andy, can you keep this post open (maybe with "need more information")?
i'm pretty sure, cureing infections does not work sometimes
(i spent 4 hrs to reproduce it yesterday and get it recorded, but didn't even get an infection and then got one hitted by a zombie even though i wasn't to low at blood)
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May 11 2016
so it's official... with 0.54 update another hive reset+ time mashines are real
it is because you character actually leans a bit to the front when running.
now you lean to the front irl, and tell me you still see everything horziontal, wihtout making some strange head movement
devs can't ban players, battleye does.
[email protected]
i can confirm some players (a frind of mine) have this issue, i don't know what causes it though...
maybe i should just kill her and see if it persists
also use search, as this has already bben reported
for now i'd tell them, to try joining the server themselfes... devs won't answer until monday
@KoreanJesus, yes i found a few
to quote myself from another threat:
"zombie philosopy on:
i don't think dayz zombies are actually walking corpses, as this is (scientifically) total nonsense
in the walking dead zombies don'T need to eat/drink ,although they tend to do so (as there are many running around without (a functunal) digestive system -> no eat/drink, and they are still alive
in addition zombies don't need anything (exept for the brain) a human would need to live (oxygen/blood ciculation/etc)
so the only way to kill a zombie in the walking dead is to destroy the brain
that leads me to the conclusion, that in the walking dead zombies are some magical creatures that were risen by a necromancer or curse or whatsoever
because if it's about magic, we don't need to argue about science
in dayz on the other hand enough body damage will kill the zombie, even if the brain stays intact so zombies are as mortal as humans
and with advanced zombie ai i realy like the idea of zombies going to ponds and drink, or actually eat what they have killed (or bodys they found)
like that dayz zombies could actually be human beings, that got transformed by a serious disease (that wiped out all human aspects and left a hungry, walking shell) but still are mortal in a way, that is realistic
zombie philosophy: off"
so they should not, as they already died for some reason
this guy had a simmilar issue, don't know if it helps, but you can try
first of all:
itzero is right, reprot it to the server hoster, this is the bug tracker and abusive server admins are a nuissance, but not a bug
secondly, all public hive servers are public, so "no join", "private" etc. only means, some idiots that can't read the rules(or don't care) pay for the server. it does not mean, that they have the right to do such things
For Public hive severs:
"You may not change the following variables on your server :
Password Player count beyond 40, and below 30. Message of the day to include slander, racism, sexism, or any general hate speak. Signature Verification (Must always be enabled) Server name must not contain any terms or phrases of the themes below: - Player Versus Environment only - Player will be kicked - Server somehow has modified loot spawns, or other game data - Server is private - Server is “not operating properly” - Impersonating official DayZ servers (Stable or Experimental) - Hatespeak / Defamation of any person, place, or company
You may not perform the following actions on your server :
Restart server to farm loot Restart server to protect your character integrity after dying Kick/Ban players without just cause Lock / Password the server"
For private shards:
"You may perform the following actions on your server :
Restart server Kick players Ban players Lock/Unlock Server View BEC Logs Turn the server off"
Rules are pretty clear here, so even if you pay 60€/month for a public hive server, you have to stick with the rules (you agree to when rening the server from your hoster).
If you want to kick everyone but your friends, you have to rent a private shard, but you propably don't want to, as you like to gear up on a closed server and go pvp on a public server, don't you?
did you just count the shots or also the impacts?
im asking because at some point i noticed, that you can shoot as long as your client thinks there is enough ammo in the gun, but as long as the server says there is no ammo/clip in that gun, no shots are actually fired and can hurt people
had this with a clip in my ak (as 2nd weapon in my hands), and stuff not updating as long as you don't put them on the ground
either way this is something that should be addressed at some point, but if it only fires those shots locally, it should have a lower priority imo
field of view and display resolution set correctly?
also it needs like 40% or more, so better try a full can of spraypaint
@tactic: the title says unable to paint it green... can you paint it black/mossy?^^
have you had any large items (axes vests etc) in your backpack?
