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- Aug 5 2013, 7:06 PM (607 w, 5 h)
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That's exactly what HDR is supposed to fix.
Enable driver vsync. This is most definitely an issue with too many FPS.
Not limited to your device. The exact same thing happens with my Xbox One controller.
I was not asking for it. I was simply trying to make you understand that half-assing something is not good.
You either do it fully (AI being able to deploy on flat ground, ASSUMING that is easy (probably not), and AI being able to deploy on objects)
If you think that is easy to do, feel free to apply for a job at BI, as oukej suggested.
What about deploying bipods on anything other than the ground? Suddendly the thing doesn't look that easy does it?
Fixed in the devbranch according to changelog. Thanks!
I don't know what else I can provide, I was using no mods at all. I just called the support after killing a bunch of guerrillas, and a naked CSAT guy showed up.
Seems like the issue happens randomly (maybe rarely, too) if you were unable to reproduce.
Nothing new here. It's the way the rendering in RV works and everyone knows it, devs included.
@ Bullhorn
Yeah, and then you can't hear environment sounds and footsteps.
Right stick is still too sensitive for me as well.
Repairing a vehicle also triggers the healing animation.
I should point out that the last pic was chuckle worthy.
Welcome to the A3 feedback tracker, where "won't fix" means "resolved", instead of something more appropriate like "closed".
I did some more testing and found out that this only happens with my headphones. Using speakers doesn't break the get in sound. And by "break" I don't mean the sound just getting louder, I mean extremely cracked and distorted. Like when you play a bass-heavy song on a super cheap speaker.
Very weird, considering that this is the ONLY sound that breaks when I use the headphones (Razer Kraken 7.1). Not even other helis give me this sound bug. I tried disabling its virtual surround software (Razer Synapse) and the problem still occurs. Oh well, at least I'm not using them anymore currently.
Seems to happen with footsteps in shallow water as well.
"blur is bad. If you watching directly on moving object it's not blurred for you. Your brain switches between objects and already do this. No need to simulate this in game. If you want to watch on moving belt, you do and there is no blur in real life. But if blur will done in-game you'll just get motion sickness, because you can't focus your eyes on moving object - it's always blurred."
You can't focus on things that are moving fast, such as the moving belt. Good luck trying to focus on the spinning blades of any helicopter.
I wonder if you get sick everytime there is a flying heli in the game. We all know the answer, and that is NOPE.
There is no such thing as "your brain already does this" on a screen. There is nothing moving on a screen. It's just an illusion.
You're just talking out of your ass. Your post spouts nothing but misinformation.
"Don't try to impose your views to others" while I just said "get your own opinion"
"You can't blur 3D objects like the MG belts and ejected ammunition in the same way as rotor blades."
I'm aware of that, that's why I described the problem and proposed a solution in my first post, if you didn't notice.
Then why did BI, or better, every developer in existence, added motion blur to the helicopter blades? You are basing your opinions on the bullshit that the majority of people say. Do some research and get your own opinion.
You can't focus on things that have fast motion, and ejected rounds are fast. Try focusing on your hand while shaking it fast.
Do you intend real time or baked in motion blur? I think the former would hardly be implemented at this point (but never say never), not to mention it would benefit the whole game smoothness and realism instead of just the ejected rounds.
Baked in instead would look weird if ejected rounds still had motion blur when they are stationary on the ground, but I suppose that could be fixed the way Mount&Blade did with their arrows: blurred model when in flight, swapped with non-blurred model when stationary.
Weird, I don't see anyone crying motion sickness when it comes to motion blurred helicopter blades. Might have to do with your ignorance on the subject matter, friend?
If anything, m.blur will actually help decrease motion sickness in low FPS situations, where the ejected rounds would otherwise only appear once every few frames, therefore causing headaches.
Take a look at Survarium, it's free on Steam. Even better.
Never I would have thought a F2P could be on the same level as Battlefield.
Given that you can't have a 134 dB sound in games for obvious reasons, I wonder if there are methods of simulating the inverse square falloff without needing to have realistic dB levels on loud sounds.
So for instance, let's say you have a 40 dB sound, but you want it to behave like a 130dB sound would in real life in terms of falloff, instead of a 40 dB one.
Maybe many games do this already, but I don't really know.
Good to know. To be honest I didn't even know there were other upcoming features for the launcher, great stuff :D
Upvoted, I hate the LOD system in this game. Distracting me since forever.
There should be a edit button below the note, on the left
I suggest fixing the title if you want more chances of this being looked at. Should be: "AI fires smoke from UGL when it runs out of HE rounds)
Oh right, I didn't take multiple people into account.
Wouldn't "Scendi" be more appropriate than "Scendere", since you're issuing a command?
I believe this happens because the NVGs are not rendered in first person, in order to avoid clipping with the camera.
They also unrender the head model in 1st p. to prevent clipping, but it still casts a shadow. Guess they forgot about making the unrendered NVGs cast a shadow too.
The adaptive crosshair shows in first person as well as long as you're not aiming down sights. Check if it's enabled.
"Crosshairs do not show in first person view."
That is wrong. Are you sure you have it enabled in the first place?
"having a third-person view with crosshair option isn't very realistic is it?"
It's not like you're forced to use these cheap methods.
"I think I would prefer the target cursor that is shown in 3rd person being shown at all times as a true reference to what I am aiming at"
Don't use sights like in the picture. Adaptive crosshair will show up. Problem solved.
If you use the (cheap) adaptive crosshair, non zoomed sights are useless.
Why use the sights in the first place if you have adaptive crosshair enabled?
This hasn't been entirely fixed in 1.40. As long as you don't move at all after putting out the fire, you can still hear the fire sound forever.
