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User Since
Dec 22 2013, 10:58 PM (552 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Aug 22 2020

Allantheking added a comment to T153323: Incorrect Locked Door.

i saw this bug during sumrak stream too

Aug 22 2020, 6:33 PM · DayZ

May 16 2020

Allantheking added a comment to T150955: Having item in hand causes you to bleed while going through gate.

close it was actually mod related my bad

May 16 2020, 2:16 PM · DayZ

May 15 2020

Allantheking created T150955: Having item in hand causes you to bleed while going through gate.
May 15 2020, 2:02 PM · DayZ

Apr 14 2020

Allantheking updated the task description for T150327: CleanupVehicleRuined.
Apr 14 2020, 4:00 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
Allantheking updated the task description for T150327: CleanupVehicleRuined.
Apr 14 2020, 4:00 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
Allantheking created T150327: CleanupVehicleRuined.
Apr 14 2020, 3:58 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Mar 11 2020

Allantheking added a comment to T149659: Green sky with multiple colored rectangles.

Ive seen people deleting their configs and verify their games to fix this

Mar 11 2020, 10:49 AM · DayZ

Feb 18 2020

Allantheking added a comment to T139586: Persistence: Cars changing position after Server restart/crash - some even dissappear.

they have a set team and prioritize the important stuff, this is minor stuff.
i rather they fix ghost bullets, inventory issues and crashes

Feb 18 2020, 6:15 PM · DayZ

Feb 14 2020

Allantheking added a comment to T148851: Dead guy, non-refillable magazine and possible ghost bullets.

@Geez it doesnt only happen with corpses, containers, sea chest etc too

Feb 14 2020, 2:47 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T149028: DayZ 1.07 bugs with animations.


Feb 14 2020, 2:35 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Feb 8 2020

Allantheking added a comment to T148851: Dead guy, non-refillable magazine and possible ghost bullets. already been since 1.05 there is more info in the comments

Feb 8 2020, 3:41 PM · DayZ

Jan 10 2020

Allantheking added a comment to T146797: 1.06 exp: Looting issue.

@Beavis its not going to be fixed until 1.07 sumrak said the inventory changes internally wont make it possible.

Jan 10 2020, 1:45 AM · DayZ

Dec 17 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T147499: People getting no Demage on the new dlc Map..

Sounds like its either a guy that died standing up / crashed . Or its a desync issue with your gun causing it to fire blanks

Dec 17 2019, 7:14 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T147491: Game crash - Actions like opening a can, repairing a jacket crashes the game.

I've seen quite a few people with the crashing in the latest patch

Dec 17 2019, 1:51 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T147491: Game crash - Actions like opening a can, repairing a jacket crashes the game.

please provide them with your crash logs:

Dec 17 2019, 1:50 PM · DayZ

Dec 13 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146797: 1.06 exp: Looting issue.

its not fixed

Dec 13 2019, 10:35 AM · DayZ

Dec 8 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T147083: AI_bliss.pbo - Unable to join server(s).

This is because some server hasn't updated correctly.
when the patch was released the server software omegamanager didnt download the bliss folder and that is fixed so it does now (server owners).

Dec 8 2019, 9:10 AM · DayZ

Dec 4 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T139497: Car Despawn.

They will just say they are working on it and no updates, there is no point in asking...

Dec 4 2019, 5:43 PM · DayZ

Dec 2 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

@Geez i've just seen someone say this "you drag the bugged mag onto an item in your inventory that is the same size as the bugged mag and swap them and it will fix and take the mag out" , ive not been able to check if this work with issue might be worth checking.

Dec 2 2019, 9:21 PM · DayZ

Dec 1 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146804: Guns seem to go bugged and then missing after a relog in experimental..

Already reported, its a desync issue where the server thinks you are holding something else but on client you are shooting your gun

Dec 1 2019, 1:50 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146819: Weapon magazine glitch.


Dec 1 2019, 1:46 PM · DayZ PlayStation

Nov 29 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146775: Cannot place item to specific inventory slot. already happen on 1.5

Nov 29 2019, 8:42 PM · DayZ

Nov 28 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146280: Wind audio sometimes becomes choppy [1.06 Exp].

Maybe its software related? some audio incompability with the engine causing issues?

Nov 28 2019, 2:22 PM · DayZ

Nov 27 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146754: Where my car?.

Your car despawned due to the vehicle being damaged on server restart (it moved). known bug

Nov 27 2019, 2:29 PM · DayZ

Nov 23 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T139497: Car Despawn.

@Beavis that bug has been known a long time . its on their list of fixes to be done T139586

Nov 23 2019, 11:17 PM · DayZ

Nov 15 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146464: EXP 1.06 CR527 Mag that spawns in gun cant be removed.

