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May 10 2016

Woodpeckersam added a comment to T64131: Triggers not working for civilians due to wildlife sharing same properties....

It turned out that I created this: and I did not find this ticket while searching.

So in honor of this ticket, I have uploaded the same mission on my ticket, which I created a mini debug for my mission, to count how many units are in a trigger.

I did not put any civilians on the map, only Blufor and Opfor, yet in the mission you see the Civilian counter go up and down. And this is using "isKindOf "Man"". So I hope it helps to raise this issue even more with the Devs.


May 10 2016, 1:14 AM
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T64011: Suppression effect for players.

Well i agree there is needed effects, i dont think it should be any form of blurring.

Obviously when under attack in real life, from anything, your brain automatically enter survival mode. This adds heightened awareness and visual feedback.

So maybe instead of blurring, maybe allow for slightly bigger fov (for example from FOV 80 to FOV 82) it only needs to be a little bit. And maybe brighten the screen a little as to show the awareness increase taking place.


  1. Increase FOV (Field of View) a bit to show better Heightened Visual Awareness
  2. Increase the brightness to improve the ability to quick think on the battlefield and improve Visual Awareness too.
May 10 2016, 1:09 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63943: [Request] Walkable Interior for Vehicles like Boats, Planes.

I have created a ticket not too long ago for a Polygonal Pathing System AKA Navmeshes.

My idea would work for vehicles and it attaches the Polygonal Pathing to the vehicles and the units would be in a position the whole time.

Here is my ticket:

Can say this could be somewhat related?

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63943: [Request] Walkable Interior for Vehicles like Boats, Planes.

To add my method above is one way of doing it. The other method is using PhysX, movement velocity etc etc. A painstakingly possible way to do it.

Edit: Mankyle already mentioned that, my bad:

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63943: [Request] Walkable Interior for Vehicles like Boats, Planes.

The way it would work is so simple.

Currently units and vehicles are constrained to world space.

World Space:
Terrain: Straits for example
North East South West in relation to Stratis where Agia Marina is in the west and the Spartan symbol is to the south.
Units and vehicles follow the ground, are attached to the world space.

To get this to work you would need units to be attached to the local object space.

Local Object Space:
Vehicle: Large Aircraft Carrier for example
North would be the Forward moving direction of the vehicle south would be the backwards direction (reversing) for the vehicle.
The runway runs from south to north (back to front obviously). The control tower is to the west (or the left side).

The aircraft carrier is facing east in the world space. But your character's north is the Aircraft carriers east in relation to World Space.

When the carrier moves, you stay still because you are attached to the local vehicles local space so you are not affected by the world space gravity and physics. So in theory the aircraft carrier is not moving in local space so you can run around on the deck no problem.

Obviously collisions that occur between World Space and Local space should affect the object and the things on it.

The problem we have is how do we shift from world space to local space when we need to?

Maybe if your feet/wheels touches the carrier you are automatically transferred to the object space but when you walk off the edge touching nothing you are moved to world space and fall in the water.

Wow I seem to be talking about "Spaces" alot, not just on this ticket... damn i may be obsessed with the idea without realising it... :/

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63943: [Request] Walkable Interior for Vehicles like Boats, Planes.

I think it works to a certain extent currently in arma.

I placed a civilian vehicle down. I then placed a quad bike in the back of it. While the vehicle is stationary i can move back and forth in the back on the quad bike. While the vehicle is moving, the quad bike is pushed to the back on the civilian vehicle, cannot drive forward or backwards.

So the basic functionality is there, we just need to be able to move on/inside vehicles.

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63940: Markers do not stick to map and zoom in out in editor.

I made a similar request here:

Strange however it cannot be found on the tracker unless you type specific keywords... typing Marker found yours but not mine :/ weird. Anyways we can see that this feature is much needed. Will upvote.

ps. It looks like it is shrinking/expanding with the map already. Always have done.

May 10 2016, 1:05 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63709: Helicopter (little bird) interaction with water.


Yes I showed that in the video that I posted above. Here is the link again to clearly see what is happening.

May 10 2016, 12:51 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63709: Helicopter (little bird) interaction with water.

This is the best described issue related to what I wanted to say. If i did not find this issue I would have created a new one.

