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- User Since
- Sep 13 2013, 5:16 AM (601 w, 3 d)
May 24 2022
The comments in that thread are not addressing the problem with sufficient nuance, and are conflating overall visibility with angular resolution. If soldiers are too visible at long range, the solution is to adjust the colors and shading of the units to better blend in with the surroundings, not to place an unrealistically low limit on the eye's resolving power under all conditions. In ideal conditions, a person wearing brightly-colored clothes can be readily spotted at over 1000 meters, especially at high altitude but even at sea level. Rather than make camouflaged people difficult to see, the current implementation makes everything more difficult to see, even if it really should be visible. See my reply to that thread for more details:
May 10 2016
No, you can't. Just because sound mods exist isn't an excuse for the vanilla sounds to be poor quality. I prefer the vanilla sounds over JSRS except for a few specific ones, and mods slow down the game.
That would be sweet as well. SPAAG are a force to be reckoned with, but they don't sound very good right now.
Now that sling loading is confirmed, rope physics are in the works (I heard BI even got a 3rd party to help them with it), all we need now is a confirmation from BI that they'll implement this.
If only there was a section of controls where you could select possible action menu events and map them to controls. Mapped actions would not show up in the menu, only perhaps in a secondary menu that shows available options (but cannot be interacted with).
Are you by chance using the A3MP mod?
I believe A3MP maps have issues with physics where any object affected by physics will knock down trees and walls.
I think it would be better if as soon as one of them gets shot they shout "I'm hit!"
That's the way it'd be in real life (unless you were unconscious), and it would help the commander know what's going on.
- It's now 2015. 20 years in the future is not going to see any revolutionary miniaturization of radar for light vehicles. Pulse-doppler radars don't detect ground targets, and millimeter-wave radar is too expensive and heavy to be put on anything besides heavy attack vehicles. Not even attack jets like the A-10 have it. Only the Apache and AH-1Z among a few others. The Merlin (Mohawk) can be equipped with a pulse-doppler radar, but that only works at sea where there's no ground interference, and can only detect aircraft and weather.
They removed the radar of off these vehicles because they do not have them in real life. Definitely a design decision, and a step in the right direction imo.
Have noticed this as well. Extremely annoying.
"Arma" means arms or weapons in Latin. The arma series is a military game and always will be, BI would never taint their 14 year old series by making it a GTA clone.
I think adding the ability to toss a grenade gently is a different issue. Maybe make a separate ticket for that issue? I would like to see this too.
"1. The large contrast in throwing distance the player is not capable of good will aim, and the end, this grenade flies too far from the target!"
Yeah I had this problem too when they first added them. I recommend just practicing a little bit and you'll get used to them. I should probably do it too because I still sometimes throw over the target. It just takes practice.
*Significantly* less, I might add. An RGO Grenade landing within 5m of you while you're standing up is going to result in your death. An RGN grenade will fuck you up good if it's close, but they don't have nearly the same amount of brute concussive force that RGOs dish out.
Great news, thank you!
Alright, well hopefully we'll see this as an option in the future.
Thanks for the reply! You can mark this as closed for now if you like.
This has been explained time and time again but I'll reiterate: multiplayer FPS relies on the server's fps, limiting the client fps. Please don't spam the feedback tracker.
There is a general lack of character-weapon interaction when it comes to animations, hopefully we'll see this attended to for the Marksman DLC.
DCS does this. Seems like a good idea, it allows you to actually make small adjustments. You should also be able to configure the curve vs. time that occurs as you hold the key.
No, I think they do want good death simulation. I think they are just very busy.
The devs will eventually see this ticket and they'll consider the ideas and talk about it amongst themselves.
I know what you mean about jumping on the chair, it can be very scary as infantry but vehicles make it boring to die. Maybe for marksman DLC, getting shot while outside of a vehicle will be made better, but probably not for the vehicles. Maybe it will be one of the improvements they make for the Expansion pack?
"Probably the effect is very weak"
Yes, it's very weak. I think it only happens when you get hit by an explosion but don't get injured. It's very strange, I think if you get hurt by the explosion it doesn't happen. Either way, it needs to be stronger. I guess it's supposed to just look like dirt on the goggles, because when you get dirt in your eyes it hurts and you blink automatically, meaning your eyes are closed.
Yeah in fact I think the whole effect could be achieved by sound alone. Visuals would be nice too but simply deadening sound and such is probably best at conveying the desired effects.
We already have dust that kind of gets in your eyes if you're near an explosion, maybe we could see that effect made more intense if you're really near an explosion.
