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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 8:47 PM (626 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Waypoints on logic entities are discontinued in the Eden Editor.
Intended state, scripts are supposed to run in Eden workspace, it's like any other mission.
If you don't want scripts to run, make sure to use is3DEN condition.
Civilian version should no longer have sirens.
Numeric values were accidentally saved as integers, not floats. Should be fixed in the next update.
Should be fixed in the next update.
Note: Not limited to Eden search fields - none of input fields in the game support this.
Could you please let us know which RHS vehicles are suffering from this?
When I check the mod, I can't find any vehicle which would appear only under empty side.
While crewed vehicles are neatly sorted by factions, their empty variants are all in one long (and messy) category, because faction filtering is missing there. Isn't it possible you're confused by this? This is actually one of the reasons why we decided to to list empty vehicles separately in the Eden Editor.
Isn't it because you tried it in the editor? Because missionNamespace functions can be recompiled freely there for debugging purposes.
It is mentioned there:
As a security measure, functions are by default protected against rewriting during the mission. This restriction does not apply in missions previewed from the editor...
But it probably deserves more attention, I'll find a way how to highlight it.
Duplicate of #26543
Duplicate of #26543
Duplicate of #26543
Duplicate of #26572
min,avg. and max score
This feature has been discontinued in Arma 3, you can notice it's no longer in the debriefing.
all settings which are relevent for respawn(vehicles and units)
It's already there, in Multiplayer section.
garbage collector (wrecks and corpse)
It's already there, in Garbage Collection section
all revive settings
Revive system is still under development. When it's finished, we'll add its attributes to the editor as well.
It's already there, in Multiplayer section.
disable channels
This one is planned, but because it's an advanced setting, it's not a priority at this moment.
join unassigned
It's already there, in Multiplayer section.
force advanced flight model
It's already there, in Scenario section.
task system settings
Which settings do you mean?
enable team switch
It's already there, in Multiplayer section.
show group indicator
Group indicate is merely a proof of concept, and we don't it to be accessible yet.
One of the recent patches added a navigation widget displayed in bottom left corner. It shows global XYZ coordinates, where X points to East, Y to North and Z up. I hope it helps.
Nevermind, found it in #26287, can reproduce it now.
Could you please provide the addon, so we can check what's wrong?
Duplicate of #26289
Duplicate of #26104
Could you please mention some objects which are affected?
Should be fixed now.
Hi, thanks for your report, but please post it in English next time. Even broken English is better than none ;)
Translation: Grenades don't have sounds in Steam dev. Unrelated to Eden, happens eveywhere.
Duplicate of #25744.
Duplicate of #26104
I'm unable to reproduce this. What does "Create mission" mean in your description? Just staring a new scenario without adding any entities? Or should there be anything specific present?
Cannot reproduce. I placed a Hunter on Stratis near Mike-26, gave him waypoint to Agia Marina, and it followed roads without problems.
Could you please attach a scenario where it happens?
I understand that right now, when all objects are withing single "Other" category, it may appear pointless. But we're planning object revision which will result in better object categorization, and having two tiers of categories is crucial for it.
When you hover What's more, when you hover an item, the tooltip shows its full name.
Closing here, the current state is intended.
Excerpt from ingame tutorial "Switching from 2D Editor":
The discontinued features are:
- 'Special' object attribute:
- 'Flying' is set by increasing altitude.
- 'Formation' is available in the context menu.
- 'In Cargo' is achieved by moving characters to vehicles directly.
Could you please attach your 2D editor mission? In my test mission, the import correctly reads FLYING state and moves the vehicle in the air.
ATL (Above Terrain Level) camera mode was present in Zeus, and based on that experience, we decided not to use it. It's unpredictable and uncomfortable in most of situations. As a matter of fact, we're planning to introduce ASL (Above Sea Level) camera mode from Eden back to Zeus at some point.
Closing here, it's not a bug. We may allow switching to ATL mode in editor preferences once they're implemented though.