Anyways I agree with this, upvoted++

Please see my video here to clearly show the effects of Helicopters and water.

Here is the description for that video:

Just recording this for BIS (Bohemia Interactive Studios) so they can see the problem regarding the titled issue and fix it for the future release =)

Observe in the video:

  1. The legs of the Helicopter just barely touching the water will start to destroy it, sometimes killing the units inside it.
  1. Continuous exposure to water (again barely touch the water) will destroy both rotors
  1. Upon the Helicopter being destroyed completely in flight, it will fly and the trajectory of speed + gravity will pull it under water. There is no problem with that except once under water it shoots down to the sea bed, with no resistance whatsoever. It does not even float to the bottom of the sea.

What really should happen when the legs of the helicopter just barely touches the sea is... nothing.

Nothing should even happem if the bottom base of the Helicopters body touches the water.

Something should happen if the water is at the level where the passenger sits as it would mess up with the electronics.

Nothing should happen if the main rotor touches the water without the body touching it. Unless maybe a little resistance and a lot of water spray.

I dont know how the tail rotor works, but im guessing that it is electronics, so maybe the tail rotor exposure to the water should affect it in some way, not destroy it.

May 10 2016, 12:51 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63496: Dead driver.

Very similar is possibly the same as what i posted about not too long ago

May 10 2016, 12:42 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63414: AI does not differentiate between lit and unlit objects at night / AI too blind at night issue.

Somewhat related to in terms of lighting, having the issue on this page fixed alongside with being able to destroy lights will definitely make an improvement.

May 10 2016, 12:39 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63293: Request: Static Marker sizes, with the option to turn it on/off.

An update, I have just realised that there are some unit/object icons that stay the same size during map zoom.

It really makes the map look weird when you have markers/unit icons bigger than the desired size on the map.

May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63293: Request: Static Marker sizes, with the option to turn it on/off.

ps. If you know Vector Graphics, you know that it can be scaled without losing quality, could there be a possibility of incorporating vector graphics into the game, so that markers could easily be scaled on the map without losing its quality (seeing as the markers dont need to be 100% detailed)

May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63293: Request: Static Marker sizes, with the option to turn it on/off.

I've noticed that when the markers are seen on the GPS it covers a large area where the enemies are. having static sizes would eliminate this.

May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T63293: Request: Static Marker sizes, with the option to turn it on/off.
May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T63290: AI Throw Grenades Underwater.
May 10 2016, 12:36 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63288: AI Emerging from the sea walks into rocks and get stuck..

Extra note: AI also seems to not able to do anything like crawl, prone etc. Once in the rocks that's it there may not be an AI there at all as it certainly seems they have lost their presence however they can respond via radio.

May 10 2016, 12:35 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T63288: AI Emerging from the sea walks into rocks and get stuck..

Agreed. I find it pointless to have an AI team of Diver's if they cannot quietly walk onto land, through gaps between rocks without getting stuck or being spotted by enemies.

May 10 2016, 12:35 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T63288: AI Emerging from the sea walks into rocks and get stuck..
May 10 2016, 12:35 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62920: AI needs building usage routines.

I kinda did not explain my ticket here properly:

Basically my ticket is regarding the inclusion of Navmeshes into the game. This will allow AI Build Usage routines.

Basically the polygonal meshes will...
Identify Rooms so you can say "1, move anywhere in that Kitchen"

Use Maneuver Positions such as an AI in Aware Mode would lean round doors, or open them slowly, or even tell the AI they can jump out of the window if it is broken.

Move to specific Memory Points for telling the AI to stand by a specific window within building.

But my idea also allows the system to be used outside of buildings.

May 10 2016, 12:20 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62920: AI needs building usage routines.

Can I add my ticket we could be in a way related to this ticket?

May 10 2016, 12:20 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62920: AI needs building usage routines.

A must have... if there are going to be bigger buildings on the main island.

May 10 2016, 12:20 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T62908: Error: creating weapon CannonCore with scope=private.
May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62903: AI Can see through thick fog..

I have tested out the AI issue with spotting through the fog.

I can confirm that the AI are now spotting "Unknown Targets at 400m" if there is sound coming from that direction.