sometimes rearranging of items removes some from your backpack
zombie philosopy on:
i don't think dayz zombies are actually walking corpses, as this is (scientifically) total nonsense
in the walking dead zombies don'T need to eat/drink ,although they tend to do so (as there are many running around without (a functunal) digestive system -> no eat/drink, and they are still alive
in addition zombies don't need anything (exept for the brain) a human would need to live (oxygen/blood ciculation/etc)
so the only way to kill a zombie in the walking dead is to destroy the brain
that leads me to the conclusion, that in the walking dead zombies are some magical creatures that were risen by a necromancer or curse or whatsoever
because if it's about magic, we don't need to argue about science
in dayz on the other hand enough body damage will kill the zombie, even if the brain stays intact so zombies are as mortal as humans
and with advanced zombie ai i realy like the idea of zombies going to ponds and drink, or actually eat what they have killed (or bodys they found)
like that dayz zombies could actually be human beings, that got transformed by a serious disease (that wiped out all human aspects and left a hungry, walking shell) but still are mortal in a way, that is realistic
zombie philosiphy: off
so: zombies should have body heat, and eat bodys that they find, which might casue things like cloting to disappear, but backpacks guns and meele weapons, should be droped (maybe get the status bloody and you need to clean it first or you risk an infection)
and i think bodys should stay (altough bambies that suiciced at the coast and things like that should be removed) so that even if you get eaten after your death, you still can get some things back
also, did you notice you could already feel the temperature of dead players
read the eula ftw
battleye will actively scan your pc for hacks, if it happens to find something (you even admited you had hacks on your pc) a ban will be issued
simple as that (even if it'S for a different game... cheates will cheat)
battleye will hopefully not unban you and i hope they are clever enough to also ban your next account (if you decide to create a new steam accound and buy an other copy of the game)
so you your axe gets blocked by any hard object you hit? sounds like something that works correctly
(btw in arma2 your shots were able to get blocked when they hit the gun the enemy held)
would propably make first person better for those people who don't know that they can adjust it/turn it off
imo the main reason head bob is so annoying, is because it does not feel right, the ay it is.
a healthy person (in matter of the sense of balance) will usually compensate it's head movements while running with the movement of the eyes, so that you keep looking at the same spot (if you can't (eg. in a ship in heavy sea) you may get (sea)sick)
so the only thing that would change is the height of your eyes
the way i currently experience head bob (don't realy do, as i have it turned off), is that it's like you were looking through a helmet camera (or with your eyes fixed in one direction), so the when the head tuns down by 10°, the camera will do the same
irl, if you head turns down by 10° you eyes will turn up by 10°, so you will still be looking at the same thing (just from a bit lower, as the center of your eyes moved down a bit(trigonometry ftw))
Zuallererst: Dies ist eine internationale Plattform, deshalb wird hier in der Regel englisch gesprochen. Wenn ihr kein englich sprecht seid ihr eh zu jung für das Spiel, dann macht das nichts.
On topic:
This has been noticed before (
Jsteward gave an helpful answer, i'll just copy+paste it here.
"Since this problem is router related, the only real workaround here is to add -port=25007 into your DayZ launch options on one of the PC's. To do this, you can right click on DayZ in Steam --> Properties --> Set Launch Options and enter "-port=25007" (without the quotation marks). The number doesn't really matter as long as it's different from the other computer which will use 2302, 2303, 2305 by default.
Alternatively, if you have access to the router settings and upnp is turned on, you can try turning it off, restarting the router then trying again."
a friend and i experienced a simmilar thing, but i thought it might have been some kind of desync (i tend to not calling hacker everytime i don't know what happend),
but reading yours makes me think it was actually a hack
game crashed after i punched a zombie to death...
after reading all those reports i dont think it was a coincidence
play on 1st person and 1st/3rd person servers... like that you can have diffent characters... or play on a privat shard server
if people could have 2 different characters for the same hive at the same time, they could combat log so easily
can confirm
the houses worked fine before, so idk why this changed
to exit you have to go prone at the front door, can still be a bit tricky, but it always worked that way for me
blackwidow, nope, it has been set as resolved
and as andy said it should be fixed, but if it is still possible, its right to report it again
i think i will log on my 1st person character tomorrow, to check it again myself
make some more space on the partition where you system is located ( usually C:), because you get the reminder that you are running out of memory as your virtual memory (not ram) gets larger than you have space left... on my pc i have currently 16gb virtual memory (windows assigns it itself), and it works fine..
usually the downloads folder takes a lot of space, if you got an other partition with more space, just move it there
(any1 correct me if i explain the following things wrong)
as dayz is only 32bit it can't address much memory, and needs some virtual memory, to store the data it cant fill in the ram
now if there is no space for more virtual memory (as your c: drive is filled up) the game has to take the recources it needs from your hdd, maybe unpack them, and process them.. then it has to either delete some data to store the new one or discard it, in both cases it the deleted data is needed again it will take some time to get it again
this might cause the loading screens
your screen get blurry when you loose health/blood
it should disappear if you regain it..
you are at full health/blood when you see the "health" indicator in your inventory, next to your model
there are programs that allow you to do so, but indeed i know from friends that it is a problem...
