When you are playing with an AI team they will use the radio a lot to confirm orders and call out enemy positions etc. However, just like in ArmA2 there is almost no distortion on the radio. AI team units that are 50+ meters away will sound like if they are close by. The only radio(ish) sound you hear when the AI communicates (and vice versa) is a little 'beep' sound other then that you hear normal undistorted voices.
I really like to see the more ACRE sound being used so that I actually have the feeling that I and the AI are talking through the radio instead of the feeling that they are standing next to me while they are not. And maybe if possible also increase the distortion the further they are away from you just like in ACRE. So if it's possible (no doubt it is) add a distortion filter on top of the AI radio voices that works dynamically with the distance to where the player is, longer distance = more distortion, close distance = less distortion.