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- Mar 6 2013, 8:33 PM (626 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
This drives me nuts. Rate of fire always seems inconsistent and sloppy. It's not just the framerate
If you have AMD, and you DO decide to switch to an actual monitor, avoid HDMI as AMD drivers treat those as TVs, because you know, AMD has the most competent software devs ever. You'll likely have to apply the same fixes to get things to work, but much less problematic.
The solution I described isn't complex. It's just adding a driver profile for a non standard res. When you do that, everything will include that res as an option.
I was actually going to mention that "fix" but I was focusing on more permanent options. Switching windowed to fullscreen does work occasionally (usually you don't have to mess with windowed res), however setting a custom resolution is a fix for nearly all TV related BS and doesn't require constant maintenance.
By the way, I only answered a question regarding the 30 frames. The problems are still relevant to the ticket, seeing as how they're both about TVs being stupid, and have identical solutions.
ITC processing shouldn't cause problems and is a standard option if using HDMI
There should be a way to make custom HDTV profiles as that is MEANT for TVs. I take it you're using an old CCC version, and not the new vision control center. I recommend getting the latest drivers and including VCC in your install
SheamuS, as I said in a previous post, TVs suck for monitors for exactly that reason. I explained in my first post how to make custom resolutions for AMD drivers. That will resolve the locked framerate issue exactly as you described, in any game that has that issue (it's not just arma 3). If you're using nvidia, I don't know the process in making a custom resolution option, but I know there is one. You could try google for that if needed.
The reason the 30fps is choppy is because it isn't synchronized. Consoles vsync to that 30 frames and it appears smooth. syncing to 30 on a PC however will cause absolutely insane input lag.
TVs just suck as monitors in general. Tons of problems, many of which have no solutions. They're based on the same technology as monitors but are purpose built for completely different things, with completely different EDID programming. TVs often were never meant to run at their native resolutions (true with EVERY 720p TV as they were cheaper to make a 1360/1366x768 which is exactly one MP, yet the media they receive are actually 720p)and only SCALE images. So running a PC and trying to get it at native resolution so it doesn't look like crap is difficult and sometimes impossible with scaling issues, timings being off, or just being downright impossible to get the TV into it's native resolution at all. Most of the time it takes hacky solutions, and just dumb luck. Sometimes extremes as far as making your own EDID and flashing the TV.
Computer monitors on the other hand were meant to run at native resolutions at high refresh rates, and on top of that were meant to display static images for long periods and thus won't have image retention issues, and all kinds of other crap. I used a TV for 18 months before I could get a proper monitor. Every minute was a struggle to keep it working properly.
AMD drivers never play nice with TVs for some reason, and problems can arise on a per-program basis. Something you could try is adding a custom "HDTV mode" to your driver's resolutions. Pull up vision control center, go to digital flat panels tab, and click "HDTV Support". Click "Add" and set it to "1920x1076" This will just take 2 pixels off the top and bottom of your screen and won't be noticeable, but the drivers treat these customs resolutions differently, and some problem games will load these options when the standard modes wouldn't. This fix also works if you're getting overscan/underscan problems or getting locked at 24hz when running native resolutions.
All of my games fail to lunch. It's really annoying! I'm hungry damnit!
Title typo aside, I haven't had the game crash on me at all, or fail to launch in any dev version as of yet. have you updated drivers? verified game cache? reinstalled the game completely (including deleting the entire game folder in steamapps)? deleted config files in documents to generate new ones? a full wipe and clean reinstall of video drivers? maybe try beta drivers for your card.
I hear the -nobenchmark -noSplash startup commands do well at helping these kinds of problems, give those a shot.
Rainbow Six: Vegas would have been a better example... Mentioning COD for any reason is bound to get you an immediate drove of downvoters and raging elitists in here.
I just broke my face, palming it so hard. Thanks alot.
"Check out the videos provided that show real bulletforce."
OP implied the Max Payne video was a realistic example, so yes he did say it's realistic.
Bullets don't push targets around. They go through them. The transfer of energy is miniscule. What ArmA does now is realistic.
Posting a Max Payne video to demonstrate realism is a bit ridiculous.
Priority is way high on this, but this is true. Noticed this in vehicle showcase, as soon as you're in possible line of sight, they shoot at you. Doesn't matter how dense the cover is.
definitely should be done. nice write up
This would kick some massive ass
RCO seems to be one of those ACOG type combat scopes, which are almost always 3-4x, sometimes higher (though I've never seen one over 7x, and even those were variable and not fixed power). 12x for a combat optic is just ridiculous especially when these things are mounted on assault rifles.
