Since the recent patch I'm getting some texture errors for grass and trees, was fine prior to the patch.
Since the recent patch I'm getting some texture errors for grass and trees, was fine prior to the patch.
It's pretty random to location, but I see it most of the time.
GPU: 760
CPU: i5 3570k
I have generally all settings on normal.
Edit* Added a video.
Edit2* Added a video for the night cycle.
Edit3* found the source.
Day -
Night -
Shadow option is the source -
While running towards Kamenka I ran on the side of the hill, while doing this the texture of the grass/trees disappeared periodically in around a 1/3 of the screen.
Just noticed this. Your videos are private so we can't see them.
/Or my issue is maybe different not sure. I'll upload a video in a minute.
Ah, sorry changed it to unlisted. My issue is different but that is also interesting, I've found out that it is actually something wrong with the shadow settings. When I put them on low, it's fine until I start zooming in then trees get the texture error, but if I put shadows to normal it's mostly how it is in my video.
I guess I will have to make another video since I sorta found the source.