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May 10 2016
Needed, but to be clear it won't make MBT's Over-Powered, you get them in the side, rear or even underneath (Mines, IED's or lower Glacis) you've got a fairly good chance of a kill.
The complexity of the damage models would need to be overhauled, things like blow off panels and ammunition separation, engine fires, Gearbox damage, also full on mobility kills with tracks being thrown requiring proper re-tracking not a 2 minute job.
It would all have to link into my proposal for "Towing" etc ;) (Damn I dropped the last digit sry)
In general I would like to see more Mechanised and Heavy Armour Complexity in the game, be it Recovery vehicles, better models and hit / damage modelling and damage representation.
This was a tragic Friendly fire in 2003 of a Challenger 2 against another Challenger 2, as you can see the Damage is horrendous and it's hardly in one nice neat piece.
In reality how many of us have a Monitor in that Aspect?
I run a pair of Monitors and love it, truth be told I would prefer a Tri-Screen Setup, because at least I can set up Left - Centre - Right.
I would never be running a huge Single Screen setup, and I don't see why such an unusual Standard would be adopted - 21:9, Ultra-wide how many Users will have a Single point of failure like this in a PC Rig when you could have Several Cheap ones ?
I would adopt an Ultra-Wide if is was curved and allowed for a peripheral vision, but then your head would be too close unless it was like 4 metres long.
"All in Arma" is Epic....It's bring all that Excellent Terrain BIS has made over the years into one Epic Engine!!!!
Please support it, it is absolutely Brilliant.... Just need a Snow Covered Artic Island now and we are all set. :)
ARMA is not a pickup and play item. It just isn't...You need to invest time and effort in getting to grips with it, it is tremendously rewarding and the Sandbox nature of it means you can pretty much do what you want.
Personally I hate the HUD counter telling me how many rounds you have, you don't get one in real-life. So this is really about "Unrealism" being considered "Realism", if you want an ammo counter grab yourself a Pulse-Rifle and go play AVP or Colonial Marines. Having HUDS cheeses me right off, as a Soldier you don't have one, and I think the same with the Stance indicator, you've got to learn to keep track of things.
The constant pining for "Snipers" pisses me off too, In the real world Military Snipers are very, very Rare. A Squad Marksman is a man with a Rifle that can reach out maybe 500m - 1000m operating in a Fireteam, whereas Snipers Operate as a Pair and can make much longer range shots. Snipers make calculated considered shots, they do not mix it up in large firefights. If they do, then something has gone wrong. Snipers are a Tactical Weapons system, they can deny enemy freedom of movement and can disrupt Command and Control and general lower morale and pin large formations reducing their freedom of action.
Alot of the stuff on this Tracker is "Balls" because it went on Steam and now everyman and his dog thinks "I can contribute to ARMA ALPHA" but they just bring suggestions from other games and don't appreciate the Heritage and the concept of a Realistic, Military Sandbox Sim, not some Run and Gun Linear FPS or some Multiplayer Centric "Battlefield type Game".
ON TOPIC - I would like to see the ability to Breakdown, Magazines then Players can choose their own custom Ammunition Loadouts, so Ball or Tracer or any kind of mixture. This would keep everyone happy.
This links into my Breaking down, recharging Magazine argument. On the Battlefield Officers and NCO's have dozens of tricks for things like this, whether it is target indication "WATCH MY TRACER!!!" or a Visual indication/Que to change Magazines whilst there is still a round in the chamber and this saves time on releasing the bolt assembly forward.
The key to this is allowing players the ability to customise their Ammunition loads, and breakdown Belts into Magazines and recharge magazines, mix up Ball & Tracer in whatever sequence you want. Even the ability to do 7.62mm Belts in 4B1T or 1B1T.
Please BIS consider giving use Magazine Charging functionality. I cannot think of many games that allow you to do this properly.
Rather than spend 40hrs + Producing this (something we can do in the community) I would rather see that time put towards other bug fixes or maybe new Models. Rather than a "Professional looking Tutorial"...
Proper Air-dropped Bombs do not "Fireball", a Fire ball is unburnt Fuel or Explosive. What you want is for all the Explosive to "High Order" in the shortest possible time and give you the highest Shockwave, and Overpressure as well as the most devastating effects. Big Fireballs are a waste, all they do is burn the sky and raise the temperature and dump a vast amount of Heat. You want a ball for like 0.5 second, but predominantly it should be a Vast Debris Cloud thrown out from the Super-sonic shockwave. Sometimes you might see Fuel, from say a Vehicle Fuel tank or what have you.
Watch these Air Dropped Bombs....It is super fast ejecta that flys out at super high speed you need to capture rather than massive Fireballs. Watch this video of 70 JDAM Strikes...
Shockwave, with a small fireball
Agreed - Egosa-U has covered the entire issue with this.
If you want this MOD it, ARMA has a very strong MOD community. The key to the tracker is not features (like packs of feral dogs), it's about building a complete and reliable engine that we (the community) can MOD. Asking for specific things like "I want Marine Mammals at Sea so I can swim with them" is not what this is for.
What you could ask for is the ability to script Animal behaviours, and then you could do this yourself.
Asking for specific things all the time, will not happen because they have limited resources and you cannot build a game incorporating every suggestion because they are often cancelled because another Users suggestion cancels opposes or nullify's yours. Will Feral dogs attack NPC's? Will this affect trigger points? Will Animals need a team to attack everyone e.g OPFOR, BLUFOR, NEUTRAL & NATURE (which attacks everyone? What about in a Mission with a Target like "Kill the Officer" and the feral dogs randomly get him? Do you lose, win , draw? Think through the suggestions a bit more.
What they can do is build a very good engine that we can all work on and improve and use to create things like Day-Z.
Look through all the Items BIS have rectified, they are working on priorities in the engine, and rectifying things like behaviours "Snakes opening doors".
Stop spamming this tracker with crap.
Scrim when I was in the Army, the Minimi was new, it was replacing LSW in Fireteams one for one. Don't get shirty about it, it even says LMG 5.56 is a derivative of the Minimi so they replacing the Minimi with this.
We even had L7's (GPMG) in Sections, as Gun group and Rifle group before we changed to Charlie and Delta 4 men Fireteams in a section (1990 something -- Giving away my age here).
It was never called a Light Machine Gun when I did the conversion Course, things change I am not too proud to say I was wrong and out-of-date.
I don't think it's accuracy, or the fact it can fire fully automatic that defines a Machine gun however. As many rifles can fire fully automatic, as can some pistols equally Sub-machine guns are they defined by size, rate of fire or the calibre of the rounds they fire?