Upvoted because that's a genuine issue, but I have to ask. What the crap are you doing playing a PC game with an xbox controller? Shame on you!
noticed this as well. extremely annoying. video demonstrates it perfectly.
I found this to be a serious pain in the ass in one of my custom missions. Low on ammo, drove into a bunch of guys, and he wasted all the rest of the ammo doing nothing. >_>
"I think Arma 3 is more of a fan of whole numbers."
Yeah it does look pretty off. Looks alright in really heavy overcast, but in light overcast, it's almost cartoony.
"...the game really loses it's sex appeal.."
Lol, man you sound like this one friend of mine...
I don't see how anything would be different. Mirroring only 1st person animations would be necessary. Some third if you want it to appear left handed to other people / in 3rd person. It would be a half-assy way of doing it, but there'd be nothing wrong with the way it appears.
Yeah. Not hard to do though fortunately. It would be nice if they took it a step further, made a button to switch hands for the sake of more effective leaning etc. As of right now rather than having bullets come out of the center of your screen, muzzle position does actually matter (though I believe that as well, could just be mirrored. negate some mathematical values or some shit) and of course, have a check box in game options for making left hand the default hand.
It is that easy. Just not seen as necessary by pretty much any game dev. It's also easy to have support for raw mouse input. Almost nobody does that either. Moot point.
Only way devs will bother with features, easy or not, is to see that people want them.
Animations can be mirrored as well. You can do it in the source engine with a simple console command. Any first person view, animations and all, are mirrored.
Ignoring that hand / weapon animations may be separate in arma 3, mirror both if that's the case.
You could just mirror it. Many guns these days are configurable to be ambidextrous. Or one could assume it's a left handed variant. Look at some of the left handed AR-15s on the market. They look and function, as if they are mirrored. Doing that in game wouldn't make it unrealistic, and it wouldn't take much work at all.
/upvoted even though I'm right handed.
May 9 2016
Would be too much hassle for too little gain to put this in imo. Perhaps modders will look into this.
It's not a bug if it wont boot on hardware too weak to boot it. It's not a bug either if it doesn't run on a windows 95 machine with directx 6.
I haven't had this while either joining multiplayer servers or hosting. Did you try verifying game files through steam?
Ah stupid me. I didn't think of doing a search first.
What the hell is with the priority on this? "I don't like the walking animation, drop everything and change it!"
go prone, then hit Ctrl + S. it's a more......prone version of prone.
No wonder I can't hit crap with this pistol.
When you have a weapon out it will show you in the top right "300m". That means it's zeroed to 300m so your point of aim will be the point of impact. If the target is closer, you have to aim low. Works exactly like it does irl.
Please BI.... don't fix this. I was in stitches after sending 8 guys into orbit with this bug...
BDC on any scope is an approximation, for one particular load. Ammunition of one type can have varying weights and velocities. Just look at the variation of 5.56x45. Even ACOGs are supposed to be zeroed (ignoring windage which is required on any type of sight)
I think this *might* have been intentional, since zeroing on vehicle weapons works (though zeroing is way off) and many weapon sights aren't easy to zero in the field. Not sure there. But if that's the case, that's dumb. Every combat optic I've ever seen had easy access turrets for field adjustments. Please fix.
Get killed in custom missions frequently because of the lack of this feature. Definitely should be put in
TVs suck as monitors mainly because of incomplete EDID info that varies from one unit to the other. However it always leads to the same set of problems, though success in fixing them isn't always guaranteed.
One fix that I've always had goo luck with; Make a custom resolution profile for 1920x1076 or something similar and use that instead of standard 1080p modes. Drivers treat that differently, and will resolve just about all TV related BS like this. It should solve framerate locks, overscan/underscan issues, and your interlacing (1080i) problems.
For AMD: Pull up vision control center, go to digital flat panels tab, and click "HDTV Support". Click "Add" and set it to "1920x1076"
I don't remember the process for the original CCC, or nvidia. However it should be easy to find it on Google.
I used the worst TV ever made as a monitor for 18 months. Keeping that thing working was a constant wrestling match and I've come to learn just about every hacky fix out there.
