Tested with the Hunter and the Ifrit.
The AI will use the vehicle-mounted GMG at targets within the minimum range, thus wasting ammo.
Tested with the Hunter and the Ifrit.
The AI will use the vehicle-mounted GMG at targets within the minimum range, thus wasting ammo.
-Get a vehicle with a Grenade Machine Gun operated by a AI Gunner
-Order the gunner to engage a target within ~3 meters of the vehicle
-Note how the AI fires at the target, causing no damage
The GMG will fire at the maximum RoF, thus wasting large amounts of ammo in a few seconds.
I found this to be a serious pain in the ass in one of my custom missions. Low on ammo, drove into a bunch of guys, and he wasted all the rest of the ammo doing nothing. >_>
Issue closed as obsolete. If you encounter this problem again, please create another ticket. Thank you.