It's an oddity, because to me a SAW or MINIMI is an Automatic Rifle (The barrel is very short, it is belt fed or Magazine fed). The old SA80 LSW (Light Support Weapon) could be fired automatically but it was never classed as an LMG?
I think Calibre makes a huge difference, 7.62mm to me, from experience is a Machine Gun round, or a heavier Battle round for Battle rifles and Marksman weapon systems.
SAW and Minimi were Fireteam Weapon systems, e.g Squad Automatic Rifleman.
Whereas LMG, or MMG were employed by Specialist weapons teams, from the Weapons Platoon?
But yeah arguably a SAW is an LMG, I've just never heard anyone refer to one as such in the field.
Just Checked the British Army Website they are calling it "the LMG" so that settles it... xD
I do agree the game needs to differentiate more, and a SAW should be fired from the shoulder but is it an LMG?
I always get confused with the term LMG? Is it the Squad Automatic Weapon e.g Automatic Rifleman using an M249 or an FN Minimi? I know it's written as a Light Machine Gun, but to me personally 5.56mm is not a Machine Gun Calibre it simply doesn't have the stopping power to be an effective Machine Gun. Up close against Infantry within 500m it is pretty deadly and excellent at suppression, but versus light vehicles or light cover etc it is no where near as effective.
A SAW or Minimi chambered for 7.62mm, I would consider a Light Machine gun because of the stopping power increase of the bigger, heavier round.
GPMG is obviously Medium Machine Gun, and 12.5mm+ is Heavy. It just LMG seems like an odd throw back to the day of BREN, BAR etc. Anyway I digress...
Squad Automatic Weapons should be fired from the Shoulder.
Completely Agreed. I would like to see gas settings too, for Balancing the Rate of fire.
Anyone who has used a GPMG knows you don't fire from the Shoulder.
I know someone will now post up a Youtube Video of a Soldier doing exactly that, and that will be a Range Day/using up the left ammunition at the end the training Serial. It's not a question of Rambo Strength it's a question of employing your weapon system effectively especially when you've lugged it and the bloody Belts for it miles to get into a good position.
Plus firing from the shoulder you are making yourself a massive target, wasting ammunition and probably not even hitting the target. You shouldn't be using a GPMG for FIBUA so there is no reason you would need it shouldered.
Couldn't you alter this script for 25th to 30th Round to be Tracer.
@Dr Death - We do care about bringing MAGS back. Because you often carry loose ammunition into the field, then at an appropriate moment (A Patrol stop or a lull in the fighting) you might get one member of each Fireteam to recharge all the teams Magazines, or break down a belt of SAW.
One Member in every Squad used to carry one of these too, so we would recharge MAG's, throwing Magazines is wasteful and they might save your life later on in the fight when you get a chance to recharge them.
@twistedelmo To clarify what I'm talking about...
Reload = Magazine empty, Remove mag, Insert Fresh Mag.
Tactical Reload = Magazine Empty, Remove mag, insert Fresh Mag, release Bolt assembly Forward (round now in Breech), Remove mag, insert Fresh Mag. Total Rounds in Weapon system = 31.
Now I'm not sure about nomclementure across the pond, but in the UK Military all Reloading should be done with speed and precision, there is no "Speedy Reload" because the drill is to be fast as possible anyway. So my understanding of Tactical Reloading maybe different from the terminology across the pond.
I in no way advocate this, but it was something Rifle Instructors used to chat about alot, and the relative advantages/ Disadvantages.
Personally I hate it, why waste time dicking about with two Magazines. You are at your most exposed with a Weapon System without Ammunition, therefore replacing with a Fresh Magazine is of Paramount Importance. Adding further steps for the extra 1 Round is pointless and worse can endanger your life as you mess around with Magazines.
When I loaded my Magazines (HK ones) I loaded Ball 1st Round, Tracer 2nd Round, then 28 Rounds. So when I say the tracer, I would load a Fresh Magazine, knowing I had one round still in the Breech and so would not need to remove the old Magazine, insert Fresh Magazine and then hit the Bolt Catch Release and Forward assist.
With this method I effectively cut out two steps, so it was literally, remove old magazine, insert fresh magazine carry on firing till i see next tracer, rinse repeat.
All That said, I was an Officer and the general consensus was that Captains and Majors should never wield Pens, Binoculars, maps and Radios unsupervised. I remember one particular conversation with a Sergeant Major going along the lines of :-
"Sir, can I have a word"
"The boys get a bit spooked when you start going all Rambo. So can you leave the fighting to them, your Job is far more important and you aren't paid all that money to run around like that"....*Bashful face*
"Oh Sergeant Major purlease can I go play with boys..."
"Sorry Sir, I can't have you working for a living, wouldn't be Genteel now would it........."
The day you realise at 30-Something they want Grand-dad out the way!
Dr Death... STANAG is the following...
In NATO a Standardization Agreement (STANAG) defines processes, procedures, terms, and conditions for common military or technical procedures or equipment between the member countries of the alliance.
There are Thousands of STANAGS for many pieces of equipment.
So a STANAG is a Standard much like USB, or ISO or whatever.
There is no such thing as a STANAG magazine, it is Draft Standardization Agreement (STANAG) 4179.
It is still draft despite being tabled in 1980.
Radway Green were a manufacturer who made magazines to the Draft STANAG 4179 standard.
But like all things every manufacturer has some degree of freedom to make the product better or worse within the Overall Standard Framework.
Many people use the term STANAG Magazine, and this is clearly incorrect and leads to people becoming confused between a Standard and a Product. It has been used for so long that it has come to mean this from a Colloquial point of view and so people use it interchangably.
If NATO ever adopt another Magazine as a Standard this problem will be further exacerbated, but in the meantime they only have one and even that isn't Officially Endorsed as it is still "Draft". Crazy eh?
Indeed, if 5.56 Tracer was to hand, the second round loaded in my Magazines would be a Tracer.
The problem with tactical reloading is that it can lead to Stoppages, this is due (and I can only talk about the UK Military here) that the Spring in some Magazines can be over stressed particularly "Radway Green Magazines" could be very difficult with 30 rounds in a 30 Round Magazine (I'm not kidding the old Army Pamphlet had you should load 29 rounds in a 30 round Magazine to stop Mis-feeds from the spring and the excess weight on the Catch Release unseating the magazine).