This is good because the AI is aware that there is a boat at 400m (in my test mission) but does not know what it is, or what side it is from. Same goes for Helicopters and cars.

I think this works down to 100m in full fog before the AI can identify what the target is.

I think the real issue with this is the fact that any vehicles from 300/400m away are as loud as if they were 50m away, this definitely needs a bit of work, but its getting there!

Putting enemy units down at 400m, they are stationary not moving, the AI in my group seems to... sometimes spot them.

Edit: A new issue that is not AI related..

When I, the player right clicks in the direction of the enemy units at 400m, I can spot "Unknown Targets" but that should not be possible because we cannot see into the fog therefore we are unaware of anything in there.

May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62903: AI Can see through thick fog..

Sorry lol I am not on my computer at this moment in time, just caught wind of the update while going through the changelog on the forums. :P I will check tonight and report back.

May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T62903: AI Can see through thick fog..
May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62903: AI Can see through thick fog..

Does the new fog fix this AI issue?

May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62902: APPLICATION ERROR #1100 - ArmA III FeedBack Tracker - Report Issue.

Ok i've tested it out, it is related to uploading a picture during the creation of a report.

So my workaround was to create my report, then upload a picture AFTER it has been created.

May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T62902: APPLICATION ERROR #1100 - ArmA III FeedBack Tracker - Report Issue.
May 10 2016, 12:19 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62870: NPCs spin slowly when they spot you, not seeming very real.

This should be fixed by allowing the AI to turn their head when they feel there is danger, and if they spot you and know they wont have time to turn around, they should run away and find the nearest cover and open fire.

May 10 2016, 12:18 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62765: Shareable Editor Sessions / Simultaneous Mission Editing.

This is the reply I made just before the other duplicate closed:

Great idea. Obviously someone creates a mission, then enables the multi mission editing for multiple players to edit the mission at the same time, and having a tool that is synchronized to the mission folder of the player who created the mission in the first place, thus allowing real time editing of scripts etc.

(I hope that I explained that clearly)

Have DropBox style synchronization for connecting to the mission folder, and when using Notepad++ if another person has edited the scripts, it will automatically inform the other person that the script has been modified, do you wish to reload it.

May 10 2016, 12:15 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62752: Request: Allow AI to Rearm automatically..

Anyone else interested in this feature?

May 10 2016, 12:14 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62752: Request: Allow AI to Rearm automatically..

@SkyFyre: Yes i think the mod is ASR AI? Or something along the lines of that. Of course someone would probably mod this at least until BIS can provide the feature.

@B00tsy: I'd prefer a touch of realism to ArmA as to allow AI units to re-arm themselves rather than cheat to have unlimited ammo and never reload... i'd leave that til last if nothing else can be done.

May 10 2016, 12:14 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62752: Request: Allow AI to Rearm automatically..

Haha no I battled for a few hours, taking over base after base town after town. Yes it was a very big quick mission that I roughed up in the editor, and in mission whilst making sure that my AI team stays safe, they went from 10 to 2, and the last 2 AI with me ran out of ammo and died lol.

Of course I could have easily told them to re-arm, but I could get killed doing so, as they would have to change their weapon to the enemies.

I could have easily uploaded the mission if i still had it as it was before making this ticket, but noone wants to play continuously for hours straight in 1 mission to test it out lol, so I made it a little easier and a lot smaller lol.

I think the way to test it out is to purposely set the ammo to low, let them run out of it and see what happens.

May 10 2016, 12:14 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T62752: Request: Allow AI to Rearm automatically..
May 10 2016, 12:14 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62749: [Dev-build] 30% with module of game logic dont want to start and to be edited..

O_Ifrit_MG_F is invalid too.

I created a new mission, placed a single vehicle in that i needed in place of the old model name (the Ifrit HMG Red) and its new name is


May 10 2016, 12:14 AM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62718: Animating vehicle doors.

You mean seamlessly getting in and out of a vehicle? That would be nice...

I dont expect the position to be accurate in terms of transitioning from outside of the vehicle to the interior, but it would be nice if for example in a truck, the player climbs in and walks to the seat (to some extent) and sits down, and walks to the exit and jumps out.

