Hello all.
I have noticed that in clouds we can see very well ! ( it was a surprise for me :( )
My request is to have fog in clouds, because actually the visibilty is pretty high.
For example :
- in dbo_afghanistan set clouds to 100% . Use the F-18 and fly with afterburner ON close to the ground.
Even if you are in clouds you are able to see mountain at a verygood distance so clouds are not a danger for you.
So clouds are not increasing the game but are just here like a visual effect.
- If you walk on CLAfghan (without other mods only All in Arma Core to have clouds ) or in dbo_afghanistan you will see something like that :
at the top of your mountain, you see every object on other mountain du to the shadow or something close to that.
So put a sniper on a high mountain with overcast bellow the sniper and he will be able to shot some target that shouldn't be possible with normal fog in clouds.
- Vanilla Game : Use buzzard do a close formation with your leader into 100 fog. You can see it at long range even if sometimes a filter (like a wall of clouds ) simulate to miss him. But in fact this wall is at a long distance and is less effective than fog into cloud.
To conclude : It could be easily increase the way of playing in the game if fog or something close to fog is add to the actual clouds.