Doing a Tactical Reload is not advisable generally, as it involves Reloading twice, so that there is one round in the Chamber and another thirty in the Magazine. This exacerbated the Mis-feed problems. Also the time taken to reload with two Magazines, to gain one extra round, when you you could just reload once and gain thirty rounds? I know people say that 1 extra round may save your life, but I've never heard any evidence for this other than anecdotal stories. But this could do on Ad Infinitum, e.g 2 extra rounds would be better than 1 extra round and you just end up with bigger Magazines with +1 in the chamber, at some point you need to reload.
I think the UK have bought a different designed Magazines (HK ones!) but up until 2012 when I retired I was still finding the crappy magazines out there and in armoury stocks.
We used to be really careful with the RG mags and I would most certainly chuck them away in the field (usually a pond or river etc) because they were awful and stopped some other poor bugger getting killed by them.
This guy has it right.
Exactly, you have a Mag Dump Bag...Christ alive we spend enough Taxpayer money without discarding perfectly servicable albeit Empty Magazines.
I used to have to carry a 200 round SAW Belt, despite not having a SAW this was for two reasons.
- To give to a SAW Gunner.
- If we got into a long firefight, or defensive, or a lull in the fighting I could break down the Belt and recharge Magazines I used. (Invariably several members of a Platoon would work on this in a FOB, as the guys on the walls kept up the rate of fire).
Please see my Ammunition Redistribution Suggestion for what I believe is a better idea.
Yep totally agree with this, snatching at the trigger does cause inaccuracy, pull should be smooth and followed through before releasing the trigger.
Therefore it would be good if mouse button discipline did result in slight more accurate fire.
fraczek - Good Call, well researched and very well thought out too. I would like to see these changes made.
What do you mean "LARGE RADIUS RADIO"? What in gods name is that?
Are you saying the quality of a Radio is defined by the Radius of the Equipment? e.g if the Equipment is bigger it will reach further?
Look...........Just...........Read up on the Physics of Radio....Infact don't bother - Just don't post anything about Radio's.
Yeah, well instead of doing what you want....Try and contribute to this game in a meaningful way. There are plenty of places on the net to type utter crap and do what you want - try 4Chan.
I know what you were trying to say earlier but you are using completely incorrect language and terms. A little bit of research goes a long way.
Radio's may get clearer in the future, they may not. It's fundamentally about Security and Encryption, things like QPRS distort the transmissions and will never be as clear as you speak on Skype or Face to Face.
Smart Phones could be used, but without Hardened Kernel Technology they won't be secure.
Active Frequency hopping, and modulation is the easiest and cheapest method currently and for the forseeable future.
So distortion on Radio Nets is here to stay, no big deal.
We could argue this back and forth alot. But the fundamental issue here is that ARMA doesn't handle interaction well, for example giving first aid etc to a Solider on the ground. The Distance which you can access a backpack etc, this game isn't as precise in it's geo-spatial coding due to the complexity of what it's trying to do.
So there are two issues here
1, Should it be done?
2, Could it be done?
1, I think not, this is an Infantry Simulation, not Rainbow Six.
2, I also think not, the ability to have this level of "Granular Control" is not a feature you see on this Engine.
Examples being the opening or Vehicle, Hatches or doors, or turning out. There isn't a nice animation for it, it is simply on or off. You are either in a vehicle or not, there is not "Transitional Animation". You don't have animations for every interaction, and you would need to, equally doors would need alot of attention to allow you to code this function.
From a Sandbox perspective, yes it would be great, but in the great list of things we want in the Sandbox, this is extremely low down that list of priorities. There are hundreds of suggestions on this tracker, that merit investment of resource and time, and I'm afraid this isn't one of them.
Alpha isn't an endless Wish List, it's about trying to make it better within the constraints of the Resources (e.g the Engine, performance, coding time, human work time) with as much realism as you can possibly get within the limits of what they can achieve before they run out of money.
Saying you are a Consumer, and I am trying to make it better....Against what metric? Your opinion? One person's opinion of one thing varies to another, but when we are talking about "Hard Cash" it's not your money it's BIS that decides where it's money and resource goes and therefore they need to ensure that they are getting a return on investment and that means research, time, constraints, objectivity. Just because you like something doesn't mean it should or will be so.
hence the Voting structure, it combines realtime market research with suggestions. E.g if it's getting thousands of votes, it's likely to be a popular and worthwhile body of work.
@Crierd Did you actually watch the video's I put in there....
The ones of actual troops in the field storming buildings.
SOCOM Books, so you read some books on Special Forces...You do realise that Special forces aren't like the rest of the military, hence Special. You need to ween yourself off special forces porn and media crap and learn how the Military (not special forces) storm buildings and conduct FIBUA / OBIUA / MOUT. Special forces Fan-boyism is a bit pathetically really, it demeans the thousands of Men and women in Uniform who are just as professional, skilled and brave, they just have a different role or job to perform. Adolescents and wierdo's seem to perpetuate this Special Forces Media trash. Special forces are exactly that highly specialized, they use non-standard tactics for non-standard operations. They make up about 5% of British Forces.
I have done 4 tours (3 Telic, 1 Herrick) in the last 10 years with the British Army. Don't tell me "What you read in a SOCOM book".
Would tell a Doctor your expert medical opinion based on the fact you watched an episode ER? Or pretend your were a Legal Eagle because you saw Denny Crane on Boston Legal?
I hope the Dev's do see it my way, because it will mean ARMA remains focused on Infantry and not "ANOTHER GENERIC SPECIAL FORCES TYPE GAME". Realism is what ARMA's about and it is alot closer than most.
If you learned how to be a Soldier by reading books, we wouldn't spend Millions a year teaching them in the Field at the Infantry Training school in Catterick or Brecon.
I think this is a bit odd, the reason you did this mouse scroll thing in RAINBOW SIX was specifically because there were Hostages, Terrorists and Bombs etc, and you wanted to get the drop on them with the minimum of exposure in order that they don't kill the hostage or blow the bomb, or spot you and shoot you.
In ARMA if there is Enemy the other-side of the door "Brass-it-#@%!ing-up". This isn't some Softly - Softly/ or Super-Dynamic-Hostage-Rescue. Kick in the door, lob in a Grenade, gun down anyone still alive. There is no finesse in clearing buildings, it's a bit of Hollywood mythology. It's dirty brutal, and you don't spare the ammo.
Watch these Badass Gurka's do the Business.
They would know you are in the Building, so the whole idea of being Stealthy is a bit misconstrued.
Don't believe me? Watch this.. No such thing as Stealth when you are storming Buildings, PC Games and Hollywood Bollox have made everyone believe otherwise. In reality you are screaming orders, warnings, and general acting in an intimidating manner.
