 Duplicate HitPoint name 'HitGun' in 'US85_M113'

And last but not least:
Item117.type: Vehicle class CSLA_Pi82_wh no longer exists

(probably not exhaustive)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Additional Information

Problem of backward compatibility for classes in last update (1.1 of Nov. 8th.)

Event Timeline

PiepMGI created this task.Nov 9 2022, 9:56 AM
PiepMGI added a comment.EditedNov 9 2022, 1:52 PM

Seems to be the case also for :
13:46:49 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.US85_38x_M151'.

Please DO NOT REMOVE old classes. Modify them, make them scope = 0, but don't delete them! That ruins all previous scenarii using them.

Lukyy changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Nov 12 2022, 11:58 AM
Lukyy added a subscriber: Lukyy.

Thank you for the report, we'll look into it.

This comment was removed by LouMontana.
This comment was removed by LouMontana.
Lukyy closed this task as Resolved.Sat, Feb 15, 10:31 AM
Lukyy claimed this task.