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Infected vs Cars
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


The interactions between cars and infected are not working properly. List below:

  1. Driving over infected (or any other AI) will not cause any damage to the car. This makes cars very easy to abuse as overpowered weapons against infected wherever it is possible to drive. The damage caused should depend on the speed and size of the AI hit (chickens no damage regardless - cows or bears catastrophic at speed). Different vehicles should be more or less resistant to this damage (think unmodified Sarka vs V3S or in the case of mods a reinforced Mad Maxish Mustang)
  2. Driving over infected will not cause a sound effect on impact. I think the sound effect works when running over players, but not infected or other AI.
  3. Infected will not attack players sitting in a car even if there is no door at their seat. Missing or open door, or an entirely broken window should make that seat available for infected to attack. Doors and windows should not merely be cosmetic.*
  4. Infected will often stay targeted on a car even if the players have left the car and are attacking the infected.

*) The flip side of this is that wolves and bears can and will attack players in a closed vehicle!


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Only no 4 is intermittent, but this happens most of the time. I have been able to calmly step out of a car surrounded by 6+ infected and kill them one by one with my axe without them turning away from the car. Sometimes they will change target though, but I have been unable to observe exactly what the difference is or if it is random.

Event Timeline

Beavis created this task.Apr 9 2020, 5:11 PM
Beavis updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 9 2020, 5:17 PM

Adding to this:

  1. Zombies need to be able to reach players standing on top of a car or other similar objects such as static car wrecks, hesco barriers and so on. It makes absolutely no sense at all that they can jump 2-meter high fences with barbed wire but can't get at me when I'm standing on top of my gunther. Either make them able to climb on top of the car, or make them able to attack players standing there.

This "feature" makes it too easy to escape an aggroed group of zombies, if you have enough ammo all you need is climb a car and kill all the zombies in a village and then loot..

Beavis added a subscriber: Geez.Aug 6 2020, 4:06 PM

@Geez Excuse the ping but in my opinion points 1-4 above are major bugs so it is disheartening to see that this ticket has not even been opened since I posted it in April. Point 7 should also be priority, while 5 and 6 are more "cool stuff that might conceivably be added in the distant future" requests.

Take a look at the PvZMod when you get a chance, it has a system regarding bullet no 1. Running over infected will cause damage to the vehicle's radiator and the server owner can configure how much damage is caused and how resilient different vehicles are. Some clever solutions there, I believe something along those lines should be a vanilla feature.

Issues 1-4 still persist in 1.10 Experimental.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Nov 9 2020, 3:23 PM
Geez changed the task status from Assigned to Acknowledged.Dec 3 2020, 1:27 PM

Hello Beavis.
All of the four issues have been confirmed and we will see what can be done.

Beavis added a comment.Dec 3 2020, 4:37 PM

Thank you for looking into it, looking forward to whatever you come up with!

Hello, as an added input related to the above: Just an hour ago I was once again killed by a bear when driving. This time in a truck, fully built. The bear came rushing out of the forest and easily caught up with me (beacause the M3S is kinda slow...) and started attacking me through the closed door. It then got sucked under the wheels and died, but I bled out before I could bandage all the cuts.

This goes to show that letting infected attack players sitting in a car would be perfectly possible...

There needs to be a system in place so the attacks will first be absorbed by an eventual door mounted at that player's seat. Once the door has soaked enough damage to become ruined the player will be unshielded and subject to damage from all the angry nasties.

Please make this happen. Dying to bears/wolves while sitting in a closed car is very frustrating, while infected not attacking players sitting in a car without doors is simply broken.

Beavis updated the task description. (Show Details)Apr 12 2021, 5:02 PM