Rail attachments don't need special tools (grenade launchers in game appear to be rail mounted to me), and are done in the field all the time. Almost everything these days is on a QD mount. Modern weapon designs now even allow you to remove a barrel and BCG and do full caliber changes in the field with no tools, in less than 20 seconds. This is 2035 after all, I'm sure even more improvements will have been made to modularity.
I don't think penetration is complete yet. I was able to shoot the MXM 7.62 through fat tree limbs at >300 meters, as I should, but likewise, cant shoot through a damn wooden door. I'm sure they're working on it.
As for different ammunition types, I'd bet you anything that's already planned for later release.
Bump. This seriously needs fixing.
Everything could be mirrored. This is not difficult to do. Hell you could use a console command in Source games to do it with any first person model.
YES (bump)
^ Absolutely irrelevant. All that would do is wreck precision of the mouse movement...
Considering sensitivity is different with scopes, some of the work is already done. Shouldn't be that hard to add a slider to adjust that preexisting function. Really hope this makes it in.
I would add that, but I don't think you can edit.
Planetside 2 is a perfect example. They have sensitivity ranges for everything.
^ Also good ideas.
Maybe it's just random. Even with new missions I can't seem to get it to work correctly anymore. Perhaps when it did work for me, it was dumb luck.
What's really weird about this one, is earlier I had no trouble spawning in on it. Then when I opened my mission in the editor again and tried spawning (didn't move anything) this started happening, and for the life of me, I can't seem to get it to work again ever since.
Ugh.... Stop bumping this.
Can we just drop this please? All this arguing keeps this at the top, causing real issues to get buried. Bring this up towards the latter end of beta, and for now, let them focus on the crashes, bugs, and features that have an immediate effect on everyone.
This whole "women need to play female characters to enjoy the game" is crap. So is this argument about "equality". Guys have no problems playing female characters (mirrors edge for example)so it shouldn't effect your enjoyment.
Point is, is it really worth spending the resources modeling female characters and getting more voice actors for dialogue sets for the <1% of people who are female players? Let them focus on more important things, like playable content, and oh I don't know, bugs?
This can come alot later in the development phase, if ever. I agree with people here saying leave it to modders.
Makes no noticeable impact for me.
Ever since the beta update the problem has been much worse. I know there was a new folder and cfg file created, but this time around the FramesAhead settings aren't making any noticeable impact for me. Seems to be present, although minor, at 80+ frames. Substantially worse at 40ish
Thanks for the tip. I did see an marked improvement setting it to 0 though, but I'll see if I get better results at 1.
it seems to be really mixed for people. A2's lag was caused by its mouse dampening / acceleration / smoothing, which can all be disabled here, and in my case it is. These problems for me seem to be related to how much foliage is on the screen, regardless of framerate. 40 fps in the airfield, smooth as butter. But in woodland with 65fps, mouse lag out the ass. No AA either as I know that was a cause in A2 that made it worse with foliage.
This will reduce it somewhat: Go to the Arma 3 alpha folder in documents, and open arma3alpha.cfg set the GPU_MaxFramesAhead= and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead= both to 0 or 1. Same solution in Arma 2, same cause. Default for some reason is "1000" which is absurd
As in, moving the mouse or pressing a button, and there is a 200ms delay before you get a response in game. Makes aiming really difficult.
Same here, and in ground vehicles as well.
I like how there's arguments over which crosshair is more "realistic" as if we have these things etched into our eyeballs...
No crosshair would be preferable, but if there is one, id rather it not be Arma 2's cheathair that could be used to better effect than sights at range.
Is there any 3rd party custom firmware for these routers? Like dd-wrt? If so, will probably solve all issues with these.
Upvoted, but priority on this is set too high.
how about you fuck off, and grow up.
It's been assigned. Yes! making progress.
Seems to be a CPU bottle necking issue. When there's low AI / scripting hogging CPU my GPU gets up to 90% utilized, and I can push 50-70 FPS. Large missions like the coop ones, or the heli showcase, and I get 20 FPS with only 32% of my GPU in use.
5850 OCed 950/1275
Phenom IIx4 975 @4.16ghz
8gb DDR3
Win7 64
This isn't a bug, it's a feature. Right up there with the mortar space program.
They aren't 6.5 Grendel. It's some caseless round with a 6.5mm projectile. Could be anything.
I think the problem with the recoil is it's too slow. It's just not snappy enough. It's also too unpredictable. There's really no problem with the amount of muzzle rise the way it is.
There is a very well known issue about poor hardware utilization. It's being worked on.