T143862 might be this issue too , you sure its spawned in the gun?

Nov 15 2019, 5:53 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146478: Magazine stuck - You can't put a new magazine in a weapon and the game doesn't show the magazine.

yea but if you read the comments that is included

Nov 15 2019, 5:35 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T142737: Low FPS/stuttering when inventory is full.

It's a mod issue, pretty sure its one of the badly optimized gun mods

Nov 15 2019, 1:38 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146478: Magazine stuck - You can't put a new magazine in a weapon and the game doesn't show the magazine.

@Lex think thats more likely T143862

Nov 15 2019, 8:25 AM · DayZ

Nov 12 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146446: This gun is have problem. .

ok you just confirmed T143862 thats your issue with both bugs

Nov 12 2019, 6:18 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146445: Ghost Bullets.

T143862 this can cause this issue

Nov 12 2019, 6:10 PM · DayZ

Nov 4 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146294: Bug Experimental 1.06 #2.

T146211 already reported

Nov 4 2019, 7:19 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146296: Bug Experimental 1.06 #4.

This is due to low server performance currently happening on EXP , this aint a bug its how server controled vehicles behave once the server go haywire.

Nov 4 2019, 7:18 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146292: REloading Magazin KA-M Bug.

T143862 has nothing todo with the description

Nov 4 2019, 2:35 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146266: Hands bugging out video 1.06 experimental.

If you get that hand bug just raise fist and punch , kind of same to T144376 probably related fix possible

Nov 4 2019, 1:16 PM · DayZ

Nov 3 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146247: still magazine handling is defective - magazin cannot be changed.

T143862 they are looking into it

Nov 3 2019, 9:26 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146256: Can't unload bugged LAR mag.

T143862 Already under investigation

Nov 3 2019, 9:24 PM · DayZ

Nov 1 2019

Allantheking updated the task description for T146213: horrendous server performance 1.06.
Nov 1 2019, 5:23 PM · DayZ
Allantheking created T146213: horrendous server performance 1.06.
Nov 1 2019, 5:23 PM · DayZ
Allantheking created T146211: Floating blaze bullet while going down ladder 1.06.
Nov 1 2019, 4:07 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T146196: Exp 1.06 Animation issue with BK-43.

T145147 dont happen to be this ?

Nov 1 2019, 11:17 AM · DayZ

Oct 31 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146161: 1.

This is a mod related issue , please contact the mod authors , its related to the rewrite of the codelock mod some mods need to update their code

Oct 31 2019, 12:06 AM · DayZ

Oct 25 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T146070: Bugged weapons and Inventory items..

T143862 here is the ticket for bugged gun

Oct 25 2019, 5:47 PM · DayZ

Oct 22 2019

Allantheking updated subscribers of T134506: DAyZ Standalone fails to launch.

@Geez bot account above, is it possible to get a report feature?

Oct 22 2019, 9:10 AM · DayZ

Oct 19 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T145960: Stuck Magazine Bug.

T143862 duplicate its being looked into

Oct 19 2019, 7:17 PM · DayZ

Oct 15 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T145642: Server Persistance Issue.

also if the xml is not properly validated can cause this behavior . typos etc

Oct 15 2019, 1:58 PM · DayZ

Oct 11 2019

Allantheking updated subscribers of T145534: Hackers/Cheaters on Official Servers.

Can you give the devs the exact time too ? and timezone so they can look through logs.

Oct 11 2019, 11:35 AM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T145530: Ghost Bullets.

I had a similar instance on 1.05 exp where a zombie punched me and it gave me ghost bullets too.

Oct 11 2019, 11:08 AM · DayZ

Oct 9 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144774: Cars going crazy.

its nothing to do with ping it's server performance , 1.05 is worse than the past patches . and once you got low server performance the car physics start acting up

Oct 9 2019, 12:28 PM · DayZ

Oct 7 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags. Ak shows mag Ak shows mag

Oct 7 2019, 1:15 AM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.
Oct 7 2019, 1:02 AM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

Okay found this clip randomly from sacriels stream , it may be related to the R to reload after all ?

Oct 7 2019, 12:35 AM · DayZ

Oct 6 2019

Allantheking edited Additional Information on T145388: Sometimes vault animation is canceld and lags you through fence.
Oct 6 2019, 11:04 PM · DayZ
Allantheking edited Steps To Reproduce on T145388: Sometimes vault animation is canceld and lags you through fence.
Oct 6 2019, 11:04 PM · DayZ
Allantheking edited Additional Information on T145388: Sometimes vault animation is canceld and lags you through fence.
Oct 6 2019, 11:04 PM · DayZ
Allantheking created T145388: Sometimes vault animation is canceld and lags you through fence.
Oct 6 2019, 10:40 PM · DayZ

Oct 5 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T145314: Cars disappear after server restart. it's known car get moved during restart then they get damaged

Oct 5 2019, 7:41 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T139497: Car Despawn.