I think instead of bloody splatter on the screen, if they just improved the current reddening effect, making it darker and adding a distorting effect to your vision. Even if blood did get in your eyes you would see mainly darkness and maybe red glow (kind of like closing your eyes and shining a light at your face, but redder), I think that would be more realistic than making it look like droplets of blood.
Since you focus on car crashes and vehicle deaths and such, it would really help if they boosted the sound of getting killed by a missile. When your vehicle explodes, it's super quiet even though it should be exploding from the inside. I wish they would change this.
I don't really think a bloody haze is appropriate for arma, it's pretty arcade-y and not very realistic. You don't usually get blood in your eyes when you get hurt.
I haven't had any injuries severe enough to really know what it should look like, although I once sustained an 8 foot fall onto pavement, my chest hit first. The only visual effects I really noticed were white splotches (like if you close your eyes and press your hands into them to make the 'stars' appear), besides that it was mainly physical sensations (feeling of paralysis and flooding feeling) and auditory (ringing ears, temporary partial deafness). Hopefully somebody who has had some sort of traumatic injury could add to this.
A video posted to r/arma earlier:
Just an idea. A much nicer feeling/looking death and/or unconsciousness effect.
An improved medical system would make this a lot better, as sounds could fade out as you bled out. If you weren't helped in time you would simply bleed out and the sounds would fade out.
Either that or simply do not allow the person to put the weapon in the slot (as if you were trying to put a rifle in the pistol slot). I think forcing them out is a little unreasonable.
I'll update the "additional information" to more specifically describe what slots would get what
This is the only problem with it, perhaps it would be a module configurable from mission to mission
It basically means that they are tracking your ticket, and they will pay attention to how it progresses in terms of updates to the rocket, comments, etc. It doesn't mean anything is promised though - it could mean, "hey, this sounds interesting, let's listen in and see how it develops," it could also mean "we see that you've written something but we don't want to make any promises that anything will happen."
After further testing I have discovered that at longer ranges it does indeed take multiple rockets to kill, but it is still inexcusable for HEDP rockets to be killing heavy armor.
Strange, I have had no trouble in killing the T-100 with a single DAGR. Perhaps the penetrative ability is affected by the range and angle of the shot? My tests were done from 100m away and at an altitude of 5m (resulting in a very flat slant, an almost direct shot into the rear of the tank). It was also against an empty tank, although that shouldn't matter. I will conduct further tests today and write back.
@Shields, no they are not like rubber against tanks. And that's the whole issue.
The DAGR (Direct Attack Guided Rocket) is a system developed by Lockheed Martin. It is a low-cost, SALH (Semi Active Laser Homing) kit that converts a regular unguided 2.75"/70mm Hydra 70 rocket into a laser-guided munition.
This means that these missiles are no more powerful than a Hydra rocket can get. The M247 warhead for the Hydra 70 is a 4kg HEAT charge. A 3 inch HEAT round would most likely cripple an MRAP or do moderate damage to an APC. But in Arma 3, the DAGR has no trouble killing a full-blown MBT in one single round. This is a huge problem, because the AH-99 carries 24 of them. 24 is a lot of MBTs to be able to kill.
one half of these insanely overpowered HEAT hydras should be swapped for Flechette Anti-Tank rounds, which would airburst and cause damage over a small area instead of requiring a direct hit, and trade the other half for the DAGR variant of the typical M151 HEDP round.
EDIT: I've just learned that DAGRs only carry the M151 10lb HEDP warhead which makes this issue even more infuriating. Although it would not be unreasonable to see these alternate options for warheads in the near future.
Game updated properly. Confirmed fixed.
Hm, it still happens for me, has my game not yet updated yet? I have autoupdates on but I still get this issue. Where can I find my game version
It is an extremely fleeting effect, seen only when you are in the side of a fast moving vehicle. The smoke spawns to the side of the rifle closest to the front of the vehicle, meaning that it does not originate from the muzzle, but instead flies past your face.
I will try to upload a video tonight.
EDIT: Video link -
Fixed in latest dev branch update. Please mark as resolved.
I did play the Hardline beta and I know what you mean
I suppose that could work, although I think it exposes the player a little too much and would also require more work-intensive animations to have them hoist themselves up through the window, but it could still work.
That's a bit silly.
I mean, it is perfectly possible to fire a rocket launcher out of the back of a truck, you just need to watch your backblast.
Fixed in latest dev branch update. Please mark as resolved.
First of all, make sure it's on your end. Does the game crash when playing the campaign or other scenarios?
Altis/Stratis life and Wasteland are notoriously unstable and laggy because they deal with very large amounts of equipment being randomly spawned around, and often have many people on them. Be sure to try validating the integrity of your Arma 3 cache in the game's steam properties.