Do you mean the camera should maintain constant altitude above terrain, instead of flying straight (i.e., maintaining altitude above sea level)?
I'm unable to reproduce it. Could you please provide more info?
- Where were you testing it? Random town at average height is rather generic description.
- Are you controlling camera by WASD, or by mousewheel?
- How will the camera be reset?
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update.
Now it should be really fixed in the next branch.
I'm unable to reproduce it. Could you please mention which direction and area size the marker / trigger has?
Which map are you loading? Or does it happen on all terrains?
Description.ext is currently not loaded while in Eden Workspace at all. We're planning to add it with general implementation of description.ext into the editor.
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update
Duplicate of #25847
IDs were discontinued. They are unreliable, because when terrain is updated, they often change and can break missions.
I recommend to use
Duplicate of #25744
Duplicate of #0015268
NVG sound removed. It made sense in Zeus, where a mission takes place in the background and other sounds are present, but I understand it was quite annoying in otherwise silent Eden Editor.
Should be gone in the next dev build update.
Oh, the irony
Fixed in the current Steam dev version.
No, it shouldn't.
For example when I give BLUFOR group a waypoint and attach it to an OPFOR vehicle, and set the waypoint to Stealth and Forced Hold Fire, I want these values to apply only for the BLUFOR group, not the enemy vehicle. Attaching means the waypoint will move with the target, nothing more.
Will be fixed in the next dev branch update.
"Move to Formation" option in entity context menu will now also respect the formation you chose.
Already mentioned in #25744
Syncing is no longer an universal operation for everything. Specialized connection types are now separated, and described with their function.
What you're looking for is "Set Waypoint Activation".
Already mentioned in #25744
Thanks for feedback, glad to hear you like it.
We evaluated what you're suggesting early on, but we reached conclusion that it would be too confusing. After a while of playing the mission, the mission state changes significantly - player moves from starting position, enemies move, many soldiers die, etc. It wouldn't make sense to preserve this state after returning to the editor. What if you saved the mission at this point? Everything would be on a wrong place, and in a wrong state.
However, there are already ways how to make debugging easier. You can set player to be invincible in attributes, so enemies are no longer a concern. You can chose "Play from Here" option in context menu to start in some other location. Within your mission flow logic, you can add some "cheats" which will let you skip you parts of the mission (for example radio activated trigger which will kill all enemies in certain area and move player there), although this requires some scripting.
I hope this answer will help you with scenario design. And thanks again for your support!
Will be fixed in the next update.
Duplicate of #25737
Will be fixed in the next update, sorry for confusion.
Duplicate of #15268
For technical reasons, it's not possible to preserve the history after preview. I'm afraid it's not possible to change this.
Added in the next dev branch update.
It's not attributes window anymore. Instead, I've added new context menu option "Log Classes to Clipboard", you can find it in the "Log..." section. Together with it, I've also added option to log position under cursor.
Fixed, will be available in the next update. Searching will now lead you to correct side list (e.g., BLUFOR).
Are you using any mods?
Caused by imperfect object configuration, our encoding lords will take a look at it.
Seems everything is all right.
Fixed; should appear in the next dev build
Fixed, should appear in the next dev build.
preInit and postInit functions, as well as "intiServer.sqf", "initPlayerServer.sqf" and "initPlayerLocal.sqf" were not executed ay all.
Could you please prepare a repro mission? I tried it by destroying helicopter in first campaign mission, and it simply fell down to ground after being destroyed. The script terminated correctly.
Fixed by changing condition, marker is recognized by not being on [0,0,0] coordinates (where no mission entity should exist anyway).
remoteExec implementation currently in DEV version is not yet final. It will indeed be possible to limit it or disable it. It's not planned to be in 1.46, we want to be extra sure about it before pushing it to the main branch.
Sorry for confusion.
Right now, only global functions can be recompiled.
I fixed it, so even campaign or mission specific factions can be selectively recompiled. Should be available in the next dev branch update.
