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Hacker identified MegladonTV
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was killed with my whole clan at balota by a teleporting hacker.

At this point I did not know who it was

Later however, he headed east, towards cherno. My luck, he happened to be teleporting back this way. He shot me in the legs, probably as a joke. This was his mistake because he got really close to me

I checked his pulse and it was a megladontv. I checked the recent players on the Steam UI and there was a megladontv of the same name in the game.


Many other players who were on at the time.


Legacy ID
No Bug

Event Timeline

simonsez set Category to category:glitchabuse.Oct 25 2014, 11:00 PM
simonsez set Reproducibility to Always.
simonsez set Severity to None.
simonsez set Resolution to No Bug.
simonsez set Legacy ID to 3133509933.May 8 2016, 8:25 PM

Please let me know if there is anything else you need. Unfortunately, i didnt think to take pictures and i dont have video rec capabilities

if you are amd user you should get raptr (not sure if it works for nvidia, but afair nvidia has a similar recording program)
with raptr you can record without any time limitations plus you can use the replay function. with it you record in an infinite 15sec loop, and if you press the trigger key it will save the last 15 sec. so even if you don't know a bad thing will happen, you still are able to save it afterwards

Hello simonsez,

Thanks for putting this to our attention. We'll have a look into his account and see what we come up with. For security reasons of course, we won't be able to divulge any information related to the investigation.
