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Can't unload bugged LAR mag
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Basically what I did is I came back to NWAF to loot three dead geared bodies, friend got em. Looted them all, one had LAR. I wanted to unload the mag and refill it, but I couldn't unload the mag. I tried relogging, didn't work too. Someone on Steam told me to try this: put LAR in hands, put the mag in hotbar, holster the wep, put LAR back on hands and hold the mag's hotbar button. It kinda did work, this mag was in my hands, but in reality it did not work: for others I still had LAR in my hands. I could load other mags with bullets in it, but if I try to shoot it just won't shoot for others, they just hear me clicking like it's an empty mag.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Grab the weapon from a dead body
  2. Try to unload the mag (that's basically it?)
  3. Put wep in hands, put the mag in hotbar, holster and grab the weapon back and then hold the mag's hotbar button
  4. Bugged mag will be in your hand but it's not real, you can try throwing it away or keeping it in inventory but it will be back to LAR after relogging.
Additional Information

I also recorded a video about it, here it is:
Edit: you also can't load the mag, it won't just work.
Edit2: Is it also possible for devs to fix the LAR from their side? Don't want to throw away my LAR :(

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Event Timeline

Sapphire_ created this task.Nov 3 2019, 3:34 PM
Sapphire_ edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Nov 3 2019, 3:37 PM
Sapphire_ edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Nov 3 2019, 5:31 PM

T143862 Already under investigation

Ok, thanks for informing about it, but can they edit player's inventory in any way?