"WE are the many (tens of thousands/millions/billions) of people who play this game with controllers"
Mate, you need to stop you are making awesome Meme's here. I read this tracker often and comment on those which are good and bad, lending my support and refining peoples suggestions. Invariably yours are poor, same with Dr Death.
Just look at the Down-votes....Better Mobilise those Thousands/Millions/Billions.
Oh and thanks for this...
"By the way "Direct line to the NSA and NASA" do by any chance wear a Tin-foil hat and believe in Internet Conspiracy Theories? You are a Lunatic, I'm trying to explain that the AI cannot behave like in Dyslecxi's Guide because they aren't human." - mwnciboo
Some of my best work right there. Don't like it Go use your X-box Controller on an X-box, and stop demanding unreasonable things of BIS all the time.
P.S Watch this Video -
If you want to use a Controller do so, use google to help you set it up. If you want it, build it, hack it, mod it, create it. Everything you need has been provided, just because you want it in a particular way well to be honest, so what.
"We need a basic, preset (Xbox or variant) controller set up established ASAP"
Who is "We" precisely?
At least politely request the feature.
Bearing in mind the military do not use AM, PM.
Digital Clock is the way forward, thats why the 24 Hour Clock was created to stop ambiguity.
Equally they don't use Local Time zones either, we use ZULU Time/ UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time) to co-ordinate. Locally some Military use different time but in NATO everything is Co-ordinated on ZULU Time to stop major time zone screw ups especially when working with Signals and Co-ordination of global assets, Ships, Satellites and Aircraft that might have flown from a different Geographic Region. If it isn't Zulu Time it will be noted e.g Alpha (denoted as A) at the end of Date time group (DTG).
Becomes especially important above 70 Degrees North and South as the Daylight screws you up big time. (no pun intended).
Digital Watch will sort this, AM PM is a load of nonsense from a Realism perspective.
You are right, I put my hands up and admit it, this is my backdoor method of trying to get them to introduce Barrel changes.
But also Jamming from fouling, if you fire alot of ammunition weapons do foul. The more fouling the greater the chance of a stoppage.
Same with heat build up, and runaway guns etc from Cook-off.
So all of these things are inter-related.
You maybe right on that, it probably would fall more inline with ACE. That said BIS might say Weapons in the future don't use Gas Blowback Automatic Weapons and use another technology TM in the future?
From my own personal experience with GPMG's Balancing them is key to getting a clean firing weapon which can give nice controlled bursts, and provide more effective fire and Area based fire, and beaten zones of fire.
This gets across the idea nicely...
Honestly I agree with you, hence my Priority Low and Severity Tweak.
But I also thought I'd throw this in because Actually ARMA goes alot more indepth than most Military Games, and from my perspective I want ARMA to become the best Military SANDBOX it can possibly be and like a lot of things in life, the Joy is in the little details (or possibly the Devil?).
There are some nice things this feature would give, cyclic rates on Vehicles could be tuned as well, on the fly, Imagine being able to alter the Zero and Cyclic rate of your SAW or GPMG?
I don't think it glorify's war, I just think it makes a great game seem a bit...."Wank" to be brutally honest. "This is War" sounds like a Homage to that Homo-erotic Bum-fest that is "300".
I used to like the Quotes in Operation Flashpoint. I would love to see those type of Quotes return.
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
"A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood." George Patton
Stuff like that is far more interesting and educational.
Stuck the tank battle on my BOSE 5.1 cranked it up.
*First Tank Shell Sound and explosion*
*Shat my Pants*
*Neighbours complained*
*Changed Pants*
No one else thinks this is a Good idea?
Thank you very much, even if it comes to nothing, Thank you for looking into it.
For sheer commitment in this and the correct use of Physics you get Up Voted!!
This is where you and I part ways.
It is very much our job to consider feasibility. This isn't a Blue skies thinking exercise, where budget, time and Engine constraints do not apply.
We have to test the Alpha and refine that which we think can be done better, and potentially how the suggestions we make could be implemented.
We cannot just say "Do this, do that, or do the other" because we will become disappointed as our suggestions are not grounded.
Alot of the stuff on this Tracker is "Nice to have in an Ideal situation" but in alot of cases we have to acknowledge that much of it will not or cannot happen due to the constraints of budget.
We cannot simply push this all onto the DEV's and say "You should sort this out and you come up with the SOlutions". There are 8300+ issues on the tracker, even if DEV's spent only 10mins thinking about each issue that would be 1383 Hours just to review these, not even to implement or begin sorting the issues out.
It is upto us, to help them, this is in Alpha which means it's far beyond the Blue Skies stage and we should look to support everything they have done thus far and suggest "Feasible Solutions" not pie in the sky high level stuff.
Anything that will involves significant re-coding the Engine, AI etc is frankly not going to happen.
The Key Milestone for BIS will clearly be BETA release.
Re-writing the AI will jeopardize this miles stone, so is extremely unlikely to happen.
I work in Security Software Development and believe me, feasibility, resource and Project goals will always trump "Nice to have".
"If you cared about ArmA and actually have played ArmA for as long as I have you would understand how annoying it is to have them run in front of you or even stand in front of you."
Don't say this, it's condescending and immature....I've been playing this game since it was Operation Flashpoint and was released via Codemasters in 2001 and I have racked up thousands of hours. I even used the Military Version VBS in my military days.
"Just stop for a minute and realize that it's not your decision on what the devs do or don't decide to put into the game or why they can or can't."
You are labouring under the misapprehension that you can determine exactly what the Dev's do. This isn't the case, if you make a good solid case for a change, it is both feasible and logical you are much more likely to see it implemented.
There are huge constraints on the DEV's in terms of time and resources, you simply cannot keep re-visiting things over and over. Nothing is ever perfect, games are never truly finished, the same as with most software, it is usually abandoned at a point where it is stable.
"just let it reach it's potential dude" is a very nice phrase of saying nothing of any value. Understand this, this is a game produced for profit, this isn't a human being educating themselves or trying to improve themselves. Therefore the amount of time that DEVS can devote to this, is finite.
Would you like to see 1000 Bugs fixed or a complete re-writing of the AI? Because these are the kind of decisions on a limited budget you have to take as developers.
The whole point of testing is to identify things like this, it ruins immersion if you just happen to do these things, and all the AI start running randomly around?
Again with the "Just like Real life" comments - Is any AI out there right now able to simulate Human Intelligence? NO. So why is everyone so superficial when they say "Well the AI should do this!", with no regard for the actually reality.