May 10 2016, 12:13 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Woodpeckersam added a comment to T62236: Need some way to discourage team killing.

Even better... allow the option somewhere to have it so that if a person teamkills, it drops their weapon on the ground. They can pick it back up again and will continue doing so while they are team killing.

It works because if a person accidentally team kills, they dont need to be kicked or have a timer and be froze on the spot. They just pick up the gun and carry on (assuming that it is possible to only allow that player to pick up the gun and noone else).

The TK'er will get so annoyed with the weapon dropping that he'll just give up or quit.

May 9 2016, 11:50 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61938: Friend/Buddy system.

It could be integrated with Steam to a certain extent

May 9 2016, 11:36 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61891: 3d Editor.

I'd love to see it, but i'd also love BIS to take their time with it. Hopefully they are working on it now, meanwhile fixing bugs and such from the feedback tracker.

May 9 2016, 11:34 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61890: Light flares visible behind weapon optics.

This happens in 3rd person and the top part of the helmet.

May 9 2016, 11:34 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61721: Game wont start at all after certain amounts of quitting until restart or continuously trying to start the game..

I havent come acrossed this issue now. I think it has been fixed =)

May 9 2016, 11:19 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T61721: Game wont start at all after certain amounts of quitting until restart or continuously trying to start the game..
May 9 2016, 11:19 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61720: Steam Workshop support for Arma 3 on release?.

Great idea, basically similar to SIX except it is used on Steam.

May 9 2016, 11:19 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61559: Hear gunfire on radio.

To add to the request,

Add to the existing commands..





So for example, when using the sideChat command, as you would normally do you would set the unit to speak.

bob sideChat "Hi there!"

But if we add a number to the end, for the amount of seconds Bob's radio is open for (this is used for scenarios where voice acting isnt possible) such as..

bob sideChat ["Hi there!", 3];

For 3 seconds, no matter where bob is, whether by the sea, on the battlefield, in a vehicle, we can hear what is going on around him.

If we dont want to hear whats going on in the background, simply use the command as normal.

This could also be incorporated with the say command. Obviously you would voice act a scene, save each sentence as a .ogg, define it in description.ext (i think) then use the say command or whatever the real command is.

Once this is used it will automatically open up the radio so you would hear the dude speak at the same time in the background you can hear what is going on around him. Or you can set it in the description.ext to NOT open up the ingame background audio for that specific .ogg file.

May 9 2016, 11:12 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61454: Firegeo issues on H-Barrier fortfications.

It seems the collision mesh/box for the barrier is larger than it should be. I have noticed this too. It would need to be fixed by changing the collision mesh. (Well assuming there is one of course) will upvote.

May 9 2016, 11:07 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61210: Voice commands for the AI.

You are given a set of examples of how a certain command can be said. From there it would be simple to guess how to say everything else.

For example Take Cover can also be said as Hide!, Cover yourselves!, Conceal!

But then you know Fire at Will.
Obviously it does not take a genius to know that you can also say Open Fire!, Kill All!

By saying these commands the game learns you voice, and if it makes a mistake you can correct it or proceed to say the command in a different way.

I dont feel that you need to record your voice for each and every action, but the possibility is there should you need to for certain actions where the commputer thinks you are speaking gibberish and does not understand you.

(Like me with my hearing impairment, I have difficulty pronouncing S's, so saying Stop may sound like Drop to the computer, hence i have to train it so that when I say Stop that sounds like Drop, it knows I am saying Stop not Drop, dont worry I can speak the other words clearly :P)

May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61210: Voice commands for the AI.

There is a software called GlovePIE and an ArmA II button list (which is the same as ArmA III) which is very good. You can say many different sentences that can do 1 command.

For example:

You Say:

All Hold Fire
Everyone Stop Shooting!
2 Cease Fire
Team Cease Fire.

Basically when you say "All" or "Everyone" or "Team" it will press the button associated with selecting your entire group (the Tilde ` key). Same if you say "2" or "2, 5, 9" it will select the appropriate F keys to select the individual units.

When you say "Stop Shooting" or "Hold Fire" or "Cease Fire" it will press the appropriate key for that Hold Fire command which is 3 and 2.

When you say a sentence like the ones above it press the required buttons in a sequence just as you would on a keyboard, except this time you still have control of the battlefield without command your team via keyboard.

