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Persistence: Cars changing position after Server restart/crash - some even dissappear
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Cars keep randomly changing positions after a server crash or restart. If stored inside a base or building, they might end up on their roofs. I had one car go into the sea by itself.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 Pro
Steps To Reproduce

Park a car inside a building or an easily recognizable spot and check the position after a restart.

Additional Information

Seems to be a persistence issue

Event Timeline

I'm seeing this also, I have a private server just to try out new features, and the car positions seem to be messed up. I had a couple spawns where the car was sitting on its roof upside down, and some where the car was sitting about half on a pile of debris or on another static car, and many of the parts were ruined (even though untouched by other players). And the cars I've got running there is no longer an option to turn on headlights. Also you cannot remove parts like battery, radiator, sparkplug, headlight bulbs properly, you have to walk around the car at random spots and hope that you get the option to remove the part, it does not seem to have anything to do with being in proximity of the part you're trying to remove.

Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.May 21 2019, 1:05 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Zombie_Fodder.
We have confirmed the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix.

Thank you @Geez . Could you acknowledge this one as well?

Geez added a comment.May 21 2019, 3:01 PM

Thank you @Geez . Could you acknowledge this one as well?

The issue has been reported to us and we are aware of it and it is going to be tested internally. I will update the ticket once we have more information.

Beavis added a subscriber: Beavis.Jun 23 2019, 11:02 AM

Still happening. My squad has had three cars ruined by being tossed around at server restarts. One Ada even jumped over a concrete wall into a tree...

Seems fairly random when it happens, we've had the same three cars without issues for weeks since we lost that Ada, but yesterday our Olga decided to jump 10 meters and have two wheels ruined :(

Would server logs be helpful?

voudou added a subscriber: voudou.Jul 9 2019, 9:30 PM
Geez removed a subscriber: Geez.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.
Geez added subscribers: bombjack, Flamberg.

@Geez hi :)

May be close this ticket as duplicate T139497?

Really hoping a fix for this makes it to 1.05 before stable update.

Really hoping a fix for this makes it to 1.05 before stable update.

I was expecting the update to hit today. I removed cars from spawn on my Server for now. It takes too much time for admins to replace missing vehicles.
So walking it is until fixed.

freerider3434 added a comment.EditedAug 29 2019, 2:55 PM

In T139586#1942382, @Ficarra1002 wrote:
Really hoping a fix for this makes it to 1.05 before stable update.

I was expecting the update to hit today. I removed cars from spawn on my Server for now. It takes too much time for admins to replace missing vehicles.
So walking it is until fixed.

@Geez Is a fix for this game feature breaking issue part of 1.05 or will it take more time?

@freerider3434 it still is in 1.05. I removed on both of my servers all vehicles. Problem solved for me.

Zombie_Fodder changed Severity from Minor to Major.Aug 29 2019, 3:25 PM

@Zombie_Fodder Thanks for changing severity to major. Removing the vehicles from your server isn't problem solved though. It's problem avoided ;)

@Zombie_Fodder Thanks for changing severity to major. Removing the vehicles from your server isn't problem solved though. It's problem avoided ;)

I have to agree. Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. Sadly the guy who made the indestructible car mod stopped modding. That was another way to workaround the issue.

The biggest issue here isn't the cars, it's how people park them. Imagine a car show, you know, the ones where they have cars on the big spinning platforms. When you park a vehicle in DayZ, you need to imagine it spinning in place. If it will contact anything in it's spinning, there's a good chance it will get "bumped" around due to collision. When a server restarts, active vehicles(Whole working vehicles) quite literally "fall from the sky" as they spawn back in. They occasionally turn a little bit also, hence the make sure it can spin without hitting anything rule. Also don't park vehicles on inclines. When the vehicles spawn in they can bounce downhill. On any server that hasn't disabled vehicle damage through a mod, if the vehicle is bounced around it can take damage, if it takes enough damage, the server will despawn it as destroyed. On every server where people have been told this and they've begun to conform to it, the number of vehicle parking issues has vastly reduced.

The biggest issue here isn't the cars, it's how people park them. Imagine a car show, you know, the ones where they have cars on the big spinning platforms. When you park a vehicle in DayZ, you need to imagine it spinning in place. If it will contact anything in it's spinning, there's a good chance it will get "bumped" around due to collision. When a server restarts, active vehicles(Whole working vehicles) quite literally "fall from the sky" as they spawn back in. They occasionally turn a little bit also, hence the make sure it can spin without hitting anything rule. Also don't park vehicles on inclines. When the vehicles spawn in they can bounce downhill. On any server that hasn't disabled vehicle damage through a mod, if the vehicle is bounced around it can take damage, if it takes enough damage, the server will despawn it as destroyed. On every server where people have been told this and they've begun to conform to it, the number of vehicle parking issues has vastly reduced.

I tested it myself for a long time. Even spawned cars by the loot economy land on their sides, or drift hundreds of meters away from the spawn point. The Issue is the persistence in general. Of course, parking a car inside a building exaggerates the issue since a wall is nearby, so even a few meters will flip the car.
People want to protect their hard earned vehicles. So there needs to be a fix.

T143100 seems to be another duplicate of this issue.

Tyson added a subscriber: Tyson.Sep 30 2019, 11:10 PM

@Geez any updates? Im running 3 Servers and its really a big issue. I know you got many things to do, but since this issue started, 2 vehicles got into the Game. Why are there no News on this issue?

Petrova added a subscriber: Petrova.Oct 2 2019, 4:05 PM

When a physics frame time supercedes 1/40th second the vehicles behave erratically. the code that allows that to happen could potentially be programmed in a way that it only works at the desired tick rate and no less

Strangely enough it got a bit worse after the last update. A lot of the spawned cars are on their sides after a restart.

That is because server performance went ever worse with 1.05

Geez closed this task as a duplicate of T139497: Car Despawn.Dec 9 2019, 2:40 PM

Just lost 2 vehicles yesterday due to this on 1.07. Not sure if this is something that is planned on being fixed or what. Along with vehicles lagging out and killing us, i'm running out of ideas as to why they're even in game to begin with. Please fix these issues.

Hooty added a subscriber: Hooty.Feb 18 2020, 4:20 PM

Relax guys it was schedule for a fix back last year, May 21 2019.

Nothing gets fixed in this game.

they have a set team and prioritize the important stuff, this is minor stuff.
i rather they fix ghost bullets, inventory issues and crashes