It's like writing to Ford and saying "You know what you should do Ford? Make a Road car for under $10000 that can do 400mph".
There is a massive issue in all Games, but particularly in Massive Sandbox Games like ARMA with Contextualised AI, they don't fundamentally understand the World they occupy. Therefore you need Thousands of Rules for them to obey "If X do Y, If A got-to C, If D equals False then execute script F".
AI will never be seamless, and adding yet more complex rules to their behaviour will complicate it further and break other rules. We will solve one problem only to cause another, Like troops stacking up to enter a Vehicle will then dozy-doh around each other rather than entering vehicle.
We need to stop with this continuous "AI should do this or this!" and actually think about the complexities of what we are trying to achieve.
It's identifying these issues that is exactly what ALPHA testing is about, hence why I was moving in those ways I outlined above, to test the AI responses in the given scenario.
There is a bigger problem here, at what point does the AI decide to pivot around behind you and all other friendlies ? Imagine your Formation is Vee or Arrowhead with a Squad of 8, how does that work Passing behind you, to get to the position, especially if you move again in a different Compass orientation before all your friendly forces get to the correct Relative position.
You will have soldiers constant running across you back as you move 180 degrees in Orientation which will cause you all to be bunched up?
"So you quickly face North in Arrow head, take a few steps forward, then turn 90 degrees left, and a few steps forward (so you are now facing West), then you turn 90 degrees left and a few steps foward (finally facing South). Now all you troops will be Dozy-Dohing around each others Line of fire and get horrendously confused"
"Quickly Run a few steps North, 180 and run a few steps south and see if you can flip the formation and see if they couldn't cross infront of one another how would they achieve it?"
They all have to pass behind each others Line of fire to get to the relative position without crossing infront of another Friendly Soldiers Line of Fire. Try and draw it out on a piece of paper..It would be a bit crazy especially in Vee formation.
@silenthunter000 What you said is a given, but unless we are running 8 x Cores, with a PNY QUADRO 6000 6GB Professional level Graphics Card then we aren't going to be able to render every bush and blade of grass within 1km of the player, I mean that's an area of 3142857m2.
And the View distance on ARMA 3 can be enormous, which only makes the problem even bigger.
What Nordkindchen suggest is the best compromise, I've seen and gives an exponential level of benefits versus a small CPU/ GPU overhead.
600 votes....2 against...
And all we get is "REVIEWED" - I think this is in my top 5 of suggestions on this Tracker. I don't think I'm alone.
I would at least like to know what the Dev's think, and I believe NordKindchen deserves a bit of recognition for the well thoughout and comprehensive contribution,.
BIS Please do this, it is a great well thoughtout suggestion that will add a considerable amount to the Game.
Superb work NordKindchen
Anything that streamlines a clunky interface is okay with me, with the caveat that things don't become instantaneous e.g You hit the button and the animation plays, and then you can fire the GL rather than some kind of Instant GL can be fire immediately 0.05s after hitting the Weapon select Button.
The British Military RT follows US , because they both follow NATO RT. The purpose of NATO RT is that everyone in NATO follows it, it was implemented for Standardization. This doesn't mean every country says the same thing, but it does mean they say it in the same way. In the UK Military it is rare for "WILCO" to be used. "ROGER" is used. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've heard WILCO on a British RT net, it's not wrong, its rare. This is a completely different issue to the Correct SYNTAX. There are plenty of examples of ATP (Allied Tactical Publications) that have rare phrases that are rarely used but are still technically correct.
ROGER WILCO - Is complete Blasphemy, As an EX-RSO (Regimental Signals Officer) you would have my size 9 firmly placed in your rectum with a fair degree of force if you talked like this on the Net. Though I would probably be beaten to it by the Sergeant Major who would tear you an alternative rear passage.
It is exactly the same, with "ROGER OVER AND OUT" the correct Syntax is "ROGER OUT". This is basic stuff, if you cannot get a simple radio Procedure Correct 100% of the time, then am I really going to allow you to control Battalion Level Fire-Missions in a frought, tense, confusing and chaotic environment? Honestly no I am not.
Comparing being an EMT with being in the Military is an insult to both Honourable professions, they are completely different any similarities are shallow and superficial (such as we both Wear Uniform, and use Radios etc etc). I wouldn't tell you, a Medical Professional your job, and I would respect your position of authority and Knowledge. Please do the same to those of us who have served.
Other NATO Forces do what they like (Hence the general apathy for certain countries who go through the motions but don't seem to grasp the Fundamentals of Military Professionalism ), and there is a reason why the US & UK are close. It is because we are Combat Ready and Orientated Forces, other NATO Countries have no where near the Standard of the US & UK.
You are completely wrong. Playing the Semantics Card because you don't know how to be precise, in Military Life an attitude like that gets people killed.
A- Accuracy
B- Brevity
C- Clarity
Proper RT procedure is never broken by professionals, because unnecessary transmissions in terms of length (e.g brevity) lead to Direction Finding pin-pointing your position. You never say more than is required, and you are clear, direct and precise in what you say on a Radio Net. There is no "Um's" "Ers" "Can you repeat that please?" or any kind of TX in Plain unless you GO GREEN (Encrypted).
NATO RT procedures are clear and unambiguous, the problem in recent years is that PRR (Personal Role Radios) have come into play with limited range and Direction Finding against these is almost pointless as you need to be within 1km (e.g On top of them). This has meant that slack Radio Procedure has not been jumped on, whereas on Command Nets (e.g more powerful Radio's with longer Ranges) Strict RT procedure is key.
As an Officer turned Civilian I find that the "Semantics Excuse" is often used by people who have an incomplete understanding of a complex subject matter and over simplify it or don't understand the concept of Caveats, whether this be IT Systems, Legal matters, How an automobile works or High level mathematics.
If ARMA is a Simulation, which I believe it is, good RT is a minimum.
British Military Forces do not say "WILCO". I have never heard it said and it's completely unnecessary.
A similar custom regards the Naval "Aye, Aye Sir" e.g "Yes I understand, Yes I will Carry it out, Sir".
Will Comply or WILCO implies that Obedience is optional, it isn't it's intrinsic. It's called Orders and Chain of Command, Obedience is not something you would give, it's obligatory.
"Callsign 2 this is Callsign 1, Go here, do this, over" "Callsign 1 this is Callsign 2, Roger Out".
WILCO is completely unneccessary, as is the OSCAR-MIKE nonsense.
