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[1.09.153360] There is a sound "Opening barrel" after player loading on map
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 26 2020, 10:11 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Can you please provide more information regarding to the occurrence of the issue?
Were there any barrels in the vicinity by any chance?

Beavis added a subscriber: Beavis.Aug 27 2020, 11:29 PM

This has been going on a long time (many pathces, maybe since 1.03 or 1.04). It occurs just after logging in in the vicinity of vehicles and/or storage units such as barrels, tents etc. A few seconds after loading in you will hear a few sounds related to something that has happened with these items - if you have broken a window on the car you will hear it getting shattered - every time you log in near that car, even if was weeks since it was broken. You'll hear barrels opening/closing, tent openings zipping etc. Simply put it seems the sound of historical actions related to things in the player's vicinity are replayed at login. I haven't really found a way to formulate a ticket before this, but now that I saw this I thought I'd leave some more info.

Hi Geez!

I just logged in the server and only my yellow barrel was nearby.

This happens with the barrels, the barbed wire and the combination lock. these last two make the sound of when a barbed wire or a combination lock is attached, It happens when you are entering the game, as shown in the PR9INICHEK video, the sound of broken glass also happens with cars if you had an accident with broken glass at some point in your game.

There is also the same sound when it starts to rain and you leave the barrel open or when you draw water to fill a bottle or canteen.

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Acknowledged.Sep 21 2020, 1:49 PM

Thank you.
The issue has been confirmed and scheduled for a fix.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 23 2021, 11:39 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello again.
The issue has been resolved for the 1.13 patch.