You are very welcome, keep up the good work.
I tested some more again and I found out the following:
-After extinguishing the fire, as long as I stay close to the fireplace I can hear the burning sound forever.
-If I run away from the extinguished fireplace, the sound that sticks to your ear disappears.
-After walking away from the extinguished fireplace (to make the sound disappear) and walking back to it again, pressing ESC to bring up the menu and then getting back to the game when you're close to the extinguished fire makes the sound get stuck in your ears again, unless you light the fire, extinguish it again and then walk away from it.
Testing done using the latest stable version, in the editor with no mods.
If you are still unable to reproduce the issues above, chances are it's something in my configuration, maybe Razer virtual surround software, even though I doubt it because it never gave me any issues.
Noticed it as well. This is something I think they should at least address for the Marksmen DLC, given that it's focused on weapons.
This is a very strange problem - you're the only one who's ever reported it. I'm not sure but maybe it has to do with your hardware, or your monitor
Weird. Try changing HDR settings.
Great, now we have the issue pinned down. Can you post another screenshot with the mod so it's easier to pin-point the problem?
Have you tried the mod that I've linked?
It's the intended vignette effect, pretty sure it gets more pronounced when you are fatigued. There is a mod that removes it.
Iceman, I thought clouds didn't cast shadows in Arma 3?
Try disabling depth of field when on HDR standard.
Those in the picture would be sprites to be more precise, and they weren't exactly removed, just changed. They are much less intense now. I also liked them a lot, not sure why they've changed them.
A lens flare is something that you see while pointing a camera at a bright light source, like the sun (and that's already in the game). Google lens flare to get a clear idea.
Congratulations OP, you provided detailed feedback. Now do it on the actual ticket instead of making yourself look dumb.
That is intended but poorly implemented. Changing LODs should only be necessary when you are zooming a lot, like from a rangefinder.
Having the LODs change back and forth when doing the "infantry zoom-in zoom-out" looks ugly and causes hitching/stuttering in framerates.
I believe that would require having a proper animation for going into sights first. As it stands the only thing that moves when you aim down the sights is the camera, the player body doesn't move one bit however.
Also the engine sound is muffled and quiet when driving in first person, even though there are no doors that could block/muffle the engine sound.
This issue came back with the new drivers. Fuck.
Are you 100% sure? The artifacts don't show up everytime. Did they disappear after updating the driver?
Shadow artifacts still present as of the latest update.
Confirmed, 750 Ti user having the same problem.
Yeah, if you noticed I'm saying to fix it, I also don't like third person, not sure what you mean by "cleaned".
One fix would be making the rotation modifier that controls head bobbing reach the maximum value when medicating yourself.
In third person, you can clearly see that the character moves his head when he's medicating, however this is not the case in first person.
Fixing this would not only reduce exploits, but also increase immersion.
I wonder what they were thinking when they didn't add rotor blades to the distant LODs.
Also there seems to be some issues with heli LODs and all LODs in general, for instance:
There is an helicopter far away, with its far LOD
The helicopter gets closee, still a bit far, but it doesn't switch to its mid LOD
BUT once you zoom in, the heli switches to the LOD that it should be using, and stays even after zooming out. It's like the LOD doesn't switch until you zoom in, or unless the heli gets real close. I noticed this at the end of the combined arms showcase.
Calculate your desired FOV,A3.htm
and BAM there you have your peripheral vision.
Care to explain for me?
How about reducing or even removing the auto brake?
I correct myself, it's not a stencil shadow issue, because it appears even when there's no direct sunlight.
It's a bit difficult to explain. On some models the game is using stencil shadow technique instead of shadow maps, these shadows are perfect to the pixel (although downscaled in Arma) and very sharp, and they are drawn by the CPU if I recall correctly. They look decent sometimes (soldier models) but in general they look very bad.
It doesn't have to do with the textures, it's because the models are using crappy stencil shadows instead of soft shadow maps.
Seems to happen in multiplayer only. It's been in the game since forever I think.
And now we wait for "omg vbs is not arma how dare you"
but in all seriousness, this would solve many performance issues and mitigate the need for many LODs(I think..?) which would also mean less pop-ups and such
Why not. Upvoted.
Hospital windows have serious z-fighting issues, especially noticeable from far away. Upvoted
This is a MAJOR issue and should be fixed ASAP.
I have a friggin 550 Ti
with Blastcore activated
I can toss a shit ton of smoke nades
I lose like 2 fps
it's your problem
@machineabuse yeah it's like your cheek moves away from your eyes. F*cking stupid.
They could at least fix the bugs instead of reverting to the old 2D scopes. Upvoted anyway.
Point of the pic?
Running steam and arma 3 in admin mode should fix the problem, try it
If you read the changelog notes in the dev branch you will see they have pretty much fixed this problem. Wait for today's stable patch.
I agree that there would be some slight movement of the scope that's for sure, but are we sure it's so massive IRL like it currently is in the game? I really think not.
@Feral Circus, the sway of the scope as you look through it is all wrong. It should move with the camera. As of now it doesn't make any sense since the weapon is stuck to your cheek.
If the 3D scope sway is what this ticket is about, sadly he was not enough clear. This is probably why he got so many downvotes.
Happens every time there's lots of explosions around.
Happens with other helis as well. Sound in a3 is extremely bad in general.
They should fix both things. Polishing is always good.
I wonder when they will start finishing the reload animations for grenade and missile launchers. Maybe never, seeing as these unfinished animations are here since the alpha.
Fixed according to the dev branch. Another step towards better FPS, nice one BIS
Name of the mission you guys are running? I only crash in MP when I play TeeTimes warfare.