NATO Definition of WILCO is exactly what it states it does not explicitly designate the way in which the instructions are sent e.g Any Medium not explicitly Radio transmissions.
39 - WILCO - Will comply with received instructions
You can receive Instructions by Data-link (e.g Link 16, Link 22) by say secure data link, encrypted transmission of Signals or by any other form of Signal. You could say, transmit or respond WILCO in response to any of these methods by verbal, text or any other approved means. It makes sense but it's unneccessary and increases any transmission time, improving chance of DF and floods the Net with needless verbosity and white noise.
Fundamentally ABC applies, Accuracy Brevity Clarity, if you want unnecessary "Verbage/ Verbosity" then expect Enemy Direction Finding/ EW kit to pin-point you quickly and Jam you or better yet give you a Salvo of Artillery on your position.
Good RT is about Professionalism and therefore survival on the battlefield, no um's, err's or colloquial speech and definitely nothing that is surplus to the requirements.
A tiny bit of Writing in the top left of the screen is a bit too easy to miss.
I'm not sure how you can make physical interaction like in the Realworld in a Dynamic environment and communicate non-verbally.
There should be somekind of animation, like your head automatically orientates to the other player and he nod's at you.
It could be good for grabbing people who need to pay attention, need medical attention, give items like a Magazine or a Belt of Ammo or Grenade.
One major problem would be you could be shooting and some taps you and puts you off your aim...
The ACE Tap whilst useful is kind of limited and easily missed in the fury of combat.
May 9 2016
Well when you jog you are in a Relaxed position, your arms can Cradle your rifle and you can relax to a pace.
In Combat Pace, staying coiled like a spring, tensed and Rifle to the should held in positive control and firmly ready to go in a split second. Advancing smoothly and slowly, is exhausting.
Running is exhausting, but you relax when you are doing it (except when sprinting) Tactical Pace / Combat Pace, you are tensed and hunched up, walking at a smooth pace and it's harder than you would think. Don't believe me go and do it, for an hour or so. See how tired you are at the end of it...
Jogging for an Hour with all your kit, is just a case of settling into a pace, and letting your mind wonder, as you put one foot in front of another.
Urban Combat is utterly exhausting.
Agreed, not all sights are adjustable, and we must remember that some iron sights are adjustable as well. So it depends on the design, make and type of sight.
Not all sights can be used on all rifles either, some rounds fly in a Parabolic Arc and can actually gain height when fired on the level and can impact above the Bore-sight centre or POA especially at close range. e.g not all bullet flight profiles trace a downward curve, the bullet can generate lift. Equally certain rounds can become unstable and begin to tumble at range.
Ballistics is a very exact science, unfortunately many peoples understanding of the subject is extremely poor.
A fully implemented Ballistics engine in this game would be an amazing achievement by BIS but I think it would be impractical.
Marksmanship cannot be taught in 30mins and can take a lifetime to master.
The L7 GPMG / M240 has an adjustable rear segment to the iron sight, as the fore-blade is fixed.
Lets stop the over-generalization.
Agreed, this would enable the Mod community to continue to build excellent mods, for this reason alone this is a must.
@Kemeros I would suggest starting with yourself.
Okay well to those of you who are using the Realism argument about Melee and stabbing people, in real life what about surrender? Or capturing POW's? Most people or soldiers will surrender when out of ammo and options, or equally when faced with a guy with a rifle, you realistically run into a guy with a Rifle with just a Combat Knife. There is no shame in surrender if you have fought well and further bloodshed would achieve nothing, in War not everyone wins and not everyone dies. The ARMA realism argument really doesn't hold much water, especially when we are getting into real granular things, like taking on a "Machine Gunner with a Knife?" so lets put the Melee to bed.
Can we put this to bed once and for all...
Yes a Knife is quieter than a Silenced Weapon, the man you stick it in to, generally isn't quiet however.
Equally a Bayonet charge is anything but silent. If you are running around a map with only a Knife because you ran out of ammunition, you are Combat "Ineffective". Bayonet Charges and last ditch self defence is it, and to be honest you are better off using your "Entrenching tool" than a 9" Knife.
There is alot of FPS BS on this thread, if you are out of Ammunition, running low you would not stay in the fight, unless you are completely surrounded or you've given up hope of survival (rare in both cases).
If you want to run around with a Knife when everyman and his dog has an Assault Rifle, then you are literally throwing your life away.
A Bayonet I could understand, or a rifle butt slam, but seriously running around with a Combat Knife. If we give in to this, people will want Krav Maga self defence moves too. It is a last ditch weapon of limited value, the most useful thing I used mine for was opening Ration packs and occasionally cutting Razor Wire using the Scabbard attachment.
I don't think this is a "Viable addition" because I just don't think the Engine is set up for this. We would be looking at animations, clipping, crazy physics, Will you able to stab crewmen in vehicles? Like a Humvee, what about a Pilot on a little Bird with no doors? What happens if you have a friendly in range? Will you be able Stab and finish off wounded personnel?
This is a massive game change, I would love to see it, but it would require massive resources to get it to work in a decent way. These resources would probably be better spent solving another 50 issues rather than resolving this one.
Maybe one for the MODDING COMMUNITY?
P.S If you should never run out of Ammunition, you really should be grabbing weapons off Enemy Dead or additional ammo off your own team's casualties, or vehicles or Ammo Crates. I've never been in the situation where I have not had any ammunition, it would be battle where literally everyone had fired their ammunition supply, and no kills had been achieved.
To OP excellent Post!!!
Artillery is a very exact science, unfortunately fall of shot isn't as accurate as many people think.
I am very well versed in Artillery (having done it for a living), the key to Map errors is that error is introduced in the map DATUM. An arbitrary position that all others are referenced to on a Geodesic, (Mercator or Transverse Mercator, or even a Gnomic) maps vary in their DATUM and when applying a map to the real world, or transfering from map to a map of another DATUM you end up with a DATUM SHIFT Correction which must be accounted for otherwise you end up with an enlarged pool of error and a less reproducible result (e.g LESS PRECISION). The Most common today is World Geodesic Survey 1984 (WGS84) this allows the plotting of GPS data directly to the map or Chart.
If you have a Precise Weapon, you can correct it on to a target, an example Such as Rifle Colimation error. It is reproducible, and so you can simply apply a correction and the "Point of Aim" will eventually converge and become the "Point of Impact". However if the weapon is imprecise, there is no way you can correct it with any degree of confidence and is often called "Inaccurate".