You can change everything to however you want.

This is all well and great, however I would love it too if ArmA natively supports Voice Activated Commands. So voting this up, meanwhile I'll be using GlovePIE.

(ArmA II Script:

May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

You are completely missing my point (lol) The point system in the game can be used in various ways.

It can be used for scoring, but it is mainly used for deciding how to proceed in a mission, well usually anyway.

The higher the points (meaning you killed many people or completed tasks) could change the way the mission is played out.

Negative points usually occur when the mission is failed.

I, in no way associate this game with Splinter Cell, in any form at all. This is a Military sim, and there are some things you cannot do in this game without using features that almost seem arcade-ish. But it is not used for that at all.

Say you rifle butt someone, it adds to a variable to say you knocked him out, and a few others too. This variable alongside the point system can easily create another path for the player to take.

In ArmA 2's campaign, there were main missions and side missions. If you do the side missions the outcome of the main mission will be different. But the side missions also have many different ways of completing it, either by failing it, or for example you killed the commander, but not enough of the enemy troops, or you killed the troops but not the commander etc. Then depending on how many people you kill (for your overall score) aside from killing the commanders troops for example can have 2 different outcomes.

Anyways enough of that, back on topic.

  1. Melee for Kills
  2. Melee for KO's

If you knock someone out, you can still hit em and kill em lol. War is brutal, although I would expect the NATO side to capture, but maybe the enemy side not to.

May 9 2016, 10:47 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Another thought is to be able to knock enemies unconscious using the rifle butt. You get more points for sparing the enemy (or less points depending if the amount of enemies alive carries over to the next mission in a campaign) but it adds a whole new dimension to the game, where we dont HAVE to kill. But a rifle butt attack would be something at least to improve the melee aspect.

May 9 2016, 10:47 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Well having JUST the knife is very COD. I voted before for this, hopefully being able to do other things aside from just using a knife.

Strangulation, suffocation, knocking someone out, disarming etc.

All those are forms of melee.

May 9 2016, 10:45 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Forgot to add, having this gives people a choice.

They can use a knife Rambo style if they want, up to them if they want to die quickly, but they could get lucky.

They can stealthily use a knife.

They have a knife but prefer to surrender.

I am the stealthy type so having a knife in these situations would be great.

May 9 2016, 10:42 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Well don't forget you hear on the news about soldiers running through machine gunner fire and not even get hit. Just to draw the fire away or to help someone. It is entirely possible for someone to run into the incoming gunfire and end up plunging a knife into the shooter.

In war, anything can happen, anything is possible. A knife can be used any time anywhere and it is based on luck if a soldier has to use it.
"Wow lucky he has survived all that gunfire and he's behind the enemy he's gotta shoot or knife that dude, may conserve ammo so he may get lucky to succeed in killing him ooor unlucky and fail."

I personally think that the knife in ArmA should be standard for the special ops units and divers. And optional for the rest of the units.
And if in crouch/sneak stance while using a knife you should be able to grab the dude if his not looking g at you, kill him and drag his body somewhere much like the medic animations in ArmA 2.

As the previous guy said yes you can surrender but I think that should be scripted in or used as a module. The script would be as simple as checking for the animation state of the player, if it is the sureender animation immediately set the play as captive, get nearest group to target the player get nearest group to surround the player and get nearest group leader to walk to the player and offer him choices. Easy peasy.

May 9 2016, 10:42 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T61081: Some sort of melee?.

Since they have implemented multi unit actions/animations in ArmA 2 it should not be hard to do a variations of behind the back CQB depending on unit skill. And maybe just tap a button to punch the dude, or if you have a knife you use it to stab the dude, with a random chance of going into multi unit animation mode to just stabbing as normal lol.

May 9 2016, 10:42 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60819: Firing from vehicles.

Having this feature and maybe using it with CTRL+E/Q/W/S/A/D/mouse will improve it a lot.

I know that you can lean outside the window on the choppers by using the CTRL controls but what is the point if you cannot shoot while leaning.

I think the CTRL controls work inside a car too currently, so maybe allow it so that when you use a CTRL control inside a vehicle, it activates the weapon so that you can shoot out of them.

