Good Morning,
I come to find you because the comunity need a mod for the game Arma 3, yeah it's a mistake because the community love altis life or stratis life
a mod created by a fan of arma 3 and arma 2, you bohemia interactive you created this game so what do you thinking about created a mod such as altis life
or stratis life ? It's a good idea for the community and a good project, i'm just a fan of this game and you have created a game very beautiful !
You deserved a good community and a good yield for your game, sorry for my english but i'm not english, i'm a french, a french fan. thank you ,
I hope it's a good idea that I advise you are , even if I am a player
My idea are make a new mod with a new car and also a new map for this game, i think is a good idea but to you to judge.
Thanks again {F25207}