Equally Coriolis effect, temperature, pressure, Barrel temperature, the sequence of rounds before and after, the ambient temperature of the ammunition the quality of ammunition (Ammunition can be externally identical, but completely different when fired). Error in Conventional artillery would still be large unless you are using PGM's and even then it's down to the programming of the round, or the operator with the Laser Designator. PGM - Precision Guided Munitions can be of various types (most likely on larger calibre rounds such as 120mm) allow GPS guided or Laser Guided rounds that correct in flight to hit a geographic point in space or guided by another sensor or target indication method.
Bottomline Artillery needs to be made much more inaccurate !
@Thales Thank you, if this is implement it will really change the feel of ARMA and will break that lineage back to a degree but it will be a massive leap forward for realism and the series.
If you need any help let me know always happy to help.
For me as someone who has played this series for over a Decade, it is the most glaring, appalling and lazy part of the game.
Sound in General in this Game Series has been terrible.
I played Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis the other night for giggles, Guess what the comms are almost identical to ARMA 3. Yes they sound slightly better, yes they are a bit clearer but they speak like MICROSOFT SAM with Aspergers Syndrome.
It hacks me off because compared to Engine Overhauls or AI tweaking this is easy to bloody do!!!
12 years and no real overall improvement - Shocking...
That Video clear illustrates just how ridiculous the system actually is.]
Just as Counter listen to how simple this example is:-
CONTACT - Everyone moves to cover and tries to put down fire in the general direction.
10s - 15s after CONTACT is called someone (guessing the Squad leader) clarify's the situation giving a precise position and range (DOWN THE ROAD 200m ON THE LEFT).
The ambient noise is Soldiers calling "Moving" or "1 Section Advance!" or "2 Section Move" there isn't continuous talking. Orders are re-communicated down the line quickly. It's organised and disciplined.
Typo - That should read B. Brevity (not Brevit.) ;)
It is a huge Improvement but that doesn't mean it is good or optimum, improving some that is bad solution, may make it a less poor solution but it doesn't automatically make it a Optimum or excellent solution. I would argue that a improving on a Compromised solution is still a Compromised solution. The aim of BIS in this ARMA series seems to always be to get things as close as possible to the Real World within the constraints and confines of a World they can pragmatically create.
A simplification of Communications would be more realistic, and make for more Organic sounding communications, than the current excellent sounding voices that talk utter nonsense.
So for reporting the following it could be :-
Single Enemy Soldier "CONTACT - Direction - Range"
2-6 Soldiers "CONTACT ENEMY FIRE TEAM - Direction - Range"
6 - 12 Soldiers "CONTACT ENEMY SQUAD - Direction - Range"
12+ Soldiers "CONTACT ENEMY INFANTRY - Direction - Range"
1 Vehicle "CONTACT ENEMY VEHICLE - Direction - Range"
2+ Vehicles "CONTACT ENEMY VEHICLES - Direction - Range"
Armoured Vehicles "CONTACT ENEMY ARMOUR - Direction - Range"
Multiple Soft Vehicles "CONTACT ENEMY CONVOY - Direction - Range"
The key to this is that only one member of your Squad makes the report, it is not repeated 2 or 3 times. Separate units will be made aware as other units call it over the radio net.
From that Screenshot, the close in Trees look great, but the ones on the ridge opposite don't look right. I cannot quite tell why, but I think it might be to do with the highlighting, they should have more shade and shadow as a contrast.
Here is a picture of Greek hillside with some trees for comparison.
AVIPURE "I agree, the rockets IRL fly a lot faster than they do in this game. I believe their velocity should be increased by almost twice"
When I read this all I could think about was Zoolander. xD
I think ARMAPIRX has the got the Data so I would go with this. A very short burn, impulse and the fin-stablised rockets will race to their targets. They aren't missiles, they are rockets.
From my time in the Military, I know quite a few women who would smash most of you "Sexist-pasty-faced-monitor-tanned-keyboard-Warriors" in to next tuesday, and can still do proper push-ups, sit-ups and run a Mile and half in the same time as a Man.
If you say no to Women in ARMA 3, you are living in the 20th Century, life moves on, be positive and look at it as an opportunity for more female Heroes.
I bet alot of you wannabe military types also think that Homosexuality is wrong too. Well here is a newsflash, there are alot of gay people in the military, and do you know why? Because there are alot of gay people in society. A military reflects the society it is recruited from, pure and simple.
Any Man or Woman who would stand with me on the battlefield in my unit, is my comrade, it doesn't matter their Race, Sexual orientation, Religion, Creed or background. Having been there on more than one occasion in the last 12 years, All that matters is Professionalism, because this is what counts. To know your Business and conduct it to the point of excellence, to maximize the chance of you coming home alive and maximizing your violence to the enemy.
You can argue all you like, but look at the UK military and the US Military and how they are changing. Females on Nuclear Submarines, Females on the frontline, Females pushing for Combat Roles.
Anyone arguing against this is going to be on the wrong side of history, just like people who were against the Emancipation Proclamation, or against Women being given the vote.
In 10 years people look back and laugh at how small minded many ill-informed people are, and this will be recorded in these pages at how wrong many of you are. How in the great tide of humanity the ripples you tried to cause were inconsequential, and against the general positive forward movement of progressive societies.
In the UK we recently Buried Margaret Thatcher, love her or Loathe her that woman had more "Balls" than most men.
Women have been Warriors throughout History.
As a retired Military Officer I find the campaign personified in this thread against females both shocking, misguided and Victorian.
I have served with many Officers and NCO's who have conducted themselves with incredible professionalism and Heroism. Their Gender matters not, neither does their Religion nor their sexual orientation.
I would further point out that in Afghanistan and Iraq, troops came under attack where-so-ever they were. To say that Females are Support Troops is unfair, everyone was on the frontline because there was no fixed frontline you could be attacked outside Camp Bastion as much as Kandahar.
A logistics convoy would be attacked as much as a FOB, Weapons don't discriminate on grounds of Gender.
Shame on many of you for your poor qualities of Arguments. Read these links and then tell me why they are "Just Support Troops"
(I haven't even looked at the US Military here)
These Soldiers are incredibly Brave, the fact they are Female doesn't matter, what does matter is they have been there and done their duty. They aren't some Keyboard Warrior, who has views on women that are in line with the Taliban.
So can anyone explain to me, why there should be no Female Soldier Characters in ARMA3? Lets all grow up a bit, because this is how it is in the real world.
Well that may make sense in an Abstract James Bond fashion.
But I'll tell you straight, that Helicopters do not have parachutes whatever height they fly at.