That way you dont always aim everytime you get in a car, you can sit back and enjoy the ride too.

May 9 2016, 10:08 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60745: Unable to shoot while moving underwater.

I agree with this feature. Also we should be allowed to reload while moving under water.

May 9 2016, 9:57 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60576: Getting stuck on rocks in the water.

I have made a video here:

This shows the diver getting stuck. I can confirm you can get stuck with any units Diver or Not.

I hope that illustrates the issue as clearly we cannot walk onto rocks from swimming in the sea.

This has happened with rocks underwater, however I am unable to reproduce that as often as I have been caught in it.

Hope this helps the ticket.

May 9 2016, 9:49 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60571: Vehicle sounds have no doppler effect.

This is interesting

May 9 2016, 9:49 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60428: Possibility to use walls/rocks/other objects to reduce weapon sway.

The ACE Mod for ArmA 2 allowed this, and i think I44 did too.

This would be an important feature that will better the gameplay by a lot.

May 9 2016, 9:44 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60091: Dead looking Characters in Vehicles.

Similar to what i posted earlier:
And also very similar to this:

May 9 2016, 9:26 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60082: characters appear dead when in vehicle.

Similar to what i posted earlier:
Similar to this:

May 9 2016, 9:25 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60080: No indications of o2 level when underwater.

No but if you dont have a diving suit or rebreathers your screen will start to fade to black as if losing oxygen.

May 9 2016, 9:25 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60075: Infantry destructive capabilities.

Similar to what i posted earlier:

Will vote this up too.

May 9 2016, 9:25 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60043: AI OpFor can spot you too easily..

This is not spam, this was posted in early July when it was a problem, it may not be much of a problem now.

But that being said I was playing defend kamino last night with a friend I was hiding behind the wall at the western part of the blufor base. I was about 5metres from the end of the wall and they started shooting at me way before I even revealed myself I was there 10 seconds before the first wave started so no way they knew I was there... they did.

How I can tell? I see bullets hitting the wall generating dust on my side. My mate was in the tower and he could see.

May 9 2016, 9:22 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60043: AI OpFor can spot you too easily..

In many ways related to my post here regarding AI Xray Vision, though differs slight as mine relates to fog.

May 9 2016, 9:22 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60027: Grenades do not destroy trees / fences or any other object for that matter..

Yes i felt i clicked on the wrong one after i created the ticket, could not change it.

May 9 2016, 9:21 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T60027: Grenades do not destroy trees / fences or any other object for that matter..
May 9 2016, 9:21 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

Wow I vote this request locked and deleted and a new one in place discussion free consisting of just votes. I would vote up as it would be nice to have.

We are allowed to request features we like to see in the game hence "feedback" the feedback tracker allows us all to give voice whether to bring new ideas forwards other to reveal bugs and issues missed.

It does not help the devs if people are arguing over matters relating to the request without needing to.

What's the point to complain? Troll? Attack? Just down vote if you don't like the idea or up vote if you do. If u want to explain, do it in a civil manner. It would help if all give voice without ever replying to another person.

May 9 2016, 7:28 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

So how would this be different from DayZ? DayZ is official, and they are implementing females so officially there should not be any issues with female implementation at all in any ArmA / BIS games.

May 9 2016, 7:27 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

(@ LadyBrecky) Spoken by a true woman! Lol :P If BIS can make female soldiers in this game, it will look a lot better and more appealing for female players, as I think ArmA is ready now. As my missus says, let girls kick guys a*ses for a change xD

May 9 2016, 7:24 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60025: No female soldiers models available.

I agree to allow women to fight on the front lines. After all we are now all equal in this world (i hope everyone else thinks that way).

May 9 2016, 7:24 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60023: Street lamps and other artificial light sources are too resilient, difficult to disable.

Somewhat related to in terms of stealth, having the issue on this page fixed alongside with the AI being able to differentiate between lit and unlit objects will definitely improve the stealth side of gamplay.

May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60023: Street lamps and other artificial light sources are too resilient, difficult to disable.

Lol that much shooting... would not destroy the light but the actual objects themselves. We only need to disable the bulb/light object when its been hit.

May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60023: Street lamps and other artificial light sources are too resilient, difficult to disable.