Try uninstalling and reinstalling the game. When you uninstall, be sure to delete all files in your profile (documents) and root (Common/Arma3) to insure that all files are deleted. Then try reinstalling.
Why not just press the export button, paste the data to a document, and do this until all the loadouts are on a single document? then just send the document to your friend and he can import it manually
An additional way to do this (controlled by the player) would be to add the option to hold a key (such as shift) while pressing the Abort button to quit without saving. That way if you are ending a mission because you are tired of it you can choose to not save, but if you are suspending a mission because you have to go do something else, etc. you could have the game save for you.
I suppose that could possibly be a similar issue, but I think they aren't really related.
Please try this without any mods running. I was unable to reproduce your issue, in fact when I place a tripwire mine it has a timer which disables it until after ~10 seconds after it's been placed. I can run through the wire and nothing happens.
Who down voted this? This is still a relevant and rather important issue. The name of the weapon is extremely misleading and does not accurately describe its intended use.
This is an issue that happens with lots of things when viewed in certain ways.
For instance, if you view a hard shell hanger through the window of another hard shell hanger, the whole other hanger will be this sky blue color.
It can also be seen when riding in the back of the Zamak (covered) - the windows in the back part show the back of the cabin, which appears this blue color.
Yeah, BI has enough on their plates right now. I'm going to guess that this won't happen in a long time if ever.
No, we're just saying that BI is struggling to implement even some of the most important of feature requests, and ignoring anything on the tracker (suggestions, requests, etc) that aren't bugs, so just don't be surprised if they don't get around to this soon.
Maybe a Dev will feel like devoting some spare hours to this, maybe not. It's just too hard to tell.
Hmm, maybe 100% skill is the problem
I never use 100% skill because it makes the AI too powerful
they see you too well
well, 15 meters is very close
suppressors in real life do make the gun quieter, but they aren't magical. The sound of a suppressed gun is still very loud without subsonic ammunition (which isn't in the game right now).
I haven't experienced this problem, to be honest.
Yes, eventually the AI pinpoint my position, but single shots are never detected (unless taken at point blank range).
I placed myself 700m away above stratis airbase and put some AI below, and I was able to fire all 9 mags of my 7.62 Rahim and was never spotted. I tried again at ~250m, and they still didn't notice me after a whole mag. How fast are you firing your weapon?
They'd have their Orca, I guess. It's not anything like the Hellcat or Pawnee though. Hopefully they'll get a light helicopter in the helicopters DLC
haha thanks for the feedback man, I'll be sure to post it soon.
I'll also include the mock-ups of the GUIs that I made, those parts probably didn't make much sense just reading :P
yeah I've already got them all painted on my other computer, I'll be sure to include them in the post
I agree, It would be great to have modular customization to create such a thing. Check out a forum-post-in-the-making I've written here:
+1, is a great idea actually. I doubt BI would do this, but maybe it would be something a few of the devs would do just as a hobby project (similar to karts). If it was just another $5.00 DLC with just a news photographer, field reporter, and cameraman with just a few props like a video camera, microphone, still camera, and maybe a notepad I would totally buy it.
Are you on dev build? I believe this is a confirmed bug for today's update
Agreed. I've been waiting for the removal of collective-engine start for a long time, and we finally have it but we do need a keybind.
Hellcat isn't supposed to lock anything.. How are you getting the pawnee to lock onto things?
Is the locking something unique to lower difficulties? that would explain why I can't do it
I understand your issue with the DAGRs, but is there no value in the config that your mod can change to enable locking?
We already have one, it's just that it's really hard to place so that the wire and mine go where you want them to.
a much needed feature. +1
Yes, it would be nice to have a new cockpit. But it isn't worthy of a ticket on the tracker, it's a longer term, low importance thing BI would handle whenever they had the spare time.
Yeah it might "work" but it's a shitty/unrealistic solution. The gimbal of a missile seeker head can't even traverse that far; the missile would not be able to acquire lock at all. Gimbal limits should be much narrower. We need real fire modes.
I agree with Antjon, the helicopters are actually not that fragile, but roll the helicopter slightly and it instantly explodes.
Here is a video that shows what is *should* look like when the rotor get clipped:
Thanks for the quick reply mate!
@Stuffedsheep that's interesting, I have yet to experiment much with wheel brakes. I tried to do a running landing like a plane and promptly exploded so I assumed that rolling wheels were still in the works. I'll go try that out!
Ahh, interesting. Thank you for the clarification (and quick response). I really do appreciate you guy's hard work in the tracker.