When you talk about Ejection Seats, they are exceptionally damaging to aircrew, especially as they are Zero / Zero Ejection seats (zero height, zero speed) so you can eject on the deck and have 2-3 seconds to deploy a parachute before you hit the ground. It will still probably kill you.
In the Military you can only eject once, if eject more than once you won't be allowed to fly, this is due to the Spinal Damage done during an ejection. In the RAF you'll find pilots that have ejected have spinal damage and some are even 1/2 an inch shorter.
Secondly ejecting from a Fast moving Aircraft is one thing, from a helicopter quite another.
If you are low, below 500ft, you are very likely to land on the crashing helicopter, especially as Attack Helicopters tend to hug the Contours of the land so called "Knap of the Earth flying". In recent years in Afghanistan we have seen them at higher altitudes in Overwatch, but that increases the risk from Ground fire and SAMs.
Landing on a crashing burning helicopter is not good, equally the up draft of heat from the crash can seriously screw up your landing, and if there is a fireball, you are in it. An aircraft will generally be doing above 200kts so you will be well away from the Crash, helicopters fly much slower.
I follow your logic, but unfortunately this is supposed to be a Mil-Sim type realism game and as this isn't done in real life, it doesn't fit to change reality to the game, rather than the game reflecting reality.
One helicopter in the world has this feature of ejection, no other.
"but I really cant see any pilot willfully go down in flames and die with the helicopter without a chance."
Hate to break this to you, but that's exactly how it is. Rotors don't come with explosive bolts, so you cannot jettison your blades, also you don't have a parachute. Helicopter crews stay in their helicopter and will always attempt to land it, unless it's a Catastrophic Incident and then well, they scream all the way down.
Don't believe me, watch these..
To many people on this tracker say "I cannot see / I don't think" for their unqualified opinions when "I don't Know" is more appropriate.
Can we stop using the term "Eject" and use the term "get out" or "Leap out".
"Eject" is the verb that comes from the use of "Ejection Seat" also from the term Ejecta 'Ejecta(from the Latin: "things thrown", singular "ejectum") - Which is something you don't have on a Helicopter. You aren't thrown from it (Unless it crashes and you could potentially be), you voluntarily drop/leap out of a Helicopter.
I would be happy to allow Soldiers / Passengers to do stupid things like leap out of Helicopters as they see fit with or without Parachutes. I don't want to see Co-pilots and Pilots doing it however.
Also I don't know any helicopter Pilot who has a Parachute, in over a decade of Military service. It isn't done, they will always try and autorotate, or crash land, they aren't even issued parachutes so it isn't an option!
Same with most troops, only special forces and display teams Parachute from a Helicopter. Most Helicopters act as a highly mobile Battle Taxi.
This is why Fast Roping and other techniques were invented, to get the troops exactly where you need them fast, Parachuting is not that precise especially when troops are jumping weighing 300lbs.
Helicopters are much more constrained by weight than Winged Aircraft.
Divers do this..they can kill themselves if their head connects with the Tank / on their back, and they can break their own neck so they don't normally jump with Diving gear as well as Parachute gear.
Notice how they don't have CDBA or SCUBA Gear?
These guys are the ultimate - Royal Navy SPAG - Submarine Parachute Advisory Group.
If a Sub goes down in shallow enough water e.g Less then Continental Shelf, these boys drop in from the Sky, Parachute to the position, and then dive down to try and rescue them. Seriously Dangerous, serious skill sets!
They recover the gear on the surface rather than jump with it all on their back and kill themselves upon impact.
See a pattern Guys....Divers don't jump in gear. I know the Navy Seals train for it, but it's still massively risky.
They can deploy from a Submarine or from a Chariot or even a small ship or Boat.
If it disguises itself as a Cardboard Box and then jumps out, then it's time to take out and 'nerf the Snake. I think leaving this in, might lead to some interesting Script for MODS, so leave it in. SNAKES ON A BASE, Modified DAYS SSSSSSS with Snakes instead of Zombies etc, SNAKES IN A TANK. Even other Animals could use this AI, imagine Grizzly's or Wolves ovening doors.
Absolutely spot on, I would suggest a sound of the clip being removed, Retaining pin being pulled, and the safety lever being clicked, followed by a call of "Frag Out" at the point of release of the Grenade. Ensuring that the call "Frag Out" is called at the point of the lever released when you are "Cooking the Grenade off" so you don't call "Frag o.."*Boom* as you cooked it before warning anyone nearby.
Alternatively you could have a silent Grenade throw, if you get the drop on the Enemy and don't want to alert them to your presence or the fact you threw a grenade at close Quarters or CQB.
The other issue is that Grenades lethality radius varies on the surface, on concrete it is increased than over say dirt. Equally wooden doors or Floors would increase the number of splinters and lethal elements flying (e.g more likely to wound?).
After all the talk, after all the tickets...The release was...abysmal.
BIS you had our attention and our support even our money, but what you never had was the intention to listen. Public Alpha's and Beta's are bad, they could the core issues with endless "Chimps" asking for Melee when you should have been concentrating on Optimization. I cannot help feeling if you'd had a small selection of the community involved people like dslyecxi and concentrated on the core
- Sounds
- Content
- Engine Optimization.
Rather than focusing on Graphics (that most us cannot achieve because it isn't optimized is frankly amateur) you would have delivered something we would have built on for you.
You wouldn't be in such a position with a good 1/3 of the Loyal fanbase and community with better than good PC Rigs, pissed off because it is utilising 50% of the CPU and GPU available.
You are not wrong Rogerx, I am curious to know what methodology they followed in this project, AGILE, Iterative, Waterfall etc etc. I think the key defining characteristic of this series is Longevity, and that is predicated on the ability of the community to take the sandbox and build something better.
I was continually frustrated from my own perspective with the "Buy it now, get involved". What has happened is that people like yourself and myself who work in Development Houses, have been sidelined by the endless line of people complaining about non-issues like "Melee or Female Bodies". The Hardware and the stability of the code Server side and client side needed to be addressed.
I hope in future they are more selective, in that you can sign up to crowdsource / fund it, but invite key people from the community with Pedigree like .kju or others like Dslyecxi into a Third Party Dev Portal where we can help the Devs.
My own frustrations as an SSDLC specialist and Python coder is that I really could have helped them out with the Hacker stuff we had in Alpha, and I would have gladly done it for free for the benefit of the community.
I think movement like this is indeed too violent, although maybe this could be retained for firing larger Calibre Weapons like 0.50cal Sniper Rifles.