Здравствуйте уважаемые модераторы. Играл в обновление 0.44. Игра очень понравилась , был доволен своей покупкой . Когда вышло обновление 0.45 , у меня начались проблемы с входом на сервер . Я нажимал войти на сервер , но там писало , что вас изгнали из игры ( BattlEye:Global Ban #ea453b ). Я правда никогда не использовал читы, клянусь . Пожалуйста помогите мне , я опять хочу наслаждаться игрой с моими друзьями .
- Legacy ID
- 247797553
- Severity
- None
- Resolution
- No Bug
- Reproducibility
- Have Not Tried
- Category
- Other
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
Translation for those who are wondering: "Hello dear moderators. Played update 0.44. Really liked the game, was pleased with my purchase. When came Update 0.45, I started having problems with the entrance to the server. I pressed enter on the server, but there wrote that you were expelled from the game (BattlEye: Global Ban # ea453b). I really have never used cheats, I swear. Please help me, I again want to enjoy the game with my friends."
Will +1 this, hopefully a moderator will be able to address your case further.
Comment Actions
Hi Jack348,
BattlEye bans need to be disputed with BattlEye. Please contact them directly by using the following email address:
Alternatively you can visit their website at: