Very odd. I have tested on both modded and vanilla environments and bodies regularly disappear as soon as there is nobody in the net bubble close to the corpse. Sometimes within a few minutes despite the cleanup time being set to two hours or more.
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Jan 21 2021
Yes, we have noticed this too. If you are wearing gas mask and NVG headstrap and log out there is a risk that the gas mask is gone when you log back in. It does not happen every time, I haven't tested enough so I am not 100% sure how to reproduce it. It is possible the NVG needs to be on when you disconnect for it to happen. It is not related to server restart but to the character saving to the database. I suspect that when logging out the mask and glasses slots can somehow collide so the mask doesn't get saved.
Jan 16 2021
Hello, as an added input related to the above: Just an hour ago I was once again killed by a bear when driving. This time in a truck, fully built. The bear came rushing out of the forest and easily caught up with me (beacause the M3S is kinda slow...) and started attacking me through the closed door. It then got sucked under the wheels and died, but I bled out before I could bandage all the cuts.
Just an hour ago I was once again killed by a bear when driving. This time in a truck, fully built. The bear came rushing out of the forest and easily caught up with me (beacause the M3S is kinda slow...) and started attacking me through the closed door. It then got sucked under the wheels and died, but I bled out before I could bandage all the cuts.
Jan 14 2021
Also applies to bears by the way. I have lost count of all the times I have been driving along and a bear comes charging out of the woods and knocks me out in the car. Should only be possible if you have no door or a broken window. :)
Any news on this issue? I know from statements from Adam that there is work going on with some physics related issues, would this be included? Thrown object really should have sound effects on impact. (Using the drop item sound effect would work as placeholder.)
Hello, I see that this is marked as resolved already 2019-12-17 but the issue is still happening as much as always.
This is still happening by the way. Appears to be desync related, I have had it happen on official servers as well as modded, what vehicle it is does not seem to matter.
Bumping this old suggestion. Really - it would fit well with DayZ's overall design to need to first fell the tree and then cut it up into logs or firewood. Also, if the felled tree model was removed until regenerated, wouldn't that perhaps improve performance? At least it would be a more believable and immersive state since carrying away logs while still seing the felled tree feels...odd.
Jan 12 2021
@Geez I suggest you guys look into the scripts surrounding the "remove if damaged" variable. I am starting to suspect that this function can get false positives and delete a vehicle that is actually not ruined. On mine and a couple of associated servers we had problems with the M3S truck disappearing without trace, after we put "remove if damaged" to "0" it has stopped happening. It means crashed vehicles will stay on the server though, so players are encouraged to drive carefully.
Jan 10 2021
I agree, this can be a very frustrating bug. Today a player on my server died and begged me to put his stuff in a stash since body lifetimes can't be trusted. I was there within ten minutes and it had been cleared already. Sometimes the bodies stay for the intended lifetime, sometimes not - and I have not been able to find a pattern to it. It is an issue that needs to be addressed.
Dec 3 2020
Thank you for looking into it, looking forward to whatever you come up with!
Dec 1 2020
Nov 23 2020
I am getting it too, seems to be a general 1.10 problem. Server FPS fluctuating violently, and even if it is still over 2k on average you will see players rubberbanding, door and other interactions getting delayed and cars being horrible to drive with constant rubberbanding. Sometimes the car is jerked sideways, sometimes it changes direction up to 45 degrees without you even touching the keyboard. Results are of course disastrous if you are travelling at speed.
Vehicles getting thrown about on server restart has become a lot worse with the stable 1.10 release. Really guys you HAVE to do something about this now! If a car is missing a wheel or more it will be tossed around and smashed to pieces more often than not. I made the M3S spawn with all wheels attached after observing this behaviour on Experimental, but it seems I'll have to do it on all vehicles.
Nov 17 2020
It seems to me that bodies will be cleaned away pretty much instantly if there are no other players within the network bubble. Either that or the body sometimes simply falls through the ground and gets deleted because of that?
Nov 14 2020
More observations from 1.10 Experimental:
Nov 12 2020
This still happens occasionally in 1.10 Experimental. Holding R to swap magazine can desync the hands slot and/or the removed magazine, leading to some very awkward situations. It is safer to use hotbar or simply use drag/drop in inventory, but you'll run out of hotbar slots quickly and opening inventory in combat is not something you want to do...
Nov 9 2020
Edited the title in the hope the ticket will be noticed...
This issue needs to be looked at in some way. The way it currently looks in-game with backpacks and guns clipping through vehicles looks really bad. At least alternative 2 should be fairly straightforward to do, considering items held in the character's hands are already hidden when entering a vehicle.
While this issue has improved a lot, parking cars in small garages is still dangerous. They can be flipped or spawned up on the roof of the garage after server restarts - or simply gone if they have been ruined or bounced out of bounds. Speaking of Experimental 1.10.
Issues 1-4 still persist in 1.10 Experimental.
Nov 4 2020
Footnote - the overly squishy cars are especially punishing because of how easy it is to crash due to lag and server stutter. Until vehicle simulation stability is better you might want to consider making cars a lot tougher to compensate. Players do not enjoy spending time and blood to get a car going and then seeing it get wasted after five minutes due to a lag spike...
In 1.10 this is still an issue.
After some more testing it seems this happens more when fishing in the sea, I thought it might be related to the swell but I can't get a 100% reproductible result. It happens on 1.09 stable too, but more rarely.
Oct 28 2020
Yeah, I will do some more testing tonight with knives and record video. With axes and other two-handed melee weapons I do not get the problem at all. Will add to my ticket if I get some footage.
Hello @Geez it seems that with the current 1.10 Experimental build this issue has once again become more common, especially when fighting zombies with knives. Something about the knife animation negates collision so the infected can phase into the player - where it can hit us but we can't hit them until we back away (which gives them another free hit).
Oct 27 2020
I have also observed this, any activity with knives and other tools cause them to go damaged unreasonably fast. Digging worms with a kitchen knife made it go ruined after three worms (from worn). Improvised knife is more or less instantly ruined, you can use it twice or maybe three times depending on what you use it for. Axes wear stupidly fast from cutting down anything at all (trees, bushes, zeds...).
Oct 26 2020
Sep 7 2020
In another forum I have seen players saying it helped to go into the DayZ folder, right click on the DayZ_x64.exe, go into "Properties" and the "Compatibility" tab and tick the box for "Disable full screen optimisation".
Aug 27 2020
Fixed in the latest 1.09 exp patch, thanks!
This has been going on a long time (many pathces, maybe since 1.03 or 1.04). It occurs just after logging in in the vicinity of vehicles and/or storage units such as barrels, tents etc. A few seconds after loading in you will hear a few sounds related to something that has happened with these items - if you have broken a window on the car you will hear it getting shattered - every time you log in near that car, even if was weeks since it was broken. You'll hear barrels opening/closing, tent openings zipping etc. Simply put it seems the sound of historical actions related to things in the player's vicinity are replayed at login. I haven't really found a way to formulate a ticket before this, but now that I saw this I thought I'd leave some more info.
Aug 23 2020
This bug is still at large in 1.09 experimental, in any area where the zombies are of the "city" type, you will only see female infected, with the exception of other specific types (police, firefighter, medical etc).
Aug 19 2020
Thank you, I just noticed it was added that Chernarus is running Livonia economy to the known issues. Explains it!
Take a look at the PvZMod when you get a chance, it has a system regarding bullet no 1. Running over infected will cause damage to the vehicle's radiator and the server owner can configure how much damage is caused and how resilient different vehicles are. Some clever solutions there, I believe something along those lines should be a vanilla feature.
ImpulZ confirmed on the forum that this is intended. I guess the reasoning is the easiest method should be the slowest, but it doesn't really make sense. Cooking on a stick should be slower.
