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Lag Spikes in 1.06 Experimental 23/11 -19
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There are recurring, severe lag spikes in the latest experimental build. I was playing on the US server, had no company and it occured in various situations so I could not see a pattern to the cause. The game froze entirely for 1-3 seconds during these episodes. It very much resembled the kind of lag spike you can get when approaching the vicinity of too large bases on modded servers.

I have not seen this kind of lag spike in the vanilla game for a long time. It does not happen on stable and did not happen in the latest exp build or the Livonia beta.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Freezes
Steps To Reproduce

Just play the game continuously for a few hours.

Additional Information

GTX 1070

Event Timeline

Beavis created this task.Nov 23 2019, 1:24 AM
Beavis added a comment.EditedNov 27 2019, 7:15 AM

Still happening in the latest 26/11 build (1.06.152807), longest freeze so far lasted 10 seconds. No apparent pattern to the cause, could be connected to weather changes, lighting, player proximity or anything else. I have video clips I can upload if it would help. Again, this does not happen in 1.05 stable and it did not happen in the Livonia beta, so it is not an issue with my PC.

Happened on two different 3PP servers, US and DE, one high pop the other low, and the 1PP server.

Beavis changed Severity from Major to Block.Nov 27 2019, 7:18 AM

Still happening in today's stable push, build 1.06.152859. Uploading a video of a typical case. It mostly seems to happen in relation to inventory interactions or using items in your bags.

I got this major freeze tonight on 1.07 experimental. The game froze for nearly a minute.