1: The game name for my character is my IRL real name. Is there a way to change this? I would prefer it not to be this way. I do not recall being asked for a 'Username'. I assumed it was all paying information windows, so I kept my real name so I could actually buy the game. (First time using steam.) Is this a steam issue?
I would prefer to keep my current character and hero/survivor ranks, as I don't murder or bandit or anything, and I'd like to keep my reputation as someone who don't do that.
2: Will an i3 2.1 GHZ, 4GB ram and economy intel graphics card on a Toshiba Laptop be enough to run the game at it's lowest settings? (Detailed card number can follow.) On low, it runs pretty well on an i5 2.4 GHZ 4GB and Nvidia 3100M laptop. Same OS and everything. I'm trying to get another person in my household to play for tactical merit.
Just my general thoughts on the game as follows below, not really needed. It's probably things you've heard before.
When in fire stations- (Tried in both electro fire stations, as well as the north-eastern spawn map fire station) as you're climbing the staircase from the second to the third floor, you can climb the outside ladder through the wall. I will admit to having used this in the past, as it puts you on the ladder outside of the building to climb to the upper roof area.
Zombies never have any loot after I kill them. Ever. I've killed many, and they never have items on them. Either make them unlootable, or make it so they occasionally spawn stuff. Maybe it's a bug? Possibly.
Another point on this topic, when I kill a zed, often the body slides very far downhill, and the body becomes unlootable. This makes the data that I'm claiming, (Zeds NEVER have loot) invalid for them. Hopefully you could fix this?
It seems that too often a really good item spawns, but I cannot reach it. For example, in the Electro fire station in the shelving area at the base of the tower, some 7.62mm rounds spawned underneath a wrench, and both of them were claimable.
Another time, a gun spawned underneath a decorative burlap sack of grain (On the lowest shelf) in a police station. I forget the town. But I could not reach it, and had to give up.
Maybe making it so you only need to get within 1 meter in any direction, with the only barriers being walls and floors? I don't know.