@Hooty the server fps has gotten worse since 1.5 which was reported during exp, worse severfps = more freaking out vehicle there is no proper fix but run a good server , less than 60 pop vanilla server rn.
Also the vehicle might not crash server it might just be a server in death spiral with a memory leak.

Oct 5 2019, 5:30 AM · DayZ

Oct 4 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T139497: Car Despawn.

@Beavis ye because this probably a thing when the server moves the vehicle on restart bug and make it damaged .
So thats probably a temp fix

Oct 4 2019, 3:48 PM · DayZ

Oct 1 2019

Allantheking created T145147: Gun placement in hand messed up while jump and turning 1.05.152551.
Oct 1 2019, 4:12 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144376: Animation issues causing weird hand state to get stuck 1.05 Stable.

@Geez from my testing this is fixed in latest exp ty

Oct 1 2019, 3:53 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144430: Community servers error on startup related to mod conflicts / limitations?.

@hly no read what he said

Oct 1 2019, 2:28 PM · DayZ

Sep 24 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

Okay i got the reload bug on video the one holding R doesnt work and weird behavior of the ak.

Sep 24 2019, 12:54 PM · DayZ
Allantheking updated subscribers of T145013: Cant Grab items off ground or out of crates.
Sep 24 2019, 12:41 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T145013: Cant Grab items off ground or out of crates.

i can kind of confirm this with a seachest sometimes items get stuck and cant be moved to the container

Sep 24 2019, 12:24 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T145013: Cant Grab items off ground or out of crates.

You sure its containers?
this issue been going on a while with various desync state and the devs haven't seem to pin point the issue.
we have been discussing a issue with mags and desync handstate T143862 .

Sep 24 2019, 11:57 AM · DayZ

Sep 20 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144931: Cant remove magazine from KA-M.

maybe related to

Sep 20 2019, 8:17 PM · DayZ

Sep 19 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144819: Server Config: equalModRequired = 1 still a must have ?.

"pick up an older mod" , i told you if it hasnt been updated with the v3 keys you need to contact the mod author.
BI can't do anything about this its up to the modders to update their mods..

Sep 19 2019, 12:40 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144819: Server Config: equalModRequired = 1 still a must have ?.

Im running my own server and it works ive told you.
If there is a mod that hasn't been updated since they introduced verifysignature 3 , then you need to contact the author to update with the new key.

Sep 19 2019, 12:10 AM · DayZ

Sep 18 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

@Lex i actually was trying to reproduce this issue today and something happen was that i couldn't reload my magazine by holding R , had two full mags in my inventory . when i quickly checked my mag in the inventory it suddenly showed both as 0 . Relogged and it was back at 30.
As i said these might be all different kind of issues.
i forgot to hit record or i would have got it on video. I was meleeing zombies and getting hit while reloading too.

Sep 18 2019, 1:34 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

@Digiblast that might be a different issue with desync of handstate or its related dunno.
Maybe this issue has to do with vaulting ? as this is the only action being done during those 10sec of disappearing of mag

Sep 18 2019, 11:00 AM · DayZ

Sep 17 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

@Geez okey ive just seen it happen on a stream ,

Sep 17 2019, 11:32 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144819: Server Config: equalModRequired = 1 still a must have ?.

Verifysignature 3 makes it so you cant use outdated mods it doesn't let you join.
If the mods on the server is the latest and the player doesnt have it = not being able to join.
If the player has the latest mod and the server is not updated = not able to join.

Sep 17 2019, 7:32 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144819: Server Config: equalModRequired = 1 still a must have ?.

You should not use equalModRequired at all its a deprecated function.
Use verifySignature 3 because thats what you are looking for

Sep 17 2019, 12:31 PM · DayZ

Sep 16 2019

Allantheking renamed T144376: Animation issues causing weird hand state to get stuck 1.05 Stable from Animation issues 1.05 Stable to Animation issues causing weird hand state to get stuck 1.05 Stable.
Sep 16 2019, 3:22 PM · DayZ

Sep 12 2019

Allantheking updated subscribers of T144376: Animation issues causing weird hand state to get stuck 1.05 Stable.

@Geez quite annoying animation issue , you guys aware of this ?

Sep 12 2019, 10:54 AM · DayZ

Sep 9 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144616: Can't Compile World. it's something to do with mods its already being discussed in that ticket

Sep 9 2019, 11:02 PM · DayZ

Sep 8 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144499: Can't compile "World" script module! . check this ticket been assigned

Sep 8 2019, 11:16 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T143841: 1.05.152326 - NEW bug with classified Loot bleeding/spreading into WRONG BUILDINGS [SCREENSHOTS+DESCRIPTION].

