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- Dec 17 2013, 1:44 AM (587 w, 3 d)
Dec 9 2016
May 10 2016
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So it's rendering the castle, but not the ground beneath it from that distance.
"To satisfy the lowest common denominator" The lowest denominator can go play CoD and leave us alone. If somebody finds THIS game too complicated, then they shouldn't have bought it, seriously, it's not that difficult to understand.
For me it actually spawns me as a new character EVERY time I log into a server. Doesn't matter if it's the same one or a different one, if there's a zombie or other player nearby or not, and it doesn't even matter that I just spawned somewhere and had no loot, I will still respawn. Sometimes without a flashlight/battery even.
Edit: Scratch that, just logged out in the middle of the wilderness and could join another server with the same character just fine.
Edit2: Scratch that again. Apparently only some servers are affected. On some servers, I get a new character, if I switch back to the old one, I get my old character back. One that seems to be affected is FR 3-102. If I join that one, I spawn on the coast EVERY time I rejoin it.
Edit3: Seems to me that some servers can't connect to the hive to update player position and items they have? I have been playing on DE 3-102 for a while now and I've had NO problems like this one since then.
Wtf? And probably duplicate.
Duplicate of many many issues. Use search before posting.
maybe he means #vote restart to restart the server
duplicate. Also, don't absuse the tags, wtf.
If you press climb down while crouching, your character will start running before climbing down.
Can confirm.
Did he ever vomit?
There's not enough loot in to really balance the game at the moment. It's all just placeholder for more stuff to come. Balancing will be done very, very late down the road once most things are finished.
You can refill the second one, just empty your hands and drag the empty one into your hands in the inventory screen.
@Mycaelis yeaaa, that's the rocks and their weird hitboxes, I would guess. The rocks have always been problematic, at least they don't break your legs and kill you anymore.
Duplicate of
Still not fixed.
The problem with the (un)shouldering bug was partly fixed, but the solution is very bad programming wise IMO. Instead of making running and the switching weapon part independent, they basically added a new "running and switching weapons" animation that starts playing if you hit a button on your hotbar while running. You can't cancel that animation, meaning you can't stop while switching weapons, there's no sound(!) for that animation, meaning you can actually run silently, and it's all in all just a very half-assed solution that doesn't work half of the time for some reason.
duplicate. Search before posting
I think pushing should be a melee attack. But not the way it is right now, of course.
Fun fact: This makes you able to hide inside walls and houses by simply walking against it. On your screen it just looks like your in front of the wall walking against it, but for others you are actually inside the house.
Related to/Duplicate of
Also related to 3396 I believe.
Another way to loose items is by emptying a magazine while no having space in your inventory, OR by emptying a magazine that is on the floor. It goes empty in both cases, but you won't get any rounds.
You need to have full blood before you regenerate health. Keep your character above 5000 energy and 2500 water to regenerate blood, once the blood level reaches 5k you will regen health.
That's probably the worst description of "serverhopping" I've seen on here so far.
Duplicate of the #vote kick, #vote admin and #vote restart issues I guess.
At the moment you only need 1 guy to vote for something and it happens. If ONE guy writes #vote restart the server instantly restarts.
Also emptying a mag rarely gives you the right ammount of ammo back, usually you get only 10-20 rounds, even when you empty full 40-60 round mags.
We need more info on that. What button are you using and what is that button bound to in the options? Does voice-chat work?
log out facing a wall, log back in and run forward as soon as you can (you might even still be in the loading screen). I've heard you can glitch through walls that way.
This is a bug tracker, not a forum. Post your question in the forums and don't clog up the tracker.
This is a bug tracker, not a suggestion forum. Go to the forums for suggestions.
No, it does NOT always work, Phillard.
Issue is not resolved and should be reopened.
Also, there is a TON of other animation that make you unable to run.
The syringes don't seem to work at all for me (at least with injection vials). If I put anti-viral in the syringe, the syringe basically gets completely useless, you can only "inspect" it but don't actually do anything with it. You can't even empty it anymore.