(afair: A joins everything ok, B joins-> A gets disconnected, A rejoins -> B gets disconnected
both on different servers works)
don't ask me what program you need, or what it does. i just know one of the guys i know had to have it running, when they both wanted to play on the same server
you should give some more details on that server...
like name, ip, port ect...
noone will be able to help if you don't provide basic information
m4s can only be found at heli crash sites afaik, i have found some attachments (also an amphibia s and a fnx), but not the gun itself today
30rnd mags are for the akm, which uses 7.62x39mm rounds
the ak74 needs ak mags (orange) and the ak101 needs ak101 mags
high grade military armory is supposed to be hard to find, so you just need to keep searching (in the right places)
found one myself now, and can confirm...
HYPERthermia = body temperature is getting to high
HYPOthermia = body temperature is getting to low
don't see the issue here... if you doubt this is correct look it up in a dictionary
just found one myself, and for me the bottom line is fine, but the left line seems to miss a line of pixels (see screenshot)
mighty, often doors are out of sync (shown open and you can walk through, but they are not), which results in the player being outside a room for the server, which then blocks the player from picking up any item in that room.
simple solution: open/open+close+open the doors and walk in and out again
as desync issues are beeing adressed (getting better and worse again from time to time), we should just be patient
lork, if you get a karate kick to the head, is the only way to tell where the attacker is where his shout came from?
as we can't feel the hit itself, a visual indicator like in other games would be only fair.
also 3d sounds aren't good enough yet to be as realistic as it could be.
i don't know if you know the cracking sounds supersonic projectiles create, but in arma, even with soundmods you weren't able to tell the bullet's direction, as it was a static sound. with a moving sound source you would be able to, but as this would be to extensive to calculate for a game, it wont come until arma 5 or so :)
until then, indicators would be nice to have, but not a must have, as soon as you actuially hear all gunshots within range
sounds more like worldwide thermonuklear war
thx for sharing...
he was propably a ghost, you could only kill his body, not his gun^^
upload to an external source and post the dl link here, i want to see it^^
turning down the shadow quality solved this for me, you should try this as well
as the new DX11 renderer will hopefully come soon, any efforts fixing the old one would be a waste of time imo, so we just have to live with it for now
if you are amd user you should get raptr (not sure if it works for nvidia, but afair nvidia has a similar recording program)
with raptr you can record without any time limitations plus you can use the replay function. with it you record in an infinite 15sec loop, and if you press the trigger key it will save the last 15 sec. so even if you don't know a bad thing will happen, you still are able to save it afterwards
thx for the screenshots mister
it seems to be, that your game shows the high distance/low quality buildings, instead of the nice ones
they have also a more simple geometry (if someone was in that "hospital" (it's no hospital) behind some window looking at you you wouldn't be able to see him afiak, as the windows you see are only a texture
i've had this problem when i set my object details to a low setting, but as you said you had it set on very high, it should work
i think the problem might have to do with your graphic memory being to full, and the game just replacing some object with a low quality one (even if it would be better to relace some objects that are far away)
i hope they find the cause, or at least changing to dx11 to fix issues like this
what are your object/terrain details are set to?
if it's low, try increasing it
as always, only you and devs can see your attachments, so maybe upload anywhere else...
i have experienced things like missing textures/objects myself, but don't know if it was the same type you had
for me it looked this way (hope you can access those screenshots)
it looks a bit like the sky, but not exactly the same
i was able to fix it, by increasing the texture quality (was very low)
i agree, the loot respawn mechanics need some tweaking, but i think we all can be glad it's impelmented.. remember when we needed server restarts for that (not that we had problems with that as long as the servers restart/crash every 30min)
players should not see items respawning, it need some blocking mechanism (no respawn when someone is nearby, but also leaving the area and coming back should not simply make items respawn
i am experiencing the same... feels like every 5 minutes of running shoes get degraded by one (pristine->worn->damaged->etc)
this is defenetly to harsh, even if its intended.
imo at least shoes that are intended to walk much in realty should last much longer.. i could understand that leather shoes or wellies get degraded fast, but not hiking or military boots
DayZ has two resolutions:
Display Resolution is the actual resolution that your display shows.