We're currently planning an engine solution for misc item interaction. Until then, I'm afraid there is no temporary fix planned.
Condition fixed, should appear in the next dev branch update.
BTW: Had to hack your ASDG Joint Rails addon and remove function hotfix from there, so I could actually test my fix :)
Fixed in dev branch two weeks ago, could you please verify?
New function BIS_fnc_compatibleItems was written for it.
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update.
There's already a function BIS_fnc_didJIP.
- call BIS_fnc_didJIP;
Returns true if player on the current machine joined in progress.
Should be fixed in the next dev build update, Arsenal will now recognize 'scopeArsenal' correctly even for weapon attachments.
BTW: I noticed a link to this issue after being attracted by images in your forum signature. Well played ;)
Fixed in the next dev branch (which will be released next year)
Should be fixed in the next dev branch update
Full options are available only when you call Arsenal using this code:
["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;
For more info, see
I'm afraid your module configuration is incorrect, Bleed Tickets module has to be synchronized to side logics as well.
You can preview the required synchronization setup by opening module attributes (double-click on it) and then clicking on SHOW INFO button.
That's intended behavior, controls group should not scale based on their contents. In many situations, you'll want it to remain static, while the content is scrollable (notable examples: diary text, field manual, functions viewer, welcome screen, etc.)
Since you are in control of its content, you can resize it manually (using, ideally applying some limits so it won't overflow outside of the screen.
Inheritance works fine, but "author" property ignores it deliberately. If it wouldn't work this way, all objects, weapons or terrains which are inheriting from the official content, but has no "author" defined, would be marked as "by Bohemia Interactive".
You mean the Callsign module, which is in "Group Modifiers" category and its description says "Assign group callsign"? Because that one is setting group callsign, not individual unit name.
Tilion, I regenerated nameSound tables, please repack characters addon.
Description.ext params accepts only integers, so the value is multiplied by 100 to achieve desired level of precision.
Cannot reproduce.
- I add a weapon using
[arsenal1,"launch_B_Titan_F",true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo;
- Check for the status
arsenal1 call bis_fnc_getVirtualWeaponCargo
I see the weapon there
- I remove it using
[arsenal1,"launch_B_Titan_F",true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualWeaponCargo;
- I check the status again and it's gone
Please keep in mind that it works as a whitelist, so in order to remove something, you need to add it first.
Fixed in the dev version already
Should be fixed in the next dev build update
Should be fixed in the next dev build update
Fixed in revision 127136
That's intended - respawnDialog sets whether the score table be visible or not, while the counter is affected by respawnTemplates attribute.
See for more details.
Was fixed in revision 127005
Duplicate of #20542
ctrlPosition and ctrlSetPosition doesn't use coordinates defined in 'position' attribute, but in 'x', 'y' and 'z' attributes. They are compatible with 2D position, i.e., x=safezoneX;y=safezoneY is top left corner.
To have an object in middle o the screen, use:
class myObject
x = 0.5;
y = 0.5;
z = 1.2;
Note: ctrlSetPosition is using XZY format because ctrlPosition was using it for years. We decided to to change the order to maintain backward compatibility.
Affects only A-164 Wipeout, all other planes are fine. Our brave encoding department will search plane construction for any flaws.
Duplicate of #20345
The problem was with default condition. If you define it manually, it should work already:
["AmmoboxInit",[this,true,{true}]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
Should be fixed in the next dev build update
Should be fixed in the next dev build update
Should be fixed in the next dev build update
Ah, it seems you're opening the display using createDialog, which locks the movement.
Use createDisplay and it will work fine:
(finddisplay 46) createdisplay "COMMROSE_HUD";
(parent display 46 is the mission display; you can alternatively return it using [] call bis_fnc_displayMission)
When you put enableSimulation = 1; to the dialog config (on the same level where idd is), player will be able to move.
Thanks, should be fixed in the next dev build update
Should be fixed in the next dev build