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DayZ Global ban bugg.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


me siento realmente mal siempre he pasado de los hackers me daban completamente igual aveces me jodian....   ayer antes de mi ban estabamos en dayz y un hacker vino y nos mato a todos volando, nos quedamos alucinados y enfadados a la vez, yo pensé ¿ Como puede ser tan facil hackear ?     Y tenia el progama llamado cheat engine instalado y dije, voy a  ver si me deja utilizarlo ( En plan coña ) LO utilizé y el battleye me kickeó al instante yo me cagué vivo por que pensaba que no iba a fucnionar igualemente, lo desactive rapido para que no me banearan ya que era una estupidez, a los 20 min aproximadamente el servidor me Expulso y baneo y no me lo creia que por esa estupidez que hize, me llebara un ban permanente por toda la cara, podreis ver los registros que lo unico que hize fue alterar la velocidad de el personaje 10 segundos y me kickeasteis, ya no hize absolutamente nada mas, podeis comprobarlo pro favor, nunca más volvere a hacer esto se me ha quedado bien grabado espero que me podais perdonar lo siento de verdad..  No quiero dar pena pero estaba ahorrando 1 mes para dayz y no me duró ni 2 dias por mi estupida tonteria con el cheat engine pido perdon y espero que me podais ayudar :(


Legacy ID
No Bug
Have Not Tried
Steps To Reproduce


Step 1- Me and my friends Killed by a hackers

Step 2- Runing Cheat engine to check if it works in dayz and battleye do something.

Step 3- Used the hack 4 seconds ( Speed hack 1.0 is the normal speed i set 1.2 in cheat engine)

Step 4- I got kicked from the server for battleeye and i turn off cheat engine and closed it.

Step 5- I rejoin to the server with my friends and everything going perfect

Step 6- 10 min later i got banned from Battleeye global ban.

Additional Information

0.52 game version globan ban #75b902

Event Timeline

Sori edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Dec 22 2014, 10:03 PM
Sori edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Sori set Category to category:glitchabuse.
Sori set Reproducibility to Have Not Tried.
Sori set Severity to None.
Sori set Resolution to No Bug.
Sori set Legacy ID to 1962097046.May 8 2016, 9:03 PM

Running cheat engine for another game? Really :-)
Mmhh, time to clean up with ppl like you. I vote for lifetime ban.

Here is my solution for hackers and cheaters as they obviously take over and ruin the fun of ever game lately.

Ban from game for life
Ban from Steam for life
Make a public Mug Shot of any of his Profiles and IP and publish on the Web.

Maybe that way those kids stop to spend money on hacks and cheats!

Also YouTube, FB and any other video site should treat public display of hacks as pornography and delete user accounts.

Tired of them!!!

have mercy, for one who is sincere, it sure will not use hacks.

We all used the cheat engine ever.
with this punishment will be enough scare
forgive the ban

It was silly, if you have not done anything serious I do not see why I ban them for life ...

Eric96 added a subscriber: Eric96.May 8 2016, 9:03 PM

He is special, he play payday with me and he wanted to lvl up fast. I have cheat engine too but i dont get banned.I need his ass to cover me :c

read the eula ftw
battleye will actively scan your pc for hacks, if it happens to find something (you even admited you had hacks on your pc) a ban will be issued
simple as that (even if it'S for a different game... cheates will cheat)
battleye will hopefully not unban you and i hope they are clever enough to also ban your next account (if you decide to create a new steam accound and buy an other copy of the game)

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 8 2016, 9:03 PM

i hope you will be banned for life-time.
You have used a running cheat engine, so the ban was no bug. You also can only say its for another game but in real it was for dayz. Cheating is cheating and have to be banned. It dosn't metter, if you don't have enough skill to Play without cheats. And it dosn't metter for witch game.
You can lie here as well as you use the engine to cheat.

Well that sucks. I was ban by BE too I don't know why tho. They won't even tell me why man it sucks. You spend about $70 on their games and they ban you, and I cannot even email a human about it. It bans you from all their games too. I mean maybe you were hacking in Arma and needed to be ban, that I don't know. From what you tell though you coulda been in single player or something. Everyone here is not familiar with the term innocent until proven guilty. I believe everyone should be given a chance to tell their side of the story. None of you know shit. Don't talk shit please. And for the person who wrote this maybe if you say you're Sori you will be forgiven. Get it, because his name...

I want you to think back to all the people you'v ever fucked over with those cheats. Remember you and your little group killing people and laughing, calling them noobs and how they got "rekt".

Think long and hard about it because you will never be unbanned.

Why do you change your story now ?

Your previous version was :
"was playing DayZ With my friends and i got banned from battlebans with no reasons please FIX IT i love dayz and i got an error i readed in forums and is a bugg i don't understand i have open cheat engine but to edit other game not dayz and the game maybe detected it and banned me im'm rly smad with that"

No reason ? I guess their was a reason...
What would have appened if the cheat engine had worked and you had not been ban ?

Sori added a subscriber: Sori.May 8 2016, 9:03 PM
Sori added a comment.Dec 23 2014, 4:30 PM

Why do you change your story now ?

Your previous version was :
"was playing DayZ With my friends and i got banned from battlebans with no reasons please FIX IT i love dayz and i got an error i readed in forums and is a bugg i don't understand i have open cheat engine but to edit other game not dayz and the game maybe detected it and banned me im'm rly smad with that"

No reason ? I guess their was a reason...
What would have appened if the cheat engine had worked and you had not been ban ? "

i changed the history because i dont speak english and im waiting a friend to translate the description, it's the real history admins of dayz can check it i used the hack 5 s and i got kicked and i turned it off. Yes was a reason but battleye banned me when i have off the cheat engine and i used cheat engine ONE time to test if battleye do something. PLEASE trust to me ! that's the true history !!!!!!!!! The answer is nothing, because battleye worked.

You crossed the line!

Good to know that another hacker is banned for life :-)
Thank you Devs!

Sorry but if you are that stupid to download a hack and then complain about being banned, there is no help for you.

Anybody downloading a cheat a hack or a script should be banned, immediately and forever. Simple as that. Only way to keep the games clean.

andy added a comment.Jan 5 2015, 12:24 PM

Sorry to hear about your trouble, however using a cheat engine, for any reason, is a bannable offence and the ban is perfectly justified in this case.
Feel free to contact BattlEye directly ([email protected]), but I doubt they will lift the ban.