The rendering resolution is the resolution your GPU is rendering in, it is set as a percentage of your display resolution. If you got a blurry view and large icons ect. you propably got a very low display resolution.
the image shows where you can change it. i recommend changing it to your display's native resolution. After that you should adapt the rendering resolution, to an ammount your GPU can handle. (the higher you set it the sharper the view gets)
cleaning up my reports:
this one here is fixed -> resolved
other reports: (open)-> close (open)-> close (open)-> close (open)-> close (open)-> close (open)-> close (aknowledged) -> resolved (aknowledged) -> resolved (open) ->close (since you said in an other report it was indended this way, but it still does not feel right) (open)-> aknowledge or close (open)-> aknowledge or close (open)-> aknowledge or close (open)-> aknowledge or close (open)-> aknowledge or close (open)-> aknowledge or close
hey andy, the duplicate you set, is actually a different issue (was acknowledged later tat day in a different report)
also, didn't it work already (can't tell now, as everything already spawns pristine)
i just played on a 1st person, non-persistence server and found both UH-60 and MI-7/8? wrecks
is this already supposed to be fixed?
have you tried revalidating your files in steam?
its weekend, no need bumping anything, devs don't work.. only some mods
there are like 500 threats here that complain about, that hacking is still possible, and most are totally useless
if you want to complain about hackers, go to the forums
if you want to have your voice heard, that you don't like it to be possible, upvote the main thareat
pls just open a threat, if you got something new, like a new way they abuse that the engine is still in alpha, open a new threat (but search before, maybe it's not new)
there are different hives for 1st person and 1st/3rd person servers... i also have seen private hive servers (both should be shown in the server browser)
so it's likely, that your nicely geard character is either a private one, or a 1st person one
whenyou log of a server it will save your current character look to your dayz.rpt, only this file determins the look of your charcter in the main menu
version numbers can be written down, if you have problems remembering them, a change in the system would propably make the work for the devs a bit more difficult, as they use this system since arma2 (or longer). so changing it just for your convenience does not sound like a good idea to me
there is not 64bit version for the client, 64bit versions of the servers are being worked on
can't reproduce this anymore in 0.50.125214
(finally found a rangefinder again)
i'd say it's fixed
you can report misbehaviour directly to the server providers.
more information here:
nice bug
if you don't like such things, go play on official servers
- Just click on the name when you are in the main menu, you can edit it
- no idea, but when you already have that noteboock, just install steam and dayz to test it
- was already possible in arma2, doors had simmilar issues but got fixed, so i think it will be fixed before beta ends
- zombies don't have loot, and i'm not sure if they will ever have, so don't bother looting them
4.b new ragdoll physics are not perfect yet, so stuff glides down hills
- you can reach most items, by looking at them, or from your inventory when you are close, some still are unlootable, but i haven't had that for a while now
just make sure your hands are empty or you have suficcient inventory space
also since you are new to this:
go here and use search to make sure stuff isn't reported already:
the ammo itself is just called 7.52 ammo... where does the "x51" still show up?
i know it used to, but i haven't seen it in a while
maybe some drug addict nneded his injection ;)
no seriously, if you manipulated the content in order to refresh the view and the syringe was realy missing it's a bit strange, but i wouldn't go as far as saying the loottable is the problem, rather the respawn system, that respawns things that already exist, but noone wants to have
like if you dont like green m&ms:
you got a bowl that can contain 100m&ms, you only eat yellows, reds and browns, but leave the greens. then when only 50 are left there are 25 greens, and 25 others, so you refill the bowl and get it to 37,5% greens, and so on... until there are mostly greens left..
so even, if there are low chances for something to spawn, but noone takes it, after a while it will be overall, as long as spawns aren't adaptive, or old items (that noone wants) don't get removed
the thing with the medkits, as far as i have noticed is, that some people only take out a few things and drop them to the ground. combined with a bug (that has already been reported) they sometimes duplicate when the server respawns, this has lead to a firestation with 8 medkits on the ground all with the same content (same condition, missing bandages)
i think the respawn system needs some tweaking, because with persistence enabled, this leads to masses of stuff people don't want blocking the loot spawns.
