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- User Since
- Jul 23 2014, 12:54 AM (552 w, 21 h)
Sep 12 2019
Sounds like the same issue as T143745 - should be merged
Aug 31 2019
T143100 seems to be another duplicate of this issue.
May 16 2019
Update on what I wrote:
Can confirm this on our server too. We actually got the gates to work because the gates had camo nets on them. Removing and re-adding them to the fence seems to sort of reset the gate and then it'll work as intended. So I guess you always have to put something in the "inventory" of the gate to reset its behavior. This resets every time after server restart and you have to repeat the process. Couldn't test if every single player has to do it or if it's enough for one player to do it.
Nov 27 2017
Jun 11 2017
Cars seem to not disappear again, even when there is nothing in the inventory (0.62 stable), can anyone else confirm that? I tried shooting up a car, but it was still there the next day with 0 attachments and nothing in the inventory.
Jun 9 2017
Also happening on stable servers (0.62 now). Deer pelt, lime and other things in barrel. Watched it disappear (lime & pelt only, rest stayed in barrel) in front of me. Relogged to see if it was only a visual glitch but unfortunately both items were gone for good.
Apr 15 2017
Hi there
Mar 27 2017
Mar 18 2017
I tried it on experimental DayZ DE-01 went up that exact hill a couple of times and crashed my way down the hill ;) the doors, headlight, etc were all broken but I didn't glitch under the map. *fingers crossed*
Mar 16 2017
Sorry for the late reply. As to my knowledge the truck was with crashing into a tree at high speed and even flipped ;) he basically slid down a very steep hill.
Mar 10 2017
Mar 8 2017
The only problem there is with that is that trucks don't show as ruined and can actually still be entered even if they're ruined. I haven't tested it myself, but the other admin did on our server. After restart they still disappeared but it's hard to tell when they're actually ruined :/
Bingo. Cheers, that did it. You really need to remove everything, including doors, bonnets, hoods, etc for it to despawn properly. Thanks IMT.
Mar 6 2017
before shooting car
Mar 5 2017
Seems to be true for some servers, as we experienced the same as the original poster. We have a private hive master and the crashed truck I mentioned in my merged ticket has not respawned yet - even after a couple of restarts, same for two sedans that are just there, crashed and immobile.
Mar 4 2017
Sorry for the troubles, just realized that this is already contained in a big report: T123592