@SuicideKing : you speak about the L-39 in the game, try the F-18 also ( user creation but better than BI work for the moment).
A)B) you are right, it is not possible to fire fire on target with all weapon of the aircraft.
C) You mean in the game engine are always hit in first, or you mean IRL ?
Your both D) +1
E) It is not veering to the right for me =/
E) More realistic engagement yes. A real radar i think it is not possible actually in the game ( it is not lock-on or Falcon 4 BMS). But a more realistic radar range or missile range etc... WILL BE GREAT ! +1 for you.
Map navigation you have one, you have a watch it is enought for those little map =/
I'm not sure one map module would be great. There is a lot of thing to improve before ! But the idea is good.
F) Or not, depend of the aircraft would be better ! ( Russian in km/h, NATO in knots ).
G) I totally disagree with you. You request more realism and you request a noob thing. A safe mode (like on the F-18) Could be a good idea but NOT AN AUTOMATIC LOCK OF WEAPON BELLOW A CERTAIN ALTITUDE.
H) Same as G, you request more realism. So why are you saying that ??? it is so noob ! Do you think fighter pilot are in their A/C "i forget the train shirt ! Oh no it is an automatic retraction, easy ! " lol.
I) All aircraft don't have Afterburner ! The f-18 has. The l-39 not. => it is realistic !
J) What do you mean more precisely ?
K) ok. minor bug. but it is not good i agree.
L) the HUD is in good position ! it is just a FOV vision. Zoom and you will be able to read you HUD correctly. Zoom and you won't be able to do a good close formation flight ! SO i DISAGREE with you. Increase maybe the color between HUD and SKY to get a better visibility of information? Or sky color correction .
M) Again, all aircraft don't have air breaks, and they are in the game since arma 2 if you are IDLE.
So just, put a key to use air breaks ! :)
@DaveZember : You are right, i would mean, maybe the l-39 don't need one, but future fighter could !