Switching weapons/items while running works just fine, except for changing to the handgun.
If you do, the character just stop running, take the gun and then go back running.
Switching weapons/items while running works just fine, except for changing to the handgun.
If you do, the character just stop running, take the gun and then go back running.
Taking any item in hand, start running and take the pistol.
Don't know if it doesn't work with all handguns, I ve only found the FN X45.
Nope, latest patch version 113860 which SUPPOSEDLY fixes the stop on weapon switch only works about 50% of the time. It's server dependant. Tried on several servers with the latest patch.
Sorry, I was note 0009746 and figured I should create an account to be taken at face value. Confirmed same issue with .357 Revolver as well.