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Italian translation errors
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I found some localization errors for the italian version of the game:

The command "On your feet" (stand up).
The italian translation says "Stai fermo" which is wrong since it means "Don't move".
It should be "In piedi" instead.

The command "Disembark" is translated as "Smonta" which isn't wrong at all, but can be intended also as "disassemble\dismantle".
It should be more correct to write "Scendere".

The action "Drop down ladder" is translated as "Butta giù la scala" which is completely wrong.
"Drop down ladder" in english means: "Jump down from the ladder".
In italian the Arma translation sounds like: "Throw the ladder down".
Its correct translation instead is: "Buttati (giù) dalla scala", or "Salta (giù) dalla scala".

The "Copy my stance" command is translated as "Stare bassi" which means "Stay low".
A correct translation would be "Imitare\seguire\copiare la mia postura" which means "Imitate\follow\copy my stance".

The "Hide" button in the game menu is translated as "Nascondersi", which means "Hide yourself". It should be more correct to translate it as "Nascondi", which means "Hide it".

The "Take [object]" button in the actions menu is translated as "Prendilo [object]", which is wrong. "Prendilo" means "Take it", so if you say "Prendilo binocolo" you say something like "Take them binoculars" which in italian is scorrect and redundant.
The correct translation would be simply: "Prendi [object]" which means "Take [object]"


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

0-The game should be in italian
1-Open the editor, place an object that can be taken
2-Make a squad, you are the teamleader
3-Select one man of the team
4-Press 7, then 6 (On your feet)
5-Press 4, then 1 (Dismount)
6-Press 7, then 9 (Copy my stance)
7-Climb a ladder
8-Use the action menu and look for the "butta giù la scala" action.
9-Go in the game menu, open something like "Graphics" and look for the "Hide" button, which is translated as "Nascondersi".
10-Try taking the takeable object you previously placed with the action menu in the left of the screen.

Additional Information

There may be some localization errors in the SP campaign, but I'm not sure about that. If I'll find some of them, I'll be reporting!

Event Timeline

otreblA_SNAKE_ITA edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
otreblA_SNAKE_ITA set Category to Localization.
otreblA_SNAKE_ITA set Reproducibility to Always.
otreblA_SNAKE_ITA set Severity to None.
otreblA_SNAKE_ITA set Resolution to Fixed.
otreblA_SNAKE_ITA set Legacy ID to 503224587.May 7 2016, 8:13 PM
FrankHH added a subscriber: FrankHH.May 7 2016, 8:13 PM

Wouldn't "Scendi" be more appropriate than "Scendere", since you're issuing a command?

I can say you're right, but "Scendi" is referring only to one person.
It's like: "(You) Disembark" where "you" is the 2nd singular person!

"Scendere" is infinite form, which could be appropriate also for more than one man! :)

Unless the localization doesn't allow to translate for multiple persons. In that case it would be:
-One person: "Scendi"
-More persons: "Scendete"

Oh right, I didn't take multiple people into account.

Yes :) that's the point!

Anyway, there's a ticket update about the translation of the "drop down ladder" action! :)

New update about the "Copy my stance" command, which is wrong since Arma 2 (I don't remember if this command was there in the previous games too).

Here is the update:

"The "Copy my stance" command is translated as "Stare bassi" which means "Stay low".
A correct translation would be "Imitare\seguire\copiare la mia postura" which means "Imitate\follow\copy my stance". "

New update for the game menu "Hide" button, which has a wrong translation.

New update for the "take [object]" in the action menu.

"The "Take [object]" button in the actions menu is translated as "Prendilo [object]", which is wrong. "Prendilo" means "Take it", so if you say "Prendilo binocolo" you say something like "Take them binoculars" which in italian is scorrect and redundant.
The correct translation would be simply: "Prendi [object]" which means "Take (the) [object]" "

Thanks for the reports, I have corrected this. Please report if you find something new.