i don't know if it's even possible, to have an economy for every server, that checks, how many items of any kind are still at the spawns, and which are missing, and then decides which items are needed to respawn and which not.
best would be if it was some kind of heatmap, so that even if there were 100 backpacks at the nwaf, there still would be backpacks spawning in chernlekto
everytime you try to swap something into a fireplace the item will disappear, so not only with deer steak, also it doesn't matter if it'S cooked or not
propably beacuse you can't drag items into the fireplace slots directly (you have to drag them onto the fireplace itself)
it has already been reported btw..
happens only to me, when server is getting laggy and i stop pressing a key during the lag, so that the stop signal is not recognized... i just have to press/release the same key once again between the laggs, to stop running/ect
hit alt key twice ftw maybe?
pressing alt allows you to turn your head, hitting it twice locks that
or is it that you walk without having a key pressed?
A: check, just punch them to death
B: check, just punch him in the face
C: true, players not carying much weith should be able to run faster
Game is in alpha, so don't expect the AI to be done yet.
didn't work for me that way (double clicking) in 0.50.125214, but i was able to simply pick the vest up from the ground by looking at it
also noticed i couldn't swap the down jacket with a wool jacket on the ground, as long as i was wearing the vest. (droping the down jacket and picking up the wool one worked though)
thx moebius for noticing that typo, you are right. corrected it. although the ip was right, so it still should have been possible to find the right server.
what you did is just posing a simple observation, without checking it in detail, i don't think it's as simple as you say
because the "cold status" shows up when your body temperature drops below a certain value, i think it was 34.5°C
so let's assume your body temperature is at 34.4°C and you go close to a fireplace, warm up by 0.1°C and loose the status "cold". that could be what you experienced, but be no bug because, like that, you would not be back to 37°C, which is the normal body temperature, just lost the status
on the other hand, if you instatly warmed up to 37°C or warmed up from 34°C to 34.5°C it's most likely a bug
so before you whine about people downvoting your report, provide more detail, and eleminate the most probable reason it could have been that way
i am quite sure the bug you imagined there to be, is not real. i have experienced it differently: i was cold, made fire waited a bit until i have warmed up (was propably 0.2-0.3°C below the trigger temperature), then went to get more wood, and became cold again
food and drink items can give you both, energy and water...
as zuccinis consist mostly of water and are not so very nutrious (irl), they grant you much water and less energy.
let's have a look at the real life figures:
fresh zuccini has about 17kcal/100g
whereas Heinz Beanz have 79kcal/100g
thats about 4.5 times of what the zuccini has
so in case the zuccini does not weight 2kg it's just realistic beans(or other canned food) keep you running for longer
also always eat/dring until you are energized/hydrated or get stuffed
Isn't the steamcommunity discussion about people failing to set the User Interface resolution to a rather normal resolution (1920x1080), which should be possible under normal circumstances. ( )
Im not sure if UHD should be avalible there atm, if you have the right Screen, but i'm sure it will be, when higher resolution displays become more common (or the DX11 rederer gets implemented).
Until then you have the workaround in DayZ.cfg
i don't get how people may mistake this for a forum ( this is the bugtracker, where you should report all bugs that HAVE NOT been reported yet. all of what you have mentioned are known issues, that have been reported several times. also imho if you mean to report several issues, open several threats, so that the devs can see each one more easily
if you are not sure if an issue has already been reported search here
and if it has already been reported, just upvote it, leave a comment maybe, but don't make the 10th threat for an issue thats already reported, as poor Andy has to read each one of them, and bundle duplicates
so pls, save the devs time in future
also a hint for encountering zombies in meele:
punch them in the face, and evade their hits to the side. but don't think you are done yet when you knock them out, they will stand back up in some seconds! also circling around them has proved very effective especially if you have a longer weapon
first of all, devs are aware of this issue in general, i don't know if they know about this specific issue. which needs, imo, to be fixed soon (enlarge the space the impovised backpack takes)
then about burtons point: i realy think the inventory system needs to be reworked, to an more arma 3 like system, where items don't take slots, but space.
the way arma 2 ace was handling the things was, imo, even better, because they even took weight into it (pack your backpack full with ammo, but don't expect to get far without collapsing)
for myself, i will fill my reserve clothing with items, even if that might not be intended like that, but hardcore exploiting is not what i like to do
hector: i don't realy know if it's 100% allowed, to stack items like that, but i am quite sure you wont recieve any punishment if you do so.
