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Cars wont follow roads
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In Eden editor cars wont follow roads when setting a waypoint. They will try to go directly to the waypoint or even through the water, they also try to plow through buildings and when they come across a building and hit it it will take the AI 3-4 minutes to figure out they cant go through buildings


Legacy ID
Operating System
Windows 7
Eden Editor
Steps To Reproduce

Take any car/tank/vehicle
set waypoint
test the mission

Event Timeline

harrisonprinzyahoocom set Category to Eden Editor.
harrisonprinzyahoocom set Reproducibility to Always.
harrisonprinzyahoocom set Severity to None.
harrisonprinzyahoocom set Resolution to Open.
harrisonprinzyahoocom set Legacy ID to 2413734510.May 8 2016, 12:51 PM
Bohemia added a subscriber: hippie.Oct 1 2015, 4:24 AM

Did you make sure they're not in Danger or Stealth mode? Just asking to be sure.

nope, not danger or stealth mode

Cannot reproduce. I placed a Hunter on Stratis near Mike-26, gave him waypoint to Agia Marina, and it followed roads without problems.

Could you please attach a scenario where it happens?

hippie added a comment.Oct 7 2015, 4:44 AM

The AI shouldn't smash into buildings in any mode.

LouMontana closed this task as Resolved.Jun 26 2021, 1:17 PM
LouMontana edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
LouMontana set Operating System to Windows 7.