At the moment, aside from the mouse acceleration, the thing that REALLY bugs me is the broken jumping. It worked better in the mod than it does right now. It seems like every time I hit "V" it throws a dice and only if I get a 6 my character jumps. 2 other times he vaults even though he should jump since I'm running, and the other 3 times he doesn't do anything and just keeps running.
Soooo frustrating. IMO movement is one of the things that should get rewritten from scratch. It takes away so much from the game when it feels so clunky. Take an example from Counterstrike and compare that to Arma/DayZ. The difference is enormous.
Different people have different monitors, you can't level the playing field unless you put in the option to turn brightness and gamma up.
Although I kinda agree with you, since you should be able to set your brightness on your monitor anyways.
Reported a billion times now. Use search before posting!
Also, when you get the pistol back out he grabs it from his chest, no matter if you're wearing a holster or not.
Yea, I remember that from Arma II. Once a specific part of the gate is outside your cameras POV, it doesn't get rendered anymore.
Yea the book UI still sucks. A lot.
You either missed, server lagged, you lagged, he lagged, or the game just didn't register the hits right.
I actually think it might be the last one, I got killed by an axe guy aswell after pumping 5 mosin shots into him at point blank, which should kill you (he had no armor or anything). To me it just seems like the netcode is not registering hits properly sometimes. Especially true when your target is sprinting.
But no, melee weapons are not OP, if anything the blunt ones need to be buffed a bit to be any good. Getting close enough to hit somebody with your axe should be a death sentence to the one you're hitting.
Duplicate of 0002376 and probably some others.
In what game version? Please read the guide before posting an issue... (Top right corner)
I understand that it doesn't necessarily mean the same thing, but 600 seems to be too less.
There is no "vomit" status effect, if you eat/drink too much, you vomit once, get the "sick" status effect, and be done with it. After that you don't vomit again unless you eat/drink too much again, at least in my experience. Haven't tested other sources of vomitting.
The problem is just that if you vomit a few times in a row, you will become hungry, thirsty, AND full, making you unable to saturate your hunger and thirst.
Have a read here:
Explains it all very well.
Lindenkron, that's how guns work...
Bug trackers are not a place for suggestions. Use the forums for that.
There's a TON of this stuff. I'll attach a few more screenshots from floating loot I found in build 30.
"Humans have an almost 180° Field-of-View without the fish-eye-aspect of vision. So whats going on here?"
Please, try play a game with 180° view on your small screen. I can garantuee you it's not gonna work and look like shit.
Use search before posting issues. This has been said 100 times before.
Search before posting, there's a few threads about this already.
This is happening in 2 cases for me:
- The player is running against a wall. If somebody does that, he will actually be INSIDE the wall for other players as long as he keeps running into it, friends confirmed it on me aswell. It won't update his actual position until they stop running. Effective way of hiding actually, just run against a wall.
- Player running up some stairs. His X and Y coordinates seem to still update, but his height doesn't, making him run into the stairs and stay under ground for a few seconds. After a while they just pop back up.
Are you sure you are not just low on food/drinks?
Duplicate of 0000011
Duplicate of 0000078
"My stomach feels much more full THAN it DOES usually"
It seems to let me join "full" servers. If I do that, I get stuck in Wait for host.
Duplicate of 0000011
Confirmed. Works fine for ANY item I have, only the pistol seems to stop you.
Confirmed. Probably a feature, but I'm not sure.
Related to 580 maybe?
Yup, some items are not accessible, for example the can that floats above the TV in one of my screenshots. I was unable to get it via the action menu and vicinity.
Delivered some screenshots here since you closed the other thread already. Most of these are from build 30. This bug is NOT fixed.
Not fixed after 3 months.
No, nifrek. It is random. Sometimes it works with fists up, sometimes with fists down. It seems to depend on the stance sometimes, aka switching your stance will make it work or break jumping, but which stance works and which doesn't is random every time I play. Sometimes both don't work, sometimes pulling out a weapon makes it work, it's really weird.
Note that I'm standing in the screenshot, even though I'm actually unconscious. Probably another bug.
Same with vitamin pills. Placeholder animations?
sorry, the screenshot kinda sucks, but you can see that the axe is upside down. It's in the middle of a roll, the camera is still facing right side up.