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- User Since
- Jul 16 2013, 9:45 PM (609 w, 1 d)
May 11 2016
I'm not a minor, but this is a fucking stupid idea.
^ exactly what Ingal said.
May 10 2016
+1, incredibly annoying bug.
Lol, that's interesting. Never heard of that happening before.
I really doubt any of that is permanent. It's most likely just a bug, or even some controls got switched around. I'd wait for some more exp. updates.
This had been talked about a while back, I believe the reason why this is not a current feature is for performance reasons alone.
Translation for those who are wondering: "Hello dear moderators. Played update 0.44. Really liked the game, was pleased with my purchase. When came Update 0.45, I started having problems with the entrance to the server. I pressed enter on the server, but there wrote that you were expelled from the game (BattlEye: Global Ban # ea453b). I really have never used cheats, I swear. Please help me, I again want to enjoy the game with my friends."
Will +1 this, hopefully a moderator will be able to address your case further.
You said it. It's an alpha. Expect no character return, nothing. You bought an alpha, you've read the disclaimer that appears every time the game starts. Expect bugs to occur - and don't rage when they do.
Hello ApMadog,
Could provide a screenshot of this please?
Picture of this?
Sure they weren't private hives?
Really? Well that makes no sense at all. Hope you get your money back eventually.
Take this up with Steam Support.
Have to disagree with this. I too have encountered this, I spawned on a hill and as I started to move, a pig ran in front of me with a zombie behind it. While not particularly useful to me or the pig, it was an awesome event, one which never really happened in DayZ previously. Plus, it just makes your survival harder. Which is kind of the point.
+1, weapon sway has gotten awful.
Nice picture. Lol
+1, couldn't agree more. Having the clothing item completely ruined as well as at most a couple of items per bullet is what needs to happen. Not everything in my shirt, vest, and pants from a single bullet.
A max stack for buckshot is 15 I believe. If you were trying to stack more than 15, you won't be able to.
This is a known issue. Zombies are very resilient to damage on their torso. Aim for the head. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Only by relogging. As Cosmical said, drinking/eating anything by pressing Drink from outside the inventory, it will create a duplicate of the item in the inventory. The duplicate is invisible and renders an inventory slot useless until relogging, where the duped item then appears.
+1, highly annoying bug.
If you drink/eat something by pressing F before taking it into your inventory, it dupes the item in your inventory, and it appears as an invisible item. Relogging fixes it.
That ammo box is meant for 5.56 rounds. So, if you put .45 APC in there, it's going to hold a lot more than 300, or if you put slugs in there, it'll hold a lot less. So, the way it works now is fine.
Bikes and ATV's are already planned. Devs have said that they will start them after the physics have been properly done.
Walkie talkies.
Regular for me. It seems I will hear the gunshot roughly 50% of the time, which leads me to believe that it's a directional problem. For ex, you could hear the gunshot if you were standing perpendicular to the weapon, but if standing in front of it you couldn't hear it. Something like that.
The last update addressed server connection/desync issues, not personal FPS.
Binoculars are already modeled and are just awaiting config and things like that.
If you have the experimental branch of DayZ downloaded, you cannot play on stable branch servers. To download stable branch, open steam, go to your games, right click DayZ, click properties, click the betas tab, and in the drop down box in the betas tab, select None - Opt out of all beta programs. Hope this helps.
That could be the server admin doing that. I haven't heard of any hacks like that existing in the standalone yet, but I know for a fact admins can broadcast globally and send global texts, a friend of mine does it when announcing server restarts.
This is caused by lag/desync, high-priority issues which are being addressed. A hotfix is being tested currently, and may be deployed to stable as early as tomorrow.
Being that DayZ is currently in pre-alpha, bugs will occur and you can't expect any kind of return of items. DayZ Mod was known for random deaths occurring in nature, on doors, etc. This is an issue the devs are well aware of, and there have already been major changes regarding these issues. So, bare with the devs as they continue to work on fixing things.
Yeah... provide some details at least regarding the issues you're experiencing and it can be trouble shooted.
I know it was, but I believe it was corrected or at least tweaked. And I know for a fact it does go away if you're healthy.
If your survivor is healthy, the blur will eventually dissipate as he/she heals. The videosettings thing is just a cheap way to cheat at the moment.
Fixes for broken loot spawns such as the wooden houses have been confirmed by Rocket, expect to see them in the next patch or following patches.
Doesn't matter. You should be able to take the cheap way out if you have the ability. That's true realism for you.
If you have a loaded gun or knife like Quazoosl said. Otherwise the ability to respawn will be abused for better spawn points like it was in the mod.
+1, very unrealistic damage spread. I was shot once in the torso with a vest on, and it ruined the vest, my shirt, my backpack, helmet and pants and nearly everything within.