@freerider3434 thats what i mean , he is part of the team. my wording was maybe not the best :)

Sep 8 2019, 11:06 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T143841: 1.05.152326 - NEW bug with classified Loot bleeding/spreading into WRONG BUILDINGS [SCREENSHOTS+DESCRIPTION].

@BetterDeadThanZed Geez just told you.... he is the Dev

Sep 8 2019, 8:09 PM · DayZ

Sep 6 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144493: Ghost Bullets / Gun shooting Blanks.

fix is relogging and you will have another item in your hand,, its a handstate desync often.
i gor it on 1.05 exp but saddly wasnt recording

Sep 6 2019, 6:56 PM · DayZ

Sep 5 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

I haven't come across this issue yet, i lost that character with the ak74 , but it may not have been the mag that was the issue but the gun. the gun wouldn't attach even a freshly spawned mag.
i forgot to say that the ak74 was spawned as badly damaged and the mag was pristine if that helps.

Sep 5 2019, 5:08 PM · DayZ

Sep 3 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T137296: Ruined Car wheels model is the same as pristine, which doesn't affect the performance at all.

Ok this is a thing in 1.05 still crashed my car the sedan wheel shows still pristine look but is ruined and the wheel i punched shows correct state.

Sep 3 2019, 8:47 PM · DayZ
Allantheking updated the task description for T144376: Animation issues causing weird hand state to get stuck 1.05 Stable.
Sep 3 2019, 8:18 PM · DayZ
Allantheking created T144376: Animation issues causing weird hand state to get stuck 1.05 Stable.
Sep 3 2019, 8:14 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144052: 1.05 experimental UK 0-4 (1pp) - terrible server performance. ye its still happening on Stable now , maybe @Spaggie can get info what server he played on?

Sep 3 2019, 6:14 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T142876: Player speed/zigzags potential fixes/solutions.

Yes honestly what @EnterThePug said

Sep 3 2019, 11:02 AM · DayZ

Sep 2 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T136511: Full-auto gun shot audio NOT registering | (BUG w/ EDEN sound engine!).

This should be fixed in latest EXP lets test !

Sep 2 2019, 5:19 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144193: cr-527 impossible to change magazine 1.05 exp. already reported with no response ..
probably related to all guns?

Sep 2 2019, 4:24 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T137471: The center of the optical sight below the center of eye vision..

@Groove_C a ticket is closed due to duplicate reports

Sep 2 2019, 4:22 PM · DayZ

Aug 29 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144105: Bugging weapons 1.5.

try to drop the gun raise your fists and start punching and then put it back in your hand

Aug 29 2019, 1:07 PM · DayZ
Allantheking added a comment to T144052: 1.05 experimental UK 0-4 (1pp) - terrible server performance.

@Geez putting this here aswell during the 0-3 profiling:
Just died to zombies, unresponsive doors, cant change gun and hits wanst registering on zombies

Aug 29 2019, 12:26 PM · DayZ

Aug 27 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T144052: 1.05 experimental UK 0-4 (1pp) - terrible server performance. what enterthepug said server was dodgy

Aug 27 2019, 6:44 PM · DayZ
Allantheking updated subscribers of T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.

@Geez is this issue known? , i couldn't load the gun with the mag on the current exp either
i can provide video if needed , relogging does nothing

Aug 27 2019, 12:23 PM · DayZ

Aug 26 2019

Allantheking created T144007: 1.05 experimental animation bug makes aiming down sight impossible.
Aug 26 2019, 6:49 PM · DayZ

Aug 23 2019

Allantheking created T143862: Exp 1.05 bugged mags.
Aug 23 2019, 10:29 AM · DayZ

Jul 24 2019

Allantheking added a comment to T142575: Ghost bullets/Bullets Not Registering .

There is a desync with hand state that can cause stuff like this. I was shooting at an animal bullets wasnt registering and i relogged and i had something else in my hand

Jul 24 2019, 11:54 AM · DayZ

Jul 23 2019

Allantheking edited Additional Information on T142578: Overloading GPU in main menu causes issue streaming/recording OBS due to no FPS cap.
Jul 23 2019, 11:33 AM · Restricted Project
Allantheking updated the task description for T142578: Overloading GPU in main menu causes issue streaming/recording OBS due to no FPS cap.
Jul 23 2019, 11:30 AM · Restricted Project
Allantheking created T142578: Overloading GPU in main menu causes issue streaming/recording OBS due to no FPS cap.
Jul 23 2019, 11:27 AM · Restricted Project