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CfgFunctions are not compileFinal anymore
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I think you have changed something by mistake in the function init script that compiles the CfgFunctions. Basically there is no compileFinal in there anymore. This means the extra security added by this is now gone.

Basically an attacker can now re-compile everything.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Steps To Reproduce

bis_fnc_mp = 0;

Additional Information

initFunctions.sqf line 295

^ this will always return true!

Event Timeline

Eichi edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 2 2015, 4:01 PM
Eichi edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Eichi set Category to Scripting.
Eichi set Reproducibility to Always.
Eichi set Severity to None.
Eichi set Resolution to No Bug.
Eichi set Legacy ID to 3261663220.May 8 2016, 1:11 PM
Eichi edited a custom field.
Moricky added a subscriber: Moricky.May 8 2016, 1:11 PM

Isn't it because you tried it in the editor? Because missionNamespace functions can be recompiled freely there for debugging purposes.

Eichi added a subscriber: Eichi.May 8 2016, 1:11 PM
Eichi added a comment.Dec 3 2015, 9:47 AM

Yes, it was tried in the editor. Does that make a difference? If so, it should be mentioned here:

It is mentioned there:

As a security measure, functions are by default protected against rewriting during the mission. This restriction does not apply in missions previewed from the editor...

But it probably deserves more attention, I'll find a way how to highlight it.

Eichi added a comment.Dec 3 2015, 9:52 AM

Great! So it was a lack of information. Phew!