Funny i just tested that out before reading this. Yes i agree that this should be address. And maybe allow certain units, such as engineers to replace bulbs (if they need the light of course)

May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60017: Ladder Climbing animation is too fast, it's almost cartoonish in its speed..

Good idea Tranquility, it would be nice for units to actually physically dismount the ladder rather than climb straight up and get off.

May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T60017: Ladder Climbing animation is too fast, it's almost cartoonish in its speed..
May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T60002: Lights such as the beam light @ basketball court inside the Air Base is incredibly dim..

Please ignore the part of this issue regarding how dim it is, i did not realise that i had the fog on whilst testing it on the court.

However in the real world, fog is brightened greatly by light, as it travels slower through fog it illuminates more.

Can this be fixed?

May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T60002: Lights such as the beam light @ basketball court inside the Air Base is incredibly dim..
May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59879: Mission Editor Zooming / Editor UI.

You can change the preset of the mission editor UI to the old style.

While it may not look EXACTLY like the old style, similarities remain. I have been using it no problems.

May 9 2016, 7:17 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59488: Driver and others look like dead when in a vehicle.

Same as one of my issue. I recreated my issue buy pressing V to step into the vehicle then immediately get inside it while stepping, and I appeared dead lol.

May 9 2016, 6:58 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T59431: Underwater Vegetation receives shadows from objects between it and the sun..
May 9 2016, 6:55 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T59429: Driving a Quad Bike at Fast Speeds then Pressing CTRL to brake tilts the camera permanently until leaving the quad bike..
May 9 2016, 6:55 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59426: Placing weapons into the MH-9 and AH-9 while the engine is running is Fatal..

I cannot reproduce it any more aswell. It seem to have been fixed, you can consider this ticket closed :D

May 9 2016, 6:55 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T59426: Placing weapons into the MH-9 and AH-9 while the engine is running is Fatal..
May 9 2016, 6:55 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T59419: Press V while getting into a vehicle will make it look like the player is dead..
May 9 2016, 6:55 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam edited Steps To Reproduce on T59415: Underwater Vegetation in some places are hovering above the sea floor.
May 9 2016, 6:54 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59387: Clouds and fog are rising with the aircraft.

I agree that the clouds should be static, but i guess this is Alpha.

May 9 2016, 6:53 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59387: Clouds and fog are rising with the aircraft.

Setting a starting height of the unit to 5000 should put you above the low clouds. I guess that is far to high for clouds to appear.

(Offtopic: play around, set a flying heli's height to 5000+ then turn the engine off in game, see how fast you come crashing down)

May 9 2016, 6:53 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59387: Clouds and fog are rising with the aircraft.

If you keep flying you will eventually fly into the clouds and then above the clouds.

May 9 2016, 6:53 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59298: Artificial light sources are too dim.

I confirm this issue too.

But I have noticed that at different times of the night the lights are either brighter or dimmer.

Put your clocks to Feb.

3am the lights are as bright as they should be.

5am the lights are a lot dimmer in the pitch black.

6am lights very dim

7am/daylight lights are still on, not showing any signs of light.

May 9 2016, 6:50 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59271: Models for female players.

Related to this one:

This website is not JUST for bugs, it is also for Feature Requests.

I love the idea of having females in the game. It would be nice to hear a female saying like "Enemy Sniper 100m South" or something like that.

May 9 2016, 6:46 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59222: [Feature request] Really need a running vault.

It would be better if when running and you press V you would do the standard vault, except quite a bit faster, but if you hold down V you will jump.

Just adding this obviously to find a way to separate the two possible kinds of vaulting.

May 9 2016, 6:45 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59011: Sliding across ground proned.

Yes that's why I recorded the video as the issue is still in the latest Dev build. I'm loving the new stances though... :D

May 9 2016, 4:15 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T59011: Sliding across ground proned.

I think this happens in all positions:

May 9 2016, 4:15 PM · Arma 3
Woodpeckersam added a comment to T58502: No whisper voice on stealth mode.

This is Alpha after all, not everything has been implemented yet. Im sure they must have it for release in the future though =)

Will upvote this anyway.

May 9 2016, 3:18 PM · Arma 3