Aug 6 2020
@Geez Excuse the ping but in my opinion points 1-4 above are major bugs so it is disheartening to see that this ticket has not even been opened since I posted it in April. Point 7 should also be priority, while 5 and 6 are more "cool stuff that might conceivably be added in the distant future" requests.
Aug 5 2020
Agreed, the time for cooking on the direct slots is far too long. I feel it should basically be swapped with cooking on a stick.
Jul 27 2020
This issue applies to any container attached to a proxy, such as the buttpack, plate carrier pouches and barrels etc attached to some modded vehicles.
Jul 14 2020
Still happening in 1.08. I still have not been able to work out exactly how to reproduce the bug, but keep using R to reload any weapon (chambered or external magazine) it will eventually become desynced. The server doesn’t register the action while it is complete on the client, which will cause ghost bullets and refilling issues.
Jul 5 2020
Jun 18 2020
In the latest version (1.08153212) this bug changed character a little. Refueling with the animation behaves the same - the animation plays but no refueling of the torch happens and no rags are consumed from the source stack. If you drag and drop rags from inventory to the fuel slot on the torch however, the torch is instantly dismantled and the source stack of rags simply disappears! You are left standing with a small stick in your hands and missing the rags you tried to refuel with. I have video of this behaviour to upload if necessary.
Jun 14 2020
May 27 2020
Adding to this:
- Zombies need to be able to reach players standing on top of a car or other similar objects such as static car wrecks, hesco barriers and so on. It makes absolutely no sense at all that they can jump 2-meter high fences with barbed wire but can't get at me when I'm standing on top of my gunther. Either make them able to climb on top of the car, or make them able to attack players standing there.
May 26 2020
Popping in to ping a friendly reminder that this issue is still happening on a regular basis. On server restart cars parked on uneven ground, near certain objects, in garages or car tents, in gear, without wheels etc will be thrown around and damaged - and thus despawned. Any news of a potential fix in 1.08 @Geez ?
Apr 27 2020
@Geez Okay, after I changed the min="x" value to other values adding up to exactly 100 across all children listed for each zombie event, I did get all the various children to spawn.
Apr 25 2020
@Geez This issue is still happening. As I said above I shuffled the infected_city type to get a mix of both genders in towns. I checked the server report with statistics and there it is in plain black and white.
Apr 23 2020
Still no change, not even acknowledged. This video was recorded from the roof of a large tenement building in Portland, Deer Island map. The light below is from a fireplace l it myself before climbing the building. It is inside a normal house with the light coming out of the windows and doors, not a sealed space.
How far do you get in the launch process? I’ve had this happen twice after server crashes or major desync episodes on community servers. What happened was my saved character was corrupted, causing DayZ to crash instantly when trying to join that server.
Apr 22 2020
It hasn’t happened to me once since 1.07, weird.
Apr 21 2020
Hey, crash tickets are best made as "private" bug reports, they seem to have higher priority. As for your issue, if the game worked on your PC until recently it can be a variety of things, but here's what I would try first:
Apr 9 2020
Yeah, you've been able to craft spears since 0.63 experimental at some stage I think. There are older tickets about the animation too (just search "spear"). I'd rather keep swinging the spear a while longer than see the craft disabled to be honest, but with bayonets having a proper stabbing animation it shouldn't be that far off for the spear, no?
Apr 2 2020
I have to agree with this. When you put luggage in a car, you don't empty the contents of your suitcases/bags in the boot and then toss the empty bags on top. That's just not how it is done...
Mar 18 2020
Since the AI choose the same route into the base every time - the outer watchtower wall - where there is a tree branch clipping through the wall (I built the tower when the tree was felled, okay...) it seems to me as if object collisions seem to be at least partly responsible for AI pathing ignoring base walls. Could be worth checking out?
Mar 3 2020
Feb 27 2020
Still happening in 1.07. All AI units run through our base walls at will. Zombies have chased pigs inside several times, wolves run in freely but tend to get stuck on their way out when trying to flee. Zeds will get stuck for a few seconds when pushing through the watch tower wall, but they get through after 5-10 seconds. No bear spawns near this base, but I've seen them run through base walls as if made of air.