The DayZ UI (specifically the damned action menu) needs serious reworking to begin with. The action menu is slow, it isn't user friendly, and it makes things more difficult than they need to be. Reworking these issues should be a top priority.
Same happens with the .357, very annoying.
Right now this is impossible; zombies themselves don't even stay spawned after death for more than 10 seconds. Also, I'm not sure if the engine and the zombie skeleton can even have "dynamic gore", but it would be really cool to see a zombie walking around with an arm missing, or to blow its head off with a Mosin.
Fixed next update: All ruined items cannot be used in any way
I BELIEVE that this is caused by stamina loss, I've noticed that color saturation returns if you stop running. It's annoying either way, it should only be caused by blood loss in my opinion.
I think the addition of Battleye into all of the servers may have a hand in this, hopefully it gets fixed soon. :/
Might be because of Battleye, but it is awful and nearly unplayable now.
Would like to see more destructible environment in general, this for sure.
Were you sick, thirsty, low on blood to begin with? Anything else? Maybe the building itself killed you, I've heard many reports of random deaths in interiors, and I've been teleported outside buildings from the second story and died.
Looks like a debug area.... Looks like you'll have to wait until you starve to daeth. :/
That's another problem all together, the Mosin is a bolt action with no clip. So the idea of it being "full" here is problematic to begin with. I don't know how they would handle this because clips have to be loaded with ammo and then loaded into the firearm manually, and manually loading a bullet every single time would get annoying.
Am I reading this correctly, or have I gone insane?
This happens because of an animation glitch. It seems if you have a weapon out and press F to use the ladder, your survivor will put the weapon away, but because the "Switch weaps while moving" is still a piece of shit, your survivor runs and can not stop while switching weaps, thus sending him/her off the roof.
I would recommend customizing your controls to be a bit more like ArmA 3, that allows for much easier usability, especially with things like sprinting/walking etc
This feedback tracker is for ALL feedback, not just bugs. If Rocket thinks a console version of DayZ is possible in the future, I don't see why a Mac version isn't possible either. Only time will tell.
Could you possibly upload a picture of this?
In my cases I've always been alone, and I've only ever gotten a sickness AFTER applying alcohol to my wounds from zombies. As my wounds get cleaner and cleaner the sickness then goes away. The sickness should be contracted (I would think) if you leave your wounds open without cleaning them or directly from the zombie, not after the cleaning of the wound.
Seen this happen many times as well.
Even after taking antibiotics and using alcohol to clean wounds with a full stomach and full hydration, blood still does not regenerate.
+1, I experience this problem with every survivor I have. Hope it's fixed soon.
This happens a lot to me, to fix it, open up the menu and click video settings. It will fix it.
This has been addressed in the latest patch which is rolling out in a few hours.
:) It's an annoying bug isn't it
I'd have to agree, I think a 3-4 meter fall should, at the most, break yours legs. Instant death is a little off. Falling in DayZ (and Arma) is pretty bad, but maybe in the future the team can make it a bit more real, real enough to fall on different places of your body.
@shimmler, True, but then you don't have to deal with players as much (if at all) as you would having spawned on the coast. And, the journey to the north west airfield is more than cut in half for you.
I know some people would rather this be left alone, but it is a bug and it needs to be fixed.
Wow it worked, thanks a bunch.
Agreed, there should be a menu for basic tips. Or even better, maybe there should be some readable books in game that will show you how to do things. Like medical books found in hospitals that show you how to go through the process of a blood transfusion, mechanics books for vehicles (when they are released) and etc.
Realistically it should pass with time, however if your survivor has contracted a disease of some kind or has food poisoning or something, you might need to find anti virals.
I believe the step/jump is determined by how tired your character is. If you've been running for a while they will step over and if they aren't completely winded they will jump. Just my observations so far.
Most melee weapons work if they are in the lowered position (some much more efficiently than others - another bug for another time) but if you raise that weapon it impacts to the side and becomes useless no matter how efficient it is.
According to the latest devblog (feb 24) this issue will be fixed. Thank goodness.
Zombie hit range is also ridiculous, they can get their hitting animation going and still hit me if I've moved a meter away.
Yeah ^ The whole system needs work at the moment. I think the zombies ability to hit you so quickly is a little off as well
@Esoterick, yeah I haven't had any luck with stabbing weapons at all.
Nice vid! Hopefully this will get fixed soon, it's really annoying.
I just got hit with an axe as well, and it worked, knocked me out with a single hit. But, bats and shovels are still having no effect for me.
As Crackpot said (lol) axe's work just fine, I've killed many zombies with them now. However, as McGuyver said, this ONLY works when the weapon is LOWERED. If it is raised in a ready position it seems to impact off to the right side, so that's still a bug.
I'd have to agree with that ^ Having weapons lowered by default is clunky and annoying.