as long as you don't exploit bugs that allow you duplicating items or use programs/scripts (hacks) that allow you to influence the game, in ways your unmodified client is not able to do, i think you won't be in trouble
(once again, this is what I think it is, that does not mean it can't be different)
when you are in the main menu:
4th button from the top (configure)
top left button of the 2x2 bracket (video)
top left button of the 2x2 bracket (user interface)
drop down menu in the middle (size) -> 5th from the top (very large)
this should have adjusted your font size ingame, and you should be able to read the menus
next adjust the resoluton and aspect ratio in the same menu, to what your laptop can do. you can even set it to full hd, because you can lower the rendering resolution later (best set it to the navive resolution of your display)
if you can read stuff now, press close and set the rendering resolution to 67% for testing
the higher the rendering resolution is set, the sharper the image gets, but with your slow onboard gpu you propably can't set it any higher than 1280x720, if now even lower
don't expect the game look pretty on you laptop, the youtube videos are propably made on a PC with decent hardware
andy would auto locking the server for the time of the starting sequence be a way to prevent this? im not sure if servers can be locked that early.. if its possible why don't you use this as a workaround?
i had issues like that in some other game, and i t turned out, the gamerecognized my analog thrust control of my joystick as a key. and since it was =|= 0% the key was activated... also it was set as "fire" at the same time, wich resulted in the same effect as if my left mousebutton was pressed
maybe you have a similar issue
mosin is (ingame) 7.62x51mm btw
i generally like the idea of a many differnt weapons, but they should be chosen carefully and a 7.62x51 semiautomatic sniper rifle sounds quite powerfull, so either has to be very rare or should have serious disadvantages
as experimental servers are hardly spawning enough food to stay alive atm (sometimes not even that), i had to go hunting with a badly damaged cooking knife and got 10% or less (haven't seen -1%, but at least 0%) from every animal i killed
i had a cooking knife in a prior life (think it was worn or pristine) wich gave me 80% or more
this mechanics seem to be a bit stange to me, because even if your knife is not sharp, you should be able to get all the meat from an animal.
it's nonsense, that you can kill and gut a cow, but still have to starve, because you get only tiny bits of meat... if an animal has, for example, 10kg of meat, but you cant get it off in 20 bigger pieces (500g each), but in 100 tiny bits (100g each), the meat is not lost, just distributed differently
i could imagine it for the game like this:
a cow has 750"%" meat. you multiply with a value in order to reduce the ammunt of meat and distribute it among the pices of meat (with depends on the tool factor (8/tool))(and 100%*tool as maximum)
the reduction of meat should not be to high, as you would loose not to much meat imo. i am no butcher or hunter, so i can't tell any realistic values
tool factors could be like:
pristine 0.9-1
worn 0.8-0.9
damaged 0.7-0.8
badly damaged 0.6-0.7
pristine 0.75-0.85
worn 0.6-0.75
damaged 0.5-0.6
badly damaged 0.4-0.5
axe (yes it should be possible to gather meat from an animal with an axe, the pelt/leather could still be ruined):
pristine 0.45-0.5
worn 0.4-0.45
damaged 0.35-0.4
badly damaged 0.3-0.35
i know this post is rather a suggestion, than a bug report, but it seems to me, like this is a intentional (maybe not the -1% or 0% pieces) , so i wrote down a way it might work better
i got 4x80%+ steaks from a moose last time i got one
skinned and quaterd with a pristine combat kinfe
what knifes were you using? m91 or sks bajonets? i don't know if they are actually sharp because you usually use them for stabbing enemys, not slicing
in your screenshot it says your player was soaking.. this usuually is the main reason for cooling off
hitboxes are not the problem, getting close is the problem sometimes, especially with short range weapons
you can easily kill zombies in meele just by circleing around them whilst keeping hitting them until they are dead (you can knock them out, but they'l instantly get up, so be wary)
have you tied revalidating files on steam?
if not, do so
was able to fix just by revalidating game files
should have tried that before
so no need to waste time on fixing bugs caused by corrupted data
done... (uploaded a .zip file containing the vid)
i have recorded the video with raptr, so the video ends when the game crashes to desktop...
ps: there is noting shady i see about that file upload site...
also, would dropbox be ok?
i don't like compressing + packing just to fit 5000kb upload limit and file restictions