Feb 20 2020
Yup, butchered a cow on 1.07 exp yesterday (Feb 19) using a machete and there was no sound effect.
Feb 14 2020
There is impact sound when running over players, but still nothing when running over any form of AI. Not sure if that is a bug or if there is no sound for that implemented yet.
Feb 13 2020
Clouds still looking unnatural at night in 1.07. The "oily" appearance is still there although the darker night config is much better. No matter the config clouds are still too visible in the sky at night. Really, with the lack of light pollution the clouds should just block light from the stars and glow around the moon if there is one. The brighter night config looks a little better than before, since the cloud textures have been darkened a bit, but they are still far too visible as if illuminated from below.
Feb 5 2020
Fixed in yesterday's patch.
Feb 4 2020
Feb 2 2020
Hey, was about to create a new ticket when I found this ooold one. Dropping in as a reminder that this is still an issue. When using eye zoom or optics, the stars in the sky should not zoom in together with the terrain. They are too distant.
Jan 31 2020
I noticed that this also applies to other light sources, not just the sun or moon. In this video I have thrown a road flare on the ground while standing on a roof. See how small changes in camera angle will flick shadows on/off from trees and structures around the base.
Jan 30 2020
I got this major freeze tonight on 1.07 experimental. The game froze for nearly a minute.
Jan 28 2020
@Geez sorry for pinging, but it is almost two months since I wrote this ticket and I'm curious to know if there really is an issue or if I have buggered up my config somehow. I am almost 100% sure there is a problem with whatever function picks random children to an event, but confirmation would be nice.
Jan 27 2020
Ok @Geez thanks for clearing that up. My experience leads me to think that the functionality of suppressed sound is inconsistent. If you miss and the bullet strikes a wall near the infected, they will investigate the general vicinity of the point of impact, as you say. If you hit the infected it will sometimes immediately come charging right at you, including other infected in the vicinity who were nowhere near the target. Sometimes this does not happen and the target infected runs around stupidly. Maybe this has to do with how well I manage to stay hidden, but it might need a bit of tweaking still.
Jan 20 2020
Jan 17 2020
Jan 13 2020
Changed Severity since I suspect this bug applies anywhere something is randomly picked from a list.
Jan 12 2020
I have done some more testing concerning this issue, and it seems whatever script/funcion calls for random children to spawn favours the uppermost entries in the list, making the lower entries less and less likely to appear the further down the list you go. The infectedcity list is the longest (62 iirc, 30 female and 32 male) and since all the females are listed first (zmbf comes before zmbm alphabetically) the males will practically never appear. This is the case on all servers, but more apparent where infected count has been increased. When I mixed the list so one line is a zmbf and the next a zmbm, the next a zmbf and so on, I got zombies of both sexes.
Jan 10 2020
@Allantheking Well that's a downer, BUT I had none of the freezes and lag spikes that happen when tabbing out of inventory on stable, and that is very good.
Jan 9 2020
Still happening in current exp, this short video is from tonight (January 9th) on the EU exp server. :(.
Jan 6 2020
Jan 4 2020
Generators, construction lights and cable reels are still despawning. To be fair they are persistent in the sense that they remain after server restarts, but the lifetime set in the server files is much shorter (604800 sec, that is one week) than other base elements. Most importantly - and this is the key here - the despawn timer is not reset when the generator is switched on/off. For these items to be properly persistent switching the generator on/off should reset the despawn timer on it and any other item connected to it. Once I have placed generators and lights around my base I don't particularly enjoy having to repeat the process every other day just to be sure they won't despawn.
Jan 1 2020
This also applies to wolves, they jump right through fences as if they are not there but can then somehow get stuck half way through the wall of a watch tower. See enclosed video.
Dec 29 2019
It is intended, according to Geez comment in another ticket:
Dec 20 2019
Still happening as far as I know. This video was recorded during 1.05